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Its ok Defense you did ok


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According to Chris Russell on 980 postgame Landry told him they played conservative in the first half and were not playing with intensity.

It wasn't until the second half when they finally got the burr out of the rears. This team is a reflection of it's coaches. Hass is out of character playing conservative and the players know it.

They could have been better.

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Our defense is designed to stop the pass, and they did it effectively enough... You can't expect them to shut down the receiver every single time. The problem is the freaking run game. Not just this game, but we continue to not be effective in stopping the run. This has to be an issue of talent.

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Did they?

They kept the Eagles to 20 points it's true. But let's look at the Eagles stats. 192 yards on the ground, with McCoy racking up 126, and Vick 54. They have a banged up O-line, and we get to Vick twice. They improved second half, but some of the tackling first half was utterly woeful. And when they needed to make a stop, they couldn't.

Now the offense takes it's major share of the blame for leaving them on the field so long. But let's not make out they did a good job overall.


"leaving them on the field so long" i hate that saying, if the d is good they will hold them to a 3 and out, the reality is , our offense is pitiful,we have no qb we have smurfs for wide outs, who run horrible routes and make no effort to help out when the qb has to run, no running back worth talking about, and a beat up o line that isnt that good to start with..the d needs d backs that can cover, although hall does get quite a few junk ints. linebackers that can tackle and more linemen that can put pressure on the qb....untill we get better players we will be a .500 or worst team,,more than likely 6 and 10 this year, 7 and 9 if we get lucky..yall can beat me up all you want, but the truth hurts

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Here's how our defense did against the Eagles' season averages:

Average (Today)

PPG - 24.2 (20)

Total Yards - 441.7 (422)

Pass Yards - 271.7 (230)

Rush Yards - 170 (192)

Overall, not bad by the defense - and this is with the quarterback throwing 4 INTs...holding the Eagles to 20 points (with none in the second half) is pretty damn good if you ask me. This loss is 100% on the offense, and about 70% on one player.

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Wow people are really pointing fingers at the defense? They didnt stop the eagles when it mattered?....Really? They held the Eagles to 20 points. It's a game made of 60 minutes where the Defense was on the field most of the game due to 4 interceptions. And lets not forget the first eagles touchdown drive roughing the passer are you kidding me... I point fingers at everybody but not the defense.

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I can't beleive some of you, our D did more then just ok. What was it a little over 6 minutes of possession in the first half? Come on you know our defense did its job and then some. I credit all of the eagles good offense to our bad offense. If our offense could have sustained any type of drive the eagles stats wouldn't nearly be as great. Let's chalk this loss on our O. The bright side of this game is we KNOW we have a awesome defense and we get to see how Beck does next week.

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The D played very well, all things considered.

Hard to not notice McCoy's big day, but given the turnovers and how fast the Eagles got 17 points, the fact they only got 20 is remarkable.

They definitely gave the Redskins opportunities to win the game.


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The Zebras was Philly's best and most effective Offensive weapon. That's just being real! I record the games and watch them over and over.. The Eagles O was confused and being manhandled up until those horrible calls that gave them their momentum. People are wondering how did we hold them scoreless in the second half ? It's pretty simple really , The Refs stop calling that BS for them. Helping them sustain drives,keeping there momentum going.SMH When you guys replay this game you will see that the D was getting the best of these guys until they keep there drives going with Yellow flags

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Okay. So the offense takes it time and scores and closes it to 7. The "d is tired due to the offense making mistakes" excuse does not hold up. They meekly gave up on that last drive. It was a disgrace. People want to give them a pass, fine. But that's why we are losers. Just be aware of that.

Yeah, because when you're on the field for 2/3 of the game you should be expected to stop one of the best RBs in the game when there is two minutes to go. How dare they not play like they had fresh legs!

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If the Redskins cannot score more than 20 points a game, then they aren't gonna win many games. The defense is our strength, but you can't rely on them to hold high octane offenses like New England, Philly and Green Bay forever. We need to be able to score more points on offense. You'd be surprised how much better the defense can play with the lead....

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Okay. So the offense takes it time and scores and closes it to 7. The "d is tired due to the offense making mistakes" excuse does not hold up. They meekly gave up on that last drive. It was a disgrace. People want to give them a pass, fine. But that's why we are losers. Just be aware of that.

I'm sorry this isn't Madden where you can turn the fatigue option off.

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The D played very well, all things considered.

Hard to not notice McCoy's big day, but given the turnovers and how fast the Eagles got 17 points, the fact they only got 20 is remarkable.

They definitely gave the Redskins opportunities to win the game.


I remember when I clowned you when you said that McCoy kind of reminded you of Barry Sanders and I laughed you out. Well today the man was good. People want to blame the defense for allowing him to get that many yards :no: This man was in beast mode today,It was a couple of plays when any other RB would have lost a yard or two and he gained 4. He earned his yards today.

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I remember when I clowned you when you said that McCoy kind of reminded you of Barry Sanders and I laughed you out. Well today the man was good. People want to blame the defense for allowing him to get that many yards :no: This man was in beast mode today,It was a couple of plays when any other RB would have lost a yard or two and he gained 4. He earned his yards today.

At times he sure does remind me of Barry Sanders.. and you see what i mean.

He's making something out of nothing like nobody else in the league.

(Now, if he disappears in the playoffs and eventually quits on his team, it'll seal the comparison!.. Except Barry only gained 100 yards on us once..)

Today he had some nice lanes, but he also turned dead plays into positive yardage.

He's an outstanding natural running back. Ridiculously shifty. Almost like his hips are double jointed. And he finishes strong.

You've got a good eye for the game ML. Always a pleasure to read what you've got to say.


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Did they?

They kept the Eagles to 20 points it's true. But let's look at the Eagles stats. 192 yards on the ground, with McCoy racking up 126, and Vick 54. They have a banged up O-line, and we get to Vick twice. They improved second half, but some of the tackling first half was utterly woeful. And when they needed to make a stop, they couldn't.

Now the offense takes it's major share of the blame for leaving them on the field so long. But let's not make out they did a good job overall.


F Stats. McCoy is elite and they held the Eagles to 20 PTs with Grossman throwing 4 picks (should have been 6). If you would have known that they would have held them to 20 then you could almost guarantee a win. Now throw in 4 picks and we should have lost by 20. This is ALL on Grossman.

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F Stats. McCoy is elite and they held the Eagles to 20 PTs with Grossman throwing 4 picks (should have been 6). If you would have known that they would have held them to 20 then you could almost guarantee a win. Now throw in 4 picks and we should have lost by 20. This is ALL on Grossman.

Yeah,, have to agree. You should win the majority of times you hold a team to 20.

21 seems like Mt Everest for us.


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I thought we were supposed to have a Top 10 defense. Really didn't looked like it in the first half.

Sure we only gave up 20 points to an explosive offense like Philly. I would agree if we had taken a TD in quarter 1 and 3 and two others field goals here and there. But no. On the second possession, the eagles goes all the way for a td. Next possession? all the way for a td. Quickly putting us 14 points behind. Then offense goes one dimensional trying to score quickly to catch up. (Not that I'm giving an excuse for the offense).

Sure the guys did tighten up during the second half, and hopefully, otherwise we would have taken 40 or 50 points.

Sure it's offense job to keep its defense off the field, but it's also defense job to get out off the field quickly.

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Other than the first half, the defense had a very good game. 4 Interceptions will always kill you. The play of the game was after we picked Vince Young off at the 20 yard line and we gave the ball right back to Philly. We had an easy chance to get 7 there...It's ok though, we are still 3-2 on the season and have played all 3 division teams once and we are going to be in 2nd place no matter what at the end of today. Let's put this game behind us and beat the Panthers next week.

that play was absolutely heartbreaking... i knew it was over after that

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F Stats. McCoy is elite and they held the Eagles to 20 PTs with Grossman throwing 4 picks (should have been 6). If you would have known that they would have held them to 20 then you could almost guarantee a win. Now throw in 4 picks and we should have lost by 20. This is ALL on Grossman.

Totally agree this is ALL on Grossman.

I just won't go OTT in giving props to a D any more than I did in the post you responded to that lagged in a lot of facets at different times yesterday.


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Philly came in determined to win a crucial divisional game and schemed against our strengths. It is not so over the top to assume that the D can't just magically negate anything another team does, there's just no way to know what might have been with some support from the offense. In the aftermath of a loss like this it is easy to lose sight of the positives, but there were some, one the biggest IMO was the D staying in it to the end instead of rollin' over late like we have seen in the past.

Seeya Wrecks, you steered us through the first 1/4 of the season but now we're done.

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