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CNN - North Korea agrees to halt nuclear activities for food


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North Korea has agreed to halt nuclear tests, long-range missile launches and enrichment activities at its Yongbyon nuclear complex in exchange for food aid from the United States, the State Department said Wednesday.

The state-run North Korean news agency, KCNA, announced the agreement separately.

"Today's announcement represents a modest first step in the right direction. We, of course, will be watching closely and judging North Korea's new leaders by their actions," Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Wednesday before the House Appropriations Committee.

In return for the moratorium on nuclear activities at this key site, the United States has agreed to finalize a package of 240,000 metric tons of nutritional assistance to North Korea. There will be intensive monitoring to assure that the delivery is made to those in need and not diverted to the military or government elites, State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said in a statement.

read more at http://www.cnn.com/2012/02/29/world/asia/north-korea-nuclear-deal/index.html?hpt=hp_t3

This could be great news, or it could be yet another sale of the Brooklyn Bridge. Time will tell. But it certainly is worth it to find out. Maybe, just maybe, Kim Jong Un might not be as insane as his father.

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How many times did this scenario play out under Kim Jong Shorty? I'd have to check, but I think the North Korean MO has been for many years to stir the nuclear weapons pot then accept food or aid as appeasement.

Absolutely. Nevertheless, the risk is worth taking. Food is the one thing that we have a surplus of, and a denuked North Korea absolutely is a goal worth reaching for.

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Even if he's his father's son....you give them a shot to do this right.

What will it take to open up NK and get rid of a dictatorship? Promise their current leaders the equivalent of a corporate golden parachute?

Neither South Korea nor China are really too open to a political change and a massive massive refugee crisis. It will eventually have to happen but its difficult because when it does there will be a huge crisis as millions flow across the borders of South Korea and China.

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Well, I get the impression that their missiles likely don't go where they're supposed to. And may not explode when they get there.

The missle part was kind of a joke Larry, that's why I put it in. But in all seriousness, you wonder if the food will actually get to the people and not sit in some warehouse.

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The missle part was kind of a joke Larry, that's why I put it in. But in all seriousness, you wonder if the food will actually get to the people and npt sit in some warehouse.

Well, I absolutely guarantee you that the food will go to a warehouse, where they'll take it out of the "Free food courtesy of the US taxpayer" bags.


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I read an article in the last Time about him, the Japanese family chef said he was the only normal one among the three sons. He went to 6 years of school in the west, I believe, and he was a huge Bulls fan - Mike of course but he wore a Rodman jersey all the time. Supposedly he spent most of his free time playing hoops and not enough of it studying and they brought him back home. I cautiously hope his time among the free stuck with him and he's biding his time to set his people free. There just seemed to be too much normal in him, according to the chef who was very close to him in particular, to continue the way they are. Only time will tell.

The article mentions that the food is only "nutrients", i.e. bars, etc and not anything the leaders would want for themselves. Selling it in the numerous black markets that exist there, run by the leaders, is probably what will happen tho.

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I've heard that NK also has this habit, when they talk some sucker into providing them aid, of confiscating the ship/trucks/railroad cars that the aid came in.

Yeah, North Korea even did that to the Chinese (and they were pissed about it). :ols:

---------- Post added February-29th-2012 at 01:44 PM ----------

Problem is, will it actually go where it's supposed to go? (The food and their missles)

"There will be intensive monitoring to assure that the delivery is made to those in need and not diverted to the military or government elites, State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said in a statement."

At least we are going to try to make sure that happens.

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I read an article in the last Time about him, the Japanese family chef said he was the only normal one among the three sons. He went to 6 years of school in the west, I believe, and he was a huge Bulls fan - Mike of course but he wore a Rodman jersey all the time. Supposedly he spent most of his free time playing hoops and not enough of it studying and they brought him back home. I cautiously hope his time among the free stuck with him and he's biding his time to set his people free. There just seemed to be too much normal in him, according to the chef who was very close to him in particular, to continue the way they are. Only time will tell.

The article mentions that the food is only "nutrients", i.e. bars, etc and not anything the leaders would want for themselves. Selling it in the numerous black markets that exist there, run by the leaders, is probably what will happen tho.

Even if he wanted to, I'm not sure he actually has the power to set anyone free. He seems like nothing more than a figurehead to me.

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This reminds me of the parents who bribe their kids to be good with junk food. Their kids act up, so they say, "If you stop being bad and behave mommy will give you a cookie." Eventually the kid learns that if he wants a cookie, all he has to do is misbehave.

North Korea is a little kid and we are lousy parents.

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No REALLY!!!!! We MEAN it this time!

Fool me once.... fool me for the twentieth time.....

So what do you suggest we do?

---------- Post added February-29th-2012 at 02:47 PM ----------

This reminds me of the parents who bribe their kids to be good with junk food. Their kids act up, so they say, "If you stop being bad and behave mommy will give you a cookie." Eventually the kid learns that if he wants a cookie, all he has to do is misbehave.

North Korea is a little kid and we are lousy parents.

So what do you suggest we do?

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