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Come on, Extremeskins members. You're better than this.


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I don't understand all the negativity either. Here's what I got out of it. Dallas was dreading this game. They were seriously worried and the fans were acting like this was the Super Bowl!!! Does that remind you of a team and fans we know? The point is, things have changed for the better. Teams hoped to God that they played the Skins, at home or at FedEx. Now, not so much. The Skins walked into that stadium ready to get nasty and held Dallas' offense to field goals. This game was close as hell and Dallas just plain lucked up.

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Good, post. If anyone watched the pre-game everyone picked the cowgirls. Its hilarious for everyone to knock this team. We have Sexy Rexy:) We are a re-building team. Plus everyone in the NFC east is 1-1

Actually the "Dream Team" in Philly is 1-2. I don't know if they're totally rebuilding, but Shanahan and Allen are building things the right way.

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I just got out of the shower after a six-hour flight from Dallas to San Antonio to Baltimore. Then I drove about two hours to get home. I'm tired, I'm hungry, I'm sick (cover your ****ing mouth if you're coughing or sneezing, people. I hate flying!), but at least I have that disgusting Cowboys stench off of me.

I was checking ES since the game, and I am really appalled at what I've seen. We lose a game, ONE game, that we were favored to lose, and now it's all over. Do we STILL have that attitude? Meh, I can understand that. However, the threads I've seen are absolutely pathetic. REAL losers' mentality:

Again bringing up tanking/trading the farm for Luck. Jesus, people, he's one player, and we are 2-1 in the conference, 1-1 in the division. There are so many other teams who would kill to be in our position, but you'd swear that we were 0-15 by how fatalistic these comments are.

Blaming a guy for being pissed off about losing the game. Yeah, so he does the EXACT opposite of what we've all hated in players: not giving a **** about the score or the team. It was a bad play call, it wasn't great coverage by Hall, and it was a great play by Bryant coupled with the umpteenth "WTF are you thinking, Hochuli?!" moment of the night. Yeah, he was upset because it hadn't been over for half an hour. Stick with a player or shut the hell up, people. I'd love to see what kind of BS you were spewing when he had his four-pick game against Chicago or when he won the Dallas game last year.

Fire everyone, again? Shanahan, Kyle, Haslett, the effing equipment manager? I mean, really?

Cut/replace everyone. It's just so insane to see that being called for. It's ONE game. ONE. This is not indicative of our year or where our team is headed, which brings me to my next point:

No, this is not "the same old Redskins." Half of the roster is new and the coaching staff and general manager haven't been here long enough to remember where their offices are. Saying "it's the some old Redskins" is just stupid.

I'm also seeing a ton of posts questioning people's fanhood. Apparently some people aren't upset enough or wearing enough Redskins gear or didn't shoot enough Cowboys fans in the face. Yes, I spent close to four figures that I don't have and probably got the flu to travel down to Dallas, and I was wearing my Taylor jersey loud and proud on the way back. Does that make me a better fan than the guy on this board sitting at home who had to go to bed early because of work today? Absolutely not. Listen up, people: Whipping out your **** for a fan measuring contest doesn't make you a bigger fan, it makes you an *******. There is NOBODY on this board who isn't a fan. Our team has sucked for the past twenty years, and these members are STILL HERE. To question to what degree these posters are as fans demonstrates the complete ignorance of he who is questioning.

It's okay to not kill yourself over this game. In fact, that's how it should be.

There's more and more, but I have things to take care of and a St. Louis game to start worrying about.

You're better than this, Extremeskins. At least I hope so.

Last night I would have bitten your head off and **** down your neck becaause I had lost my mind. I have been a Redskins fan for over 40 years and hate losing to the Cowturds. But you are right it is only one game. I am also tired of all the same things you talked about in your OP. These guys that post all this doom and gloom won't go away any time soon until we continue to win. Tanking the season or throwing all of our draft picks for the next two seasons on Andrew Luck for what? Because everyone in the media says he is the best thing since slice bread? They have said that about a lot of QB's. But they never said that about Romo sits to pee, Brady, Rothlessberger, Flacco, or Vick. They all said things like "Too skinny," "Unpolished," "Too Slow," and "not enough arm strength." The only one they had right was Peyton Manning. So please stop going overboard.

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There were a couple of things that were upseting me, first, we should have won this game ("we let'em off the hook"), which is different from being dominated and outplayed. Second thing, we lost to the pokes, that made it even worst.

If we lose to the Rams, I'd suggest you take a short board sabbatical NC man as this place will go beyond nuts.



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The thing that surpises me is that before the season there was a fair amount of realism around these parts - people understood it was a rebuilding/transitional year and that progress was to measured as much in terms of player and scheme development as wins and losses. No one was talking playoffs let alone competing for the Division. Predictions went as low as 4 wins (looking at you GHH) up to the giddy heights of maybe if all the stars lined up 9 or 10. So the consensus would have been 8-8 and progress from the younger players and draft picks would be a good year.

Then we win the first two games and talk starts of being 4-0 at the bye and competing for the Division and suddenly the sjy is falling after a single loss away to Dallas. It was a game we should have won - I think we lost it more than Dallas won it and that hurts - but its one game. Lets get some perspective back and remember where we are as a team and look at the development we have already seen in our defensive front 7, offensive line running backs and wide receivers.

There is a lot more to be positive about this year and to look forwards this year than the opposite. What that means in wins and losses I dont know but I feel we are heading the right direction.

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Great post by the OP. I was hoping for 4-0 into the bye but 3-1 has always been my more realistic prediction.

But I still want Hightower to have some time on the bench, maybe for a few snaps. I need my dose of the All Torain Vehicle.

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Good post NewCliche. Speaking as someone who avoids ES like the plague after any loss, I would say that actually ES is not that bad after this loss. I think it is because people are really optimistic, in general, with the direction of the Redskins. Did we lose? Yes. And should we have won? Yes, but even teams who are perennial winners, still lose games that they should have. I like the direction of the team, and I think most on ES would agree with that.

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I look at it this way. In 1979 at the tender age of 10 I witnessed my first and still to this day...the most heartbreaking loss in my Redskin fandom: December 16, 1979 Cowboys 35- Redskins 34

"The Lord giveth and He can take it away in a hurry; that's the only way to understand what took place here," - Coach Jack Pardee

Though it still stings and fueled my hatred for the Cowboys...I survived. This Monday night game stings, but we will survive and move on. It wasn't as bad as some of them in the past This division is up for grabs. Lets take it.

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I'm really happy to see that there are quite a few members with a sense of reality and perspective. That's pretty refreshing!

However, don't say that "this is how it always is after a loss" or things along that line. The fact that this board goes to **** every time we have fewer points than the other team (or don't get them in the exact way that we should have or in less than triple digits) is not a justification for the board going to **** every time that we lose in the future. We are responsible for our own behavior, and history neither dictates nor excuses whether or not you act like an ******* because the game didn't turn out the way that you wanted.

One of the things that I love about this board, even with as many members as there are seats at some stadiums, is the ability to self-govern without having to resort to PMing a guy whose avatar looks like Gibbs/Zorn/Shanahan. We are Redskins fans, and that means that we are able to, and this is the clinical term coming from a guy with a master's degree and license in the mental health field, keep our **** together. Our boys will learn from this game, and if we want to be "we" with this team, then we have to learn from it, too.

The Cowboys are the ones who ***** and moan about snap counts and other bull**** even after winning. Don't be a Cowboy.

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Not trying to defend in any way, anyone who blows a gasket and wants to fire everyone; in a way the passion that some have for their football team is stronger than their marriage, proven fact.

But I'd rather see someone get on ES and vent his/her frustration than to take it out on another person physically, and in case you were living in a cave, it happens all the time.

There are some things one has to take with a grain of salt, and if someone feels better after a loss by blowing their top and calling for anyone/everyone to be canned, let it be; just like a cloudy day, it will blow over and that good ol' sunshine will break through.

I would bet that 98% of the ones blowing a gasket on monday night/tuesday morning are calm now and waiting for the Rams game to come; its nature, but at times un-natural...

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This is how a Skins fan is supposed to be thinking after ONE loss. Good post. Good points. Way to get people to think about what they type...Hopefully most of it was knee-jerk, emotion filled ramblings...but I'm not so sure...after being a member here for 5 years nothing surprises me anymore..:)

*That Clint Longley game was enough to toughen up my innards..lol heartbreaker! ugh! I can still see that pass down the sidelines!*

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don't pretend like you didn't expect this. hell we can win and you'll see these same threads here.

honestly though the more i check other teams message boards, the more i realize it's the just the way the internet works.

I agree, this is the so called 'benefit' of social media. Personally, I am addicted to it, but also hate it at the same time. I was told a long time ago:

Opinions are like ***holes, everyone has one and every one else's stinks

Some of the blather on this, and other boards, is just (IMHO) BS.

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Such a stupid post.

Emotions are always high after a close loss - especially to the a-holes in Dallas.

This team continues to disappoint their fan base who have been waiting for 18 years for a return to excellence. Fans get upset when they do stupid things and lose to hated rivals.

Your title could also apply to the team... they are better than this.

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Not trying to defend in any way, anyone who blows a gasket and wants to fire everyone; in a way the passion that some have for their football team is stronger than their marriage, proven fact.

But I'd rather see someone get on ES and vent his/her frustration than to take it out on another person physically, and in case you were living in a cave, it happens all the time.

There are some things one has to take with a grain of salt, and if someone feels better after a loss by blowing their top and calling for anyone/everyone to be canned, let it be; just like a cloudy day, it will blow over and that good ol' sunshine will break through.

I would bet that 98% of the ones blowing a gasket on monday night/tuesday morning are calm now and waiting for the Rams game to come; its nature, but at times un-natural...

Thanks, but I don't think that I in any way advocated for violence over blowing off steam on a website. And, again, I hold our fans to a higher standard.

Such a stupid post.

Emotions are always high after a close loss - especially to the a-holes in Dallas.

This team continues to disappoint their fan base who have been waiting for 18 years for a return to excellence. Fans get upset when they do stupid things and lose to hated rivals.

Your title could also apply to the team... they are better than this.

Thanks for your contribution. You did an excellent job of portraying exactly the inspiration for this post.

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Thanks, but I don't think that I in any way advocated for violence over blowing off steam on a website. And, again, I hold our fans to a higher standard.

I wasn't implying that you were in favor of anything like this; I know you better than that [ i hope..lol ] , but I was just bringing up the point about how some can get overly ticked off, and how blowing off steam in a forum discussion is far better than the other route. BTW; the study was actually done on fans of the Cowboys, so that in itself could explain alot of the anger...

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Such a stupid post.

Emotions are always high after a close loss - especially to the a-holes in Dallas.

This team continues to disappoint their fan base who have been waiting for 18 years for a return to excellence. Fans get upset when they do stupid things and lose to hated rivals.

Your title could also apply to the team... they are better than this.

The OP is not stupid. Furthermore, its not about the feelings you have about the team and its failures. You can feel however you want about that, and express it. Its about how you express those feelings on this message board.

You obviously didn't get it.

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ES has changed NC21. Not the same board we were accustomed to.

Too many new posters thinking this is like every other message board. The board has grown to much that good football discussion is gone. No more rational fans.

GHH and I don't agree on much, but he approaches his discussion the way it should be discussed.

This is why I have moved to twitter. A lot of the same posters here, but much better conversations.

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