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What a weird week: Redskins fans are "worried" - Eagles fans are "pessimistic"


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What a strange situation we have among the fans of both teams here this week! It's almost like both sets of fans are convinced that their team is going to lose.

I use the term "worried" for we Redskins fans because I don't think anyone of us thinks the season is over but this is exactly the kind of game we have not won since 2007 or so, and the memory of going 6-2 at the start of the 2008 season weighs heavily on us.

And the Eagles fans are "pessimistic" in that most of them (apparently) are already convinced their season is over and that Andy Reid is getting fired come December.

For what it's worth I'm worried myself. I see a lot of promise in this team but they're still flawed and and make mistakes. I think they can win this Sunday but they'll need to fight their guts out to do it.

One of my good friends at work is a big Cowboys fan and he's convinced that the Redskins will slaughter the Eagles. As for me I think if we win it will be a close game.

One thing is for sure, we can't both lose! One of these teams is walking away with a WIN on Sunday. :logo::point2sky:point2sky:logo:

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I think that as long as the team can stick to the game plan and make the necessary adjustments needed as the game goes along and at half time, things will be fine. On offense, Rex turns and hands the ball to Hightower, Helu, or Torrain. On Defense, put pressure on Vick.

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I actually think Eagles fans are more optimistic about this week than pessimistic. I just don't think most people really believe the Skins have turned the corner.

I was working with a customer a couple weeks ago, here in St. Louis, and I found out he was a big Rams fan. So, I said (without letting him know I was a Skins fan), "well, at least you've got a gimme win this week against Washington," just to see what he said. The guy looked a little happier and just nodded and said, "Yeah", like it was going to be an easy victory for them.

So, it isn't a shock to me that the Eagles fans thing we're going to lose.

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It's called Paper-Tiger Syndrome, and we all suffer from it. It comes from years of winning the offseason, only to be embarrassed during the regular season. So when we are feeling great about our team, they yank the rug out from under us when the season starts. So we are gun shy. We are feeling good about our team, so we are just waiting for them to pull the run out from under us.

Now Dr. Shanahan says it may take years to cure this syndrome, but he sees good progress and is optimistic about a full recovery. :)

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It's called Paper-Tiger Syndrome, and we all suffer from it. It comes from years of winning the offseason, only to be embarrassed during the regular season. So when we are feeling great about our team, they yank the rug out from under us when the season starts. So we are gun shy. We are feeling good about our team, so we are just waiting for them to pull the run out from under us.

Now Dr. Shanahan says it may take years to cure this syndrome, but he sees good progress and is optimistic about a full recovery. :)

I think this pretty much hits the nail on the head.

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I'm pretty worried for the mere fact that the Eagles are clawing for their lives. You know they are coming out with some desperation, which I feel is to their advantage but I guess it could cause them to become too anxious on the ball. They have a lot of talent there is no doubt about it. We should be able to get pass rush it's just a matter of corralling an evasive Michael Vick. Not sure how good the Eagles defense is, haven't really seen them play or checked the stats. Hopefully Rex doesn't make any mistakes and Torain/Hightower/Helu can find those holes. 4-1 would be a magnificent achievement.

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It's called Paper-Tiger Syndrome, and we all suffer from it. It comes from years of winning the offseason, only to be embarrassed during the regular season. So when we are feeling great about our team, they yank the rug out from under us when the season starts. So we are gun shy. We are feeling good about our team, so we are just waiting for them to pull the run out from under us.

Now Dr. Shanahan says it may take years to cure this syndrome, but he sees good progress and is optimistic about a full recovery. :)

Great post--perfectly sums up my feelings.

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I actually think Eagles fans are more optimistic about this week than pessimistic..

I don't know man, on that one trashy ass eagles website it is 60-40 pessimistic ...

---------- Post added October-14th-2011 at 01:30 PM ----------

we win only if we get consistenlty big returns from our Specials and a TD and at least one TD from our Def.

Our offense will only be good for 14-17 points and because of the offenses mistakes the D will only be able to hold the iggles to 21-24 points at a minimum.

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It's called Paper-Tiger Syndrome, and we all suffer from it. It comes from years of winning the offseason, only to be embarrassed during the regular season. So when we are feeling great about our team, they yank the rug out from under us when the season starts. So we are gun shy. We are feeling good about our team, so we are just waiting for them to pull the run out from under us.

Now Dr. Shanahan says it may take years to cure this syndrome, but he sees good progress and is optimistic about a full recovery. :)

I think this is just it. We are so used to our team failing when in a position like they are in now, where they can make a statement and prove to the league that they are legit, while also pushing a struggling division rival into further disarray. I have been stressing out or worrying about the game more this week than usual because of that.

The ironic thing is that this year, the Eagles are that Paper-Tiger team that "won the offseason" by acquiring a lot of big name talent, but their performance so far is disappointing. So nice to look at something like that from the outside for a change!

If the Redskins can pull it out and win, it will be very hard for me and many of us to keep things reeled in and keep a perspective, especially if the Giants and Cowboys lose, which is a very real possibility.

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Lets us not forget as recently as 2008 the team Started 6-2. Including early wins over the Cowboys & Eagles. The 2011 'Skins team hasn't even gotten that far into the season yet.So it is hard to think the team has gotten that good yet.

I've kept the same opinion. This team is on the right track, but that doesn't mean 2011 is going to be the year that will show it record-wise. We just have to keep things in perspective of the big picture.

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One thing is for sure, we can't both lose! One of these teams is walking away with a WIN on Sunday. :logo::point2sky:point2sky:logo:

Not necessarily.

Face it. Far as I'm concerned, both the Redskins and the Cowboys tried to lose that game. The Skins just tried harder.

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I am worried but not pessimistic. I say worried because I know the outcome of the game is on the Redskins and I'd say we have not yet had a consistent outcome when that is the case versus a team that has the tools to take advantage of the mistake. Pessimistic to me means when you believe that even if your team plays its best, you could still lose. That is, most years I knew (believed?) that we were the inferior team and if both teams played their best, we'd likely lose. This year, we bring our A game or even our B game and we will likely win and unless the Eagles bring their A game, they will almost certainly lose.

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Is 34-3 a blowout? Pretty sure we did that against the Lions in 2007?

But yeah, slim pickings.

In the NFL, you win if you win by 20 or more points, its a blowout. In fact, if you see any win by more than two 14, its probably a blowout and if you beat a division opponent by more than 10 that is also likely to be a blowout.

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we win only if we get consistenlty big returns from our Specials and a TD and at least one TD from our Def.

Our offense will only be good for 14-17 points and because of the offenses mistakes the D will only be able to hold the iggles to 21-24 points at a minimum.

You think the only chance we have at winning is by getting 14 points from our defense/special teams AND great field position all day long? I give our team a little more credit than that even though I picked the Eagles to win the game.

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