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Adam Schefter twitter: NFL Security investigating The Saints for having a "bounty program" on defense


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Redskins won't face sanctions for this.

Anyway, Titans were putting bounties on Manning too per LindaCohn so it seems like this was a widespread event. What Goodell has to do is put an end to this nonsense with force. Put his foot down and say no more. As much hate as the commishioner gets, we can all agree that bounties are the wrong way to play the game. They have no place in the NFL.

Thing is, he did with the Saints. They pretty much said "**** it, we're still going to do it"

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This is exactly the NFL and Goodell's hot button topic. The team was previously warned about the bounty system directly 2 years ago.

Spygate caused a 500k fine and loss of a 1st round pick. The punishment for this should (and probably will) dwarf that. Yeah Spygate was "cheating", but not dirty in my book. This is deliberate intent to injure another player, which crosses the dirty line in all levels of sports. We're talking multiple picks lost, suspensions for coaches/GMs, and heavy fines for both the team and coaches. I also think the Saints players involved will escape this mostly unscathed without additional punishment.

Edit: honestly I would not be surprised to see a punishment of 3 1st round picks and a $2M dollar fine. I just think the commish is going to give them the "death penalty" so to speak.

And I loved that Steve Smith vid that Fanboy posted. He gets cheap-shotted, does his TD celebration, then goes after Malcolm Jenkins - coincidentally NOT the guy who decked him :P

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I think Penalizing the team is stupid unless the owner did it. We've watched this fail in college sports. Punishing the team doesn't work to the benefit of the league and the fans. Just ask the Seahawks head coach or admire the Kentucky basketball program.

I would suspend Gregg Williams, Mickey Loomis, and Sean Payton each for two years. Players if applicable (i dont know who was involved). The saints, their fans, and the large number of innocent players under contract are harmed by a massive penalty against the team. You know who isn't? Gregg Williams. The Saints will have to find a new HC and GM but can move forward with people that weren't responsible.

If you destroy coaching careers over this is more likely to stop. They all knew and had the authority and responsibility to stop it and as such should find themselves on Goodell's altar.

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Thanks for the link, very interesting. Unless his ego is a LOT bigger than I thought, why would Brees turn down the biggest contract in NFL history?

That's exactly what it was...

I think the key is finding out how much he would actually expect to get. Tacking on a huge number to a contract seems to always be very misleading and usually fails to really indicate how much the player will realistically receive.

Exactly. While the final number may be huge in the first three years the deal he turned down would pay him 18 mil per season (same as Brady's most recent contract) but he wants something more like Peyton's last contract which paid him 23 mil per year in the first 3. The final number doesn't mean a damn thing. He could get hurt, there could be roster and team option bonuses down the line or some of it could be performance related. The only thing you can count on in an NFL contract is what's guaranteed in the first part of the deal. Misleading headline in that article. He turned it down because it's 5 mil per season below what Peyton got and what he's looking for in the part of the contract that matters.

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If the NFL dares to take our draft pick I'll riot

We tanked for that

We got blown out by Philly and the Dolphins for that, we tanked hard for that pick!

Relax. The Redskins aren't going to lose any picks, if anything is done at all. The NFL is investigating the Saints, not the Redskins.

Why would they punish Allen and Shanahan for things done by a coach (Williams) that they never worked with? And happened 6-8 years ago.

They won't.

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Very little surprises/shocks me wrt collegiate/professional sports anymore. Winning/money makes the line very fuzzy. Couple of my thoughts:

1) This, IMO, needs to be a severe punishment. GW should not be able to coach this year, and maybe even longer. Payton, being the boss, should be suspended as well, and it's hard not to argue for year. A loss of draft pick(s) for the team plus stiff fines for the team members that participated, assuming they are still in the NFL.

2) Why would the Redskins NOT be punished? If the Saints are guilty and being punished, wouldn't the Redskins be as well? Obviously not as severely as the Saints are going to get.

3) I think we can finally say the, "hate to see someone injured" comments most NFL players make are bunk. A DB would LOVE to have Brady out of the game, and one way to do that is for DL to lower the boom with the intent of hitting him so hard he's taken out of the game.


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I am 100% sure that this has already been discussed, but immediately upon hearing of this, I thought of that game against the Colts in '06, where Peyton was hit (awkwardly) 2-3 times, and one hit it looked liked he was damn near snapped in half on a high-low hit. I also think back to the '05 playoff game against the Seahawks, where Shaun Alexander got laid out, and numerous other games where we flat out looked like we were out to maim/impale/permanently disfigure opposing players. I will admit, I loved every second of it, I just never knew that there was a system in place that actively promoted it.

It's dissapointing, yes, but not surprising to me at all. I wonder if Gibbs knew anything about it. That's the real question. Maybe it's already been answered, I don't know....

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I am 100% sure that this has already been discussed, but immediately upon hearing of this, I thought of that game against the Colts in '06, where Peyton was hit (awkwardly) 2-3 times, and one hit it looked liked he was damn near snapped in half on a high-low hit. I also think back to the '05 playoff game against the Seahawks, where Shaun Alexander got laid out, and numerous other games where we flat out lloked like we out to maim/impale/permamently disfigure opposing players. I will admit, I loved every second of it, I just never knew that there was a system in place that actively promoted it.

It's dissapointing, yes, but not surprising to me at all. I wonder if Gibbs knew anything about it. That's the real question. Maybe it's already been answered, I don't know....

Gibbs says he had no idea.

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I guess the problem I'm having with this whole thing is....there are already systems in place to penalize any player for an illegal hit. The fines are enormous...If the hit is legal how can it be a "Bounty"? It's part of the game.

The only issue I see is the "cash under the table" which is not allowed by the league. This is what needs to be addressed.

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I guess the problem I'm having with this whole thing is....there are already systems in place to penalize any player for an illegal hit. The fines are enormous...If the hit is legal how can it be a "Bounty"? It's part of the game.

The only issue I see is the "cash under the table" which is not allowed by the league. This is what needs to be addressed.

Bounties for injuries should be punished heavily. OTOH, the league fines for clean and legal hits, which is ridiculous IMO. I forget if it was Landry or Taylor, but I think multiple defensive players have made statements to the effect of: "If I don't get a letter from the league during the week, I must not have been doing my job last weekend!"

I'm OK with the team pooling money to cover that. If it's among the players, the team/franchise isn't breaking any cap/money rules at all.

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I think the only case they have against us is Snyder. If they suspect at all that Snyder could have stopped this, or was aware of this at any point we are toast along with the Saints.

Danny Smith could also be in big trouble. (I'm sure you're all terrified)

Why do you say that? Do you think Smith knew about it? (sorry if its an obvious answer, I am not fully read up on the thread)

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Just heard Clayton on the radio. He's saying he doubts there would be any suspensions. He thinks the Saints will get hit with losses of draft picks + huge fines (at least a million). To me, this is the right way to go. They don't have a #1 pick this year. But take away next year's #1, plus several other picks + huge fines. That will get the point across.

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