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The last movie you saw......GO! (After you read the OP!!!!)


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.I also watched Europa Report on Netflix this weekend.  If you are into sci-fi/space thrillers, it's worth checking out.  Basically it's about a crew that gets sent on a mission to one of Jupiter's moons (Europa) after evidence is discovered that suggests there may be signs of life there.  Of course things go awry along the way, all of which is documented on cameras mounted throughout their ship.  It's not a typical found footage film though, as there isn't very much (if any) shaky cam involved. 




Reminds me of another direct to video/indie flick that I watched a few months back called The Europa Report, on Netflix instant streaming. Sort of a quasi found footage movie that focuses on a group of astronauts who are searching for life on Europa. And of course, everything goes terribly wrong. Definitely makes you wonder about what may truly be under all of that ice. The ending was very good as well (nice payoff) and kind of reminds you of those old school sci-fi thrillers from the 50's.


Honestly I thought it was very good for a DTV, where I typically have very low expectations, and am looking for any reason at all to stop watching in the first few minutes. It kept my attention though. Even has a favorable rating on IMDB


I liked it a lot. Definitely a breath of fresh air.

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The warrior Beowulf must fight and defeat the monster Grendel who is terrorizing towns, and later, Grendel's mother, who begins killing out of revenge.


Let me preface by saying that I have no idea how the original story goes, so speaking purely from the film standpoint, I liked it. I remember back when this came out, but I was so swamped with school and work at the time that it just passed me by. So here I am, 7 years later.


Definitely kept my attention. I liked the voice acting and the action scenes as well. 

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I saw a movie called "The Colony" this past weekend.  Must have been a straight to video release.  I though it was an excellent low-budget horror/sci-fi movie.  Basically, the earth enters a new ice age and the survivors have grouped together in "colonies".  They have to fight to survive against themselves and other humans.  It stars Laurance Fishburn and Bill Paxton.

I was pleasantly suprised by how good this movie was also!

Just finishing watching Children of Men (2006) on AMC. Dear Lord this is an amazing movie. I'm pretty burned out on dystopian/post apocalyptic movies but this one is incredible. I'd never seen it before. Never heard anything about it. It's a masterpiece and if I'd seen it before, I would have known a long time ago what a masterful director Cuaron can be.

I kind of fell asleep on this one...

White House Down with Tatum Channing was on cable for free so I watched it this past weekend.   About the worst action movie I have ever seen. It is a very bad ripoff of Die Hard. 

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I kind of fell asleep on this one...

Aw man, you should give it another shot one day. Just from a technical standpoint, the movie is marvelous. Cuaron really knows how to stage and shoot a scene. Really long shot scenes are awesome and the ones Cuaron does in that movie are just breathtaking. It's like the cinematic equivalent of Cuaron whipping his junk out and laying it down on the table and saying, "look what I'm working with Hollywood."

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Meh, it happens, lol.


So what did you think of the ending? I liked how they held a lot back until the very end. That's old school.

I thought it was a fitting ending for the style of movie they were going for.  I think they could have done a lot more with it though if they wanted to.  But you are right, it kept me wondering "what the hell is this thing under the ice"?


I liked the little swerve too with :ph34r:  making you think Rosa survived and was giving her personal account to the camera, then you realize she is making a video diary while still on the ship  :ph34r:

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I watched Gravity last night. Awesome movie. Like I always say, I appreciate people trying stuff thats new, regardless of how groundbreaking or non groundbreaking it is.


But I loved it. Great visuals, plenty of intense scenes. Poor Sandra lol. Talk about a bad day at the office.

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Cuaron man. He is a technical wizard.

I heard about the set constructions they came up with for the movie. Fiendishly clever. One of them was like a black cube attached to some sort of fork lift type machine that they could rotate and Sandra Bullock was suspended inside of it for zero gravity scenes.

I can't even imagine how hard that movie was to film.

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Eraserhead. what a classic. havent seen this movie in maybe 10 years before today. the baby still creeps me out. David Lynch is a genius. same guy that did mulholland drive. Lynch is the king of mind **** movies.

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Eraserhead. what a classic. havent seen this movie in maybe 10 years before today. the baby still creeps me out. David Lynch is a genius. same guy that did mulholland drive. Lynch is the king of mind **** movies.

Have you seen Blue Velvet?  If not, check it out.

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Watched "We're the Millers"..for free via Redbox code.


Not a bad film with quite a few funny moments. And may I say..Jennifer Aniston still has a nice body..but can she actually smile anymore? Seriously, just say no to botox and plastic surgery people. She's going to end up like Kim Novak. 

Yeah I caught one of those. Gloriously bad movie.


Another great bad Swayze film that no one ever talks about is "Next of Kin". 


It's got Swayze, Adam Baldwin, Liam Neeson, Helen Hunt, Bill Paxton, Ben Stiller, & Ted Levine in it.  Check it out if you ever see it on Netflix or something for free. It's a good (not great) little late 1980's revenge movie. 

Edited by The Evil Genius
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Cuaron man. He is a technical wizard.

I heard about the set constructions they came up with for the movie. Fiendishly clever. One of them was like a black cube attached to some sort of fork lift type machine that they could rotate and Sandra Bullock was suspended inside of it for zero gravity scenes.

I can't even imagine how hard that movie was to film.


Yeah. I typically hate stuff like that, but it's Space, and the cast is small, and they found a good enough pair of actors to pull it off, and everything looked realistic on top of it.


Just seeing that debris field, we all did the slow "Ohhh shiiiii." Crazy. Just lets you know how dangerous that stuff really is. Even the smallest piece of barely visible space junk can **** your day up. Best looking film I've ever seen.


Like I said before, I want to see more of this. I am just tired of seeing the same old **** hashed and rehashed, and rebooted. Normally, if I go to see a movie it's because someone else wants to go. I would go see something like Gravity by myself just for the experience. Don't be afraid to be bold and think big.

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Non-Stop. Good movie.


Great news. How many throat punches?

Another great bad Swayze film that no one ever talks about is "Next of Kin". 


It's got Swayze, Adam Baldwin, Liam Neeson, Helen Hunt, Bill Paxton, Ben Stiller, & Ted Levine in it.  Check it out if you ever see it on Netflix or something for free. It's a good (not great) little late 1980's revenge movie. 


That's quite the cast and I have never heard of it. I'm going to have to check it out now. 

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