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Thoughts on ESPN Radio 980


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Hello Everyone,

I am a devout listener to ESPN980 and just wanted to post some thoughts on the current quality of the local programming. I thought this forum would be the best channel for discussion as I know many of the station's staff visit the forums regularly. Therefore, I encourage all of you to chime in so we can let WTEM what we fans think.

The Sports Fix:

As a Redskins fan, I love Kevin Sheehan and what he brings to the show. He's like one of us, a hardcore fan who's knowledgeable and brings unwavering support with an optimistic view. His views can be wrong, but you can understand why he thinks what he thinks. He also has a booming voice for radio and does sharp interviews when he's on with national columnists. Sheehan does lack the humor and seems a little dry, but I enjoy him thoroughly and could listen to him for hours.

As for the other half of the duo, I can't say as much. Thom Loverro, writer for the Washington Examiner, sits with Sheehan and I am really starting to believe that he needs to be replaced. Loverro seems like a likeable guy if you ever met him in person, but if you're listen to him on a regular basis, it seems like he is just wasting my time.

One pet peeve of mine is how Loverro wants to make news so dramatic. For instance, Loverro claims that Saints' Bountygate will change the NFL landscape forever. He fails to even mention in detail how this will happen but somehow we're witnessing the NFL's transformation into arena football. Just yesterday, he proclaimed that the Duke upset last week was the biggest upset in NCAA tournament history. Everything is so in the moment and the "best" "worst" "most" and "least" ever. He wants to make everything so dramatic and is slowly ruining the show. What's worst is that even he doesn't really have conviction in his comments but just makes them to appear witty and clever. When people rag on him for his outlandish ideas, he becomes stubborn and digs in his roots and won't waver from it.

He even contradicts himself from show to show. (Please listen to his comments on Joe Paterno's death and what he says later on in the day with Czabe.) Thom Loverro, stop wasting my time trying to be so clever and smart when there really isn't anything there. Sometimes my friend, news is news and you don't have to artificially manufacture controversy and make everything so epic. Loverro does bring more some light-hearted humor that contrasts with Sheehan, but often times, comes off as the unfunny uncle with humor that is outdated and corny.

Loverro on The Sports Fix fails miserably in my opinion. However, when he's on with the Sports Reporters, it's actually very good. He fits in there so much better as a sidekick to Czabe and Pollen as the number 3 guy. Czabe keeps him in check and also sets him up very well. Say what you want about Czabe, but you cannot deny that the man's got good humor and the show's atmosphere is much more suitable for Loverro.

The Brian Mitchell Show

Is this a joke WTEM??? You're bringing back the little xxx diva who every Redskin fan hates with a passion? You replace a legendary coach who interviewed Tiger Woods, Pat Riley and Michael Jordan with this piece of crap retread? Can't you shoot for a little higher? Can we start developing better ex-Redskin personalities than this? Some ex-Redskins that could hold a mic - Randy Thomas, Fred Smoot, Joe Bugel and Jon Jansen... the list is endless, yet you settle for the Black Napolean. Please rethink your decision to let ****ell back on the airwaves.

The Sports Reporters

These guys put a smile on my face even thinking about them. They're hilarious to say the least. I listen to Czabe on the drive home and it always makes me feel like I just hung out with my friends for an hour. These guys make fun of anything and everything that comes their way. Thanks for letting them on for three hours a day. It's a great way to end my day.

Other Thoughts

Please post full episodes of your shows immediately. Why are you so late on this? Full episodes, not short interview clips that would otherwise already be included in a full episode.

Your commercials suck big time. Especially painful are any commercial that uses the term "clinical free-trial" or "debt consolidation".

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I listen to 980 all day on the web, and czabe and pollen are awesome. I can really do without loverro. I like the tony kornheiser show. I think the banter between the whole crew is funny. Hate his window ommercials tho.

Even tho not much of a fan of loverro, I do like sheehan. I just tolerate thom. But maybe that's what makes the others better...who knows

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Agree with pretty much all you said save for I wouldn't of been maybe as cutting on Mitch, but I get why folk are. As much as he's turned into an A1 D/B in his post playing career, ala Riggo; he's still a living legend when it comes to this franchise who I grew up marvelling at so I personally find it hard to be too scathing on him.

The sports reporters do my head in on whatever show their own. Czaban and Pollin are legends in their own little heads. But they do the job their there for I guess and that's to stir up controversy with their views. Sheehans the best of the bunch by a Country mile, even if I don't always agree; unlike most he tells it like he see's it the majority of the time without fear of upsetting anyone in the organization, There are occasions he comes across as being a paid homer, but more often than not he's straight up. Loverro doesn't even have a voice for radio. Let alone a face. Hell knows how he got the gig.

One personal favourite I miss and never understood why they canned him is Jake Jacoby from the postgame show on gameday's. Redskin legend that didn't pull any punches and gave a fantastic insight into things. And he just worked with Sheehan. I'd love to see him back in some fashion.


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Sheehan is my favorite -- not only is he a Redskins fan but aside from Chris Russell he is most interested in talking about them as a subject and he's entertaining. I didn't like Lovero initially but he grew on me. He admits he isn't a Redskins fan -- but he does take some friendly positions for example he is a Shanny fan for the most part. He can be entertaining.

Chris Russell does some occasional shows at 7 pm, he tackles the Redskins more than any person on 980, he definitely comes across as a fan, and often has a scoop. Good stuff.

I hate to say this but from a Redskins point of view, I am glad Mitchell is coming back and replacing John Thompson. Thompson by his own admission doesn't know much about football, and he by far was IMO the most ill-informed about the Redskins. Mitchell will at least talk Redskins and football especially with Doc Walker who I like. Listening to Mitchell lately some on 106.7 he isn't always negative, for example he loved the RG III deal.

Czaben is entertaining and loves football but he actually is tougher on Shanny than any local announcer I can think of. He's really the only big critic of the RG III deal I can think of -- and he has a long laundry list of complaints against Shanny. Andy plays the curmudgeon role and can be negative too on the Skins. And I don't mind negativity if its entertaining but Czaben can be so over the top and consistent about it that it gets boring for me.

Al Galdi is good on Saturday morning and is probably the next most informed about the Redskins aside from Russell and Sheehan.

Tony's show to me is the worst especially from the perspective of a Redskins fan, he admits he doesn't even watching the Redskins games and generally plays golf or does something else on Sunday. His show seems to be about whatever he wants to free associate about. If he wasn't in Washington, I doubt he'd talk about the redskins for even a minute.

My biggest beef with the station is that ironically even though its owned by the Redskins owner it doesn't cover the team nearly as much as 106.7. It's not even close. I'd say 106.7 devotes at least twice more air time to the Skins than 980 does. I like the 980 announcers better but if something goes down with the team, I know am much more likely to get coverage on 106.7. Heck even 106.7 archives allows you to go back and listen to specific Redskins talk on previous radio shows. 980 for the most part doesn't except for Sheehan's Redskins at 1.

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One personal favourite I miss and never understood why they canned him is Jake Jacoby from the postgame show on gameday's. Redskin legend that didn't pull any punches and gave a fantastic insight into things. And he just worked with Sheehan. I'd love to see him back in some fashion.

You're absolutely right. Jacoby was great and I wouldn't mind pairing him with Sheehan. They really need to develop more ex-Redskins. We have so many smart guys who would do well.

---------- Post added March-22nd-2012 at 08:12 AM ----------

Why did this thread get moved to the Tailgate? You know there is a thread at The Stadium criticizing Lavar and Chad but we can't have a thread analyzing ESPN980? Is there a double standard that's going on here? Can I get an explanation why this was moved? This thread discusses media coverage regarding the 'Skins and rightfully belongs in The Stadium. Seriously, the mods are too much over here.

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I listen allot of the day online starting at noon... Sheehan is the best in the business and I wish that show would go to 4pm - a replacement for Loverro would be very welcome - I agree with the above in that Loverro is a drama queen.... I cant stand that clown Kornheiser - he should stick to writing. I have respect for Coach Thompson, but I just cant stand his voice for more than 5 minutes. I am looking forward to Doc and B-Mitch. I guess I am in the minority about B-Mitch. Skins fans hate him for telling the truth, I guess.

I loved Sheehan the Monday after the RG3 announcement was made - you could tell he was as excited as any Skins fan. he was like a kid on Xmas morning - like we all were. Thats fun stuff.

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do not agree about Czabe and Pollin. They come off as crotchety old men wayy too often, and always poo-poo anything they dont agree with. Sometimes I want to call in to see if they actually do "like" anything.

I, however, respect their broadcast experience as well as their vast sports knowledge. I just dont relate to them too much.

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Kornheiser's show is the best on 980. Why isn't he mentioned

---------- Post added March-22nd-2012 at 09:14 AM ----------

I like almost all of the shows and hosts...except Thom Loverro. I can't stand that guy. Some days I can tolerate and some days he makes me try and tolerate 106.7.

A little off topic - I can't stand John Feinstein.

Junior "John Feinstein" is great. I heard he has his own show on SiriusXM now :ols:

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Agree with pretty much all you said save for I wouldn't of been maybe as cutting on Mitch, but I get why folk are. As much as he's turned into an A1 D/B in his post playing career, ala Riggo; he's still a living legend when it comes to this franchise who I grew up marvelling at so I personally find it hard to be too scathing on him.


**** that guy.

I don't forget.

The instant that prick turned his anger on the fans and insulted us on his way out t5he door should have been the day this city was closed to him.

Damn shame how forgiving people are of a guy who is the WORST turncoat this team has seen in fifty years.

Be angry with the team, fine. Be angry with Snyder, fine.

Insult the fans? Not fine. Insult them every time the rival for whom you CHOSe to play so you could stick it to th team, And by your own words, the fans who rooted for you, NOT fine. Then try to come back and be on the radio to talk to the fans you insulted? Not only not fine, but a damn insult in it's own right.

**** Brian Mitchell. I don't forget. Nor will I listen. Ever.

Put him on the radio up in Philly where he belongs.


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**** that guy.

I don't forget.

The instant that prick turned his anger on the fans and insulted us on his way out t5he door should have been the day this city was closed to him.

Damn shame how forgiving people are of a guy who is the WORST turncoat this team has seen in fifty years.

Be angry with the team, fine. Be angry with Snyder, fine.

Insult the fans? Not fine. Insult them every time the rival for whom you CHOSe to play so you could stick it to th team, And by your own words, the fans who rooted for you, NOT fine. Then try to come back and be on the radio to talk to the fans you insulted? Not only not fine, but a damn insult in it's own right.

**** Brian Mitchell. I don't forget. Nor will I listen. Ever.

Put him on the radio up in Philly where he belongs.


I forgot. What did Mitchell say about the fans when he left for Philly?

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On my busy days such as today I record Tony Kornheiser's show at home, and when my day ends at 12:15 I just get in the car and put on the Sports Fix now. That's a good show. Don't listen to Mitchell or the Sports Reporters anymore. Gaudi is okay

I insist Kornheiser's show is the best because he just rambles on about nonsense, or invites a roundtable to discuss DC sports. There are like 3 or 4 people on that show regularly, just chatting and casually talking about recent events (sports or non-sports). For instance, yesterday, Kornheiser just opens the show rambling about Jason Reid's column about firing Ernie Grunsfeld, and then Aldridge joins in. Great radio

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I forgot. What did Mitchell say about the fans when he left for Philly?

He said we were front runners who didn't know anything about football, told us we were spoiled brats, and more times than I care to recall, he said when he played us with Philly in pre-game local TV interviews (from here and there) that he wanted to return one against us so bad to rub it in OUR faces. Not Snyder's, not the Redskins, but the fans.

Basically, the poison he let fly for the team was not confined to the team.


---------- Post added March-22nd-2012 at 01:57 PM ----------

I knew this thread would turn into a Brian Mitchell hate thread.

Well, the radio station in the OP has hired a proud Philadelphia eagle to discuss the Redskins.

Should i kiss his toes?

I do like Loverro and Sheehan. Best duo on the air in DC


---------- Post added March-22nd-2012 at 01:58 PM ----------

Hey Bang. I heard that B-Mitch is teaming up with Danny Smith this coming season for the afternoon drive.

I know,, they're doing it just to get ME, you know. Snyder didn't like me making him a little tyrant in all those cartoons.


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Yeah I don't get the Loverro hate. I enjoy him.

To 980 in general? It's not 106.7. That's good enough for me.

Once you get used to Loverro's voice, he's terrific, and frankly, his voice, while high, is set off by his accents that give it a bit of a goofy charm that makes it part of what's good about the show.

He's VERY knowledgeable, and he's one of the most objective talking heads on the radio in DC.

Sheehan's a homer, but he's a knowledgeable homer, and he's not a whiny passive agressive homer like Awful Andy Polin, or a "complain about everything for the sake of complaining" homer like Czabe.

The fact Loverro's sports acumen allows him to override and even tease Sheehan about his homerific ideas is another reason to like them. Listening on Monday after a game.. you get a very frank and reasoned discussion on both the good and the bad of the game.

I make it a point to listen to their show.. the only one in town I do that for.


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Although Sheehan does have very good broadcast skills, his know-it-all attitude makes me sick. He constantly cuts off Loverro, and anyone else who's on the show. To me, he's Czabe Light! Czaban is the ultimate know-it-all, cutting people off, all about himself, dummy! However, the Sports Reporters show works because Czabe and Pollin are so opposite. I love listening to Pollin, and Czabe is the perfect foil for Andy.

In short, if it's not done or said Sheehan's or Czabe's way, it's never good enough. And for the love of Pete, can the Sports Fix ever discuss Georgetown basketball for more than 2 minutes? After all G'town IS the marquee program in Metro DC, not Maryland. Sheehan and most Maryland fans have a serious inferiority complex!

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My schedule:

Morning drive: Czabe on AM570 and slip over to the Junkies. The Junks have too many inside jokes for me overall but I like them. Don't like Mike and Mike at all, Czabe is one of my favorites (probably because I'm a fellow pessimistic DC sports fan)

After the morning shows I listen into Kornheiser but he's hit or miss for me. He hardly pays attention to sports anymore and hates everything DC sports and DC sports fans. I don't care about pop culture in the way that he does and his shtick of watching American Idol instead of important games irks me...but there's not much else on. Don't like 106.7 much because I find too many of their hosts to be extremely hostile to callers (ahem, Chad Dukes you piece of ****) Tony can be funny, and I like the other guys/gals on the show.

At 1:00 I'm tuned into the SVP show. I absolutely love Scott van Pelt and I think his chemistry with Ryen is FANTASTIC. Love the show, my favorite on sports talk radio by far.

At 4:00 I'm listening to The Sports Reporters. Again, I'm a fan of Czabe and I like Andy Polian (sp?) and Thom despite his voice. They also bring in some good people like Kevin Blackistone and Amber something or other who do a good job. Agreed with GACOLB and Bang, Thom's voice is annoying but I like what he has to say.

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