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Per KCStar: NAACP to challenge state voting laws before U.N. panel in Geneva


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WASHINGTON -- Taking a page from its past, the NAACP will go before a United Nations panel in Switzerland this week to argue that new voting laws approved by some U.S. states violate civil and human rights by suppressing the votes of minorities and others.

Benjamin Todd Jealous acknowledged that the Human Rights Council has no direct authority over American states, but he hopes that it can exert influence through public pressure.

Really? A state mandated ID fr voting needs to be appealed to the UN because it oppresses the rights of minorities? If by minorities you mean poor, then yes. The two "witnesses" are a convicted felon and a student who fears their right to vote will be restricted because they only have an out of state ID? I was in the military, all you have to do is use an absentee ballot and vote. Period. End of story.

Additionally, members of this esteemed panel consist of countries that don't allow women to vote, suppress voting by violence, do not believe in elections, and communist states. How are they going to even offer an opinion on US voting laws?

This is beyond ridiculous.

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The UN is simply being used as a measure to put pressure on the US fed. system to weigh in over the states. The ploy may be fruitless, but the issue itself merits conversation IMO.

I think personally that voting IDs are ridiculous and they do infringe upon the poor, of which a good portion are minorities. Voting fraud by misrepresentation of person is too miniscule to affect a national vote for president.

I also think the convicted felons' voting rights, or lack thereof, needs refinement as well. If you served your time and are deemed fit to return to society then your voting rights should be restored IMO. Unfortunately it's an easily exploitable political position and politicians are too chicken **** to stand up for it.

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The UN is simply being used as a measure to put pressure on the US fed. system to weigh in over the states. The ploy may be fruitless, but the issue itself merits conversation IMO.

I think personally that voting IDs are ridiculous and they do infringe upon the poor, of which a good portion are minorities. Voting fraud by misrepresentation of person is too miniscule to affect a national vote for president.

I also think the convicted felons' voting rights, or lack thereof, needs refinement as well. If you served your time and are deemed fit to return to society then your voting rights should be restored IMO. Unfortunately it's an easily exploitable political position and politicians are too chicken **** to stand up for it.

How do the poor come up short regards having a legitimate ID (driver's license or simple valid ID)? I also think the convicted felons could be reconsidered but it's a safe bet that demographic may also be the most apathetic voting block in all of society.

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also think the convicted felons' voting rights, or lack thereof, needs refinement as well. If you served your time and are deemed fit to return to society then your voting rights should be restored IMO. Unfortunately it's an easily exploitable political position and politicians are too chicken **** to stand up for it.

Felon voting laws vary state to state. Some allow you to vote if you finished your sentence and/or go off probation.

These new voting laws reek of the Segregationist voting laws of the early 20th Century. They are totally racially motivated and are designed to disenfranchise those who would vote against

those in power. They are an abomination to a modern society but I don't see how the UN can do anything about it.

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These new voting laws reek of the Segregationist voting laws of the early 20th Century. They are totally racially motivated and are designed to disenfranchise those who would vote against

those in power. They are an abomination to a modern society but I don't see how the UN can do anything about it.

Um...which voting laws are you referring to? Serious question, too, as I haven't been following any states changes in voting bills or things of that nature. I sounds as if you're referring to more than merely having a photo ID, though...

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Felon voting laws vary state to state. Some allow you to vote if you finished your sentence and/or go off probation.

These new voting laws reek of the Segregationist voting laws of the early 20th Century. They are totally racially motivated and are designed to disenfranchise those who would vote against

those in power. They are an abomination to a modern society but I don't see how the UN can do anything about it.

You're seriously comparing voting issues/laws of the 1910/1920s to what is going on inTexas presently? Can you provide some specific comparisons for us? Please educate me here.

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You're seriously comparing voting issues/laws of the 1910/1920s to what is going on inTexas presently? Can you provide some specific comparisons for us? Please educate me here.

A lot of states have passed or are considering Voter ID laws. These laws are specifically designed to greatly increase the difficulty for the elderly and the poor (mostly African American and Latino) from actually voting. We may take a drivers license for granted but a significant portion of these poor citizens don't have valid drivers licenses. The elderly usually let them expire when they do not drive any more and the poor simply don't have them or a state ID card. The Texas law, blocked on Monday by Pres. Obama, is a prime example of this. The goal of the ID laws are not to stop fraud but to disenfranchise a large block of the voting public.

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Im sorry but obtaining a simple ID card is not insurmountable in this case. What means should we use to verify valid voting eligibilty in your opinion? I'll hold on for your links to this and similar voting issues from The Jazz Age...

Oh really. I guess you haven't tried to renew your drivers license recently. Out here in Oregon a very liberal state we are forced to produce 5 of the following. These gargabe laws were foisted on us by the great Dept of Homeland Graft in 2007. Small useless laws enacted by small useless men.

1. Long form birth certificate (if available)

2. Social Security card

3. Recent bank statements of checking or savings

4. Original tax forms (good luck getting these)

5. Previous drivers license or ID card

6. Valid Passport with photo

7. Proof of employment within the last 12 months

8. Proof of residency in the state of Oregon. How do you prove this if you own a house

Give the state a copy of your Mortgage? C'mon People.

I get the Social Security card and the previous Drivers License but the others are a waste of time and money.

The struggle for African American voters trying to register in the South before the Civil Rights Movement is a well documented historical fact.

I shouldn't have to post links but if you must know Wikipedia it and be ready for an eye opening read.

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So your point is that it's hard to get an ID or DL due to Homeland laws. Ok, but how does that target a single group more than others? It doesn't in my mind. I understand past voting difficulties for minorities (I was never questioning that) but you still haven't equated those past sins to an equivalent/contemporary oppression. Also, the NAACP appealing to the UN is just laughable to me. That's just blatant grandstanding. And when has the UN been respected in the past 20 years? There are a # of other states that have already passed similar ID laws but yet Texas is the only one held up by the DOJ?

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IF states want to pass these laws they should agree on a state id and then provide one to every citizen for free, if democracy is so great and making sure fraud does not happen is so important then these should be reasonable.

Of course it may help to stop trying to get an advantage by redistristicting and does not help when people says black people are on the democratic plantation and keep voting for them to get their government handouts.

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Oh really. I guess you haven't tried to renew your drivers license recently. Out here in Oregon a very liberal state we are forced to produce 5 of the following. These gargabe laws were foisted on us by the great Dept of Homeland Graft in 2007. Small useless laws enacted by small useless men.

1. Long form birth certificate (if available)

2. Social Security card

3. Recent bank statements of checking or savings

4. Original tax forms (good luck getting these)

5. Previous drivers license or ID card

6. Valid Passport with photo

7. Proof of employment within the last 12 months

8. Proof of residency in the state of Oregon. How do you prove this if you own a house

Give the state a copy of your Mortgage? C'mon People.

I get the Social Security card and the previous Drivers License but the others are a waste of time and money.

The struggle for African American voters trying to register in the South before the Civil Rights Movement is a well documented historical fact.

I shouldn't have to post links but if you must know Wikipedia it and be ready for an eye opening read.

1) Most have this

2) Most have this

3) Most have this

4) You don't have the actual forms you filed last year?

5) Possible issue

6) Possible issue (I don't have a passport)

7) Possible issue

8) Seriously? You take a copy of any bill that you have mailed to your residence. Usually you use utilities, but cable, cell phone, exterminator, home phone, pay stub (if mailed), property tax forms.....

It really isn't that difficult to prove residence. Additionally, most states provide a state ID card FREE just for these reasons. Are you really going to argue it is soo tough to get an ID in Oregon, yet illegal immigrants are being issued drivers licenses?

And how does this even compare to the struggles of blacks in the south before the Civil Rights movement? No one is singling out a race here. It impacts the poor the greatest, and there are significantly more poor white folks in this country than black folks. Simple numbers back this up. As a percentage of population it will affect a larger percentage of the black community, but voting impact should be measured by the individual voters affected. These laws, especially in the south, will impact more poor white voters.

You have to prove who you are at the polls anyway, this just makes it easier. You know what I use in VA? I hand them my license and state my name and address.

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I want fair and open voting for every American as much as anyone on the planet, but I don't give two ****s what the U.N thinks about any U.S states voting laws.

And that is the way every other sovereign nation feels about the UN...including the tyrannical ones. The US has zero problem using the UN to force our national will upon other nations but at the slightest hint that the world might look at us through the UN sends most Americans into pure "&$#@ You" mode. Maybe we should consider what it feels like in the future.

*and please whoever reads this don't be a lazy thinker and assume that just because I said my statement here that I fully endorse the NAACP's move here.

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The UN is simply being used as a measure to put pressure on the US fed. system to weigh in over the states. The ploy may be fruitless, but the issue itself merits conversation IMO.

I think personally that voting IDs are ridiculous and they do infringe upon the poor, of which a good portion are minorities. Voting fraud by misrepresentation of person is too miniscule to affect a national vote for president.

I also think the convicted felons' voting rights, or lack thereof, needs refinement as well. If you served your time and are deemed fit to return to society then your voting rights should be restored IMO. Unfortunately it's an easily exploitable political position and politicians are too chicken **** to stand up for it.

Voting fraud does have the potential to affect other race's, such as a race for Senator. A prime example of voting fraud is the Norm Coleman-Al Franken race in 2008.

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The US has zero problem using the UN to force our national will upon other nations but at the slightest hint that the world might look at us through the UN sends most Americans into pure "&$#@ You" mode. Maybe we should consider what it feels like in the future.


you are talking about 2 different things here in the same sentence. i don't know anyone, maybe you do, that rallies around the UN helping us force our will. that might be our gov't, but not "most Americans" that you refer to in the 2nd part of your sentence.

most people i know would rather just abolish or get out of the UN

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you are talking about 2 different things here in the same sentence. i don't know anyone, maybe you do, that rallies around the UN helping us force our will. that might be our gov't, but not "most Americans" that you refer to in the 2nd part of your sentence.

most people i know would rather just abolish or get out of the UN

Really? So the US isn't using the UN to force our national will upon Iran, and we didn't use it for both Iraq wars? (not to mention our role in Serbia, and using the UN for political cover for not engaging in Rwanda and Darfur, and pushing other nations toward Western standards of human rights etc) Seriously, for as much as the Right hates the UN they love it when the UN serves to do the US's bidding.

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Maybe the UN should be pressuring the Moroccan govt to change Article 475 of their penal code which allowed an adult male to marry his 16 year old rape victim to escape prosecution. She killed herself by eating rat poison after the marriage. But yeah, our voter ID laws suppress human rights....

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Can someone post evidence of wide spread, in-person, indentity voter fraud?

Our Texas AG spent millions to uncover the epidemic, found nothing.

Please post links to the epidemic that we desperately need to solve.

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Can someone post evidence of wide spread, in-person, lack of ID?

you need it to purchase cigs, alcholol, cold medicine, video games, movies, rent or mortgage both require id.

you need it to get into the airport or government building or drive.

you need some form of it when stopped on the streets by a police officer

it costs 10$ for 5 years of use or 2$ a year

We seem to be saying the people that cannot afford 2$ a year and live in a family members house and has the family purchase everything for them as a shut in? or .0003% of the population is being oppressed as they might have to show ID when they go to the school down the street to vote once every 2 years or so.

Though if you go into any normal school now-a-days: you have to show ID to pick up a child or prove your there for a reason the other 364days a year (365 this year) Just not the one day this year to vote?

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