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(8PM)Tonight's Politico/MSNBC Republican Debate at Reagan Library


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I would typically argue with you about calling a GOPer stupid as a debate tactic.

Howver. I agree with you.

Ive been talking with my old college advisor all night (a current conservative columnist and prof at a major U) and in his words- Rick Perry is a blithering blathering idiot.

Perry V Obama would be the worst moment in US history.

As a traditional republican who is more of a democrat these days, there were three candidates up there tonight who could win my vote. Gingrich romney and huntsman.

How far gone is the republican party when two mormons and Newt Gingrich are the reasonable ones?v lol.

Srsly though, I really enjoy listening to Gingrich, always have.

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Rick Perry is a certified moron. No really. He's straight stupid. The fact this moron could win an election says a lot about Texas. Probably directly related to that state's education statistics. The more Perry talks the more his numbers will plummet.

Rick Santorum just looks lost.

Cain is going to be the Vp nominee. If the republicans are smart. So he probably won't be.

Michelle Bachmann offers absolutely nothing. Zilch. She is a chatty Cathy doll who only knows how to say "obamacare" over and over.

Mitt romney did well. He is the most presidential. I think this nomination is his to lose.

Huntsman is the smartest of the bunch and by far the most qualified. Not sure if he can win the nomination.

Newt Gingrich should not be underestimated. He ran away with this debate tonight. He will probably win every debate he participates in. If he can get organized he could make this interesting.

Agreed with everything you said. I've been a Romney guy since '08. I'd love a Romney/Cain ticket.

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I'm not a big fan of the flat tax, though I do think the US tax system needs a MASSIVE over haul, but as a whole, I think Huntsman is the person I'd be most likely to vote for. I love his stand on pledges and also think he has a point about the fortress mentality in the US.

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I want 10 Cent a gallon gas!

I can offer penny gas. Gold plated pennies worth four dollars.

Really though, nevermind that Ron Paul is wrong about everything.... Who looks at him and says "yah he could lead the free world!". I think it speaks to the extreme naievity of his supporters. Which dovetails nicely with the propensity to buy libertarian ideals

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Gingrich is one really sharp guy, but he doesn't stand a chance. His campaign is a mess, he has tons of baggage, and he comes off as a prick (which doesn't bother me, but it will bother a lot of other folks).

Huntsman is also very bright, has a spectacular record in both the private and public sectors, and isn't a ***** to party politics. But he doesn't walk and talk like a President. I like him a lot and would consider voting for him ... which likely means he doesn't have a chance of getting the nomination.

Bachmann, Santorum, and Cain don't have a snowball's chance in hell.

Romney is a sharp guy, but is a spineless turd.

Romney got exposure tonight .... and got exposed as a somewhat dim fellow.

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I can offer penny gas. Gold plated pennies worth four dollars.

Really though, nevermind that Ron Paul is wrong about everything.... Who looks at him and says "yah he could lead the free world!". I think it speaks to the extreme naievity of his supporters. Which dovetails nicely with the propensity to buy libertarian ideals

38! He lasted 38 posts before he couldn't hold it in anymore! Everyone who took the under on 47 1/2, come get your winnings!

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As a traditional republican who is more of a democrat these days, there were three candidates up there tonight who could win my vote. Gingrich romney and huntsman.

How far gone is the republican party when two mormons and Newt Gingrich are the reasonable ones?v lol.

Srsly though, I really enjoy listening to Gingrich, always have.

I agree with this post!

Romney is much more impressive to me right now than he was in 2008 (when I wanted Rudy).

Huntsman came across much better tonight than the last time I saw him. Impressive guy.

Newt is excellent in this setting, but he's a little fast and loose with some of his big numbers. I don't know for a fact, but I suspect his energy diatribe tonight isn't fully supported by facts.

Perry doesn't seem to be his own best advocate. He's unpolished in this setting. Over a long campaign, I think he'll be diminished. His depth on a number of issues wasn't impressive.

Bachman is prone to genuine misstatements. (e.g., raise taxes 3 cents, cut taxes 1 cent, she meant to say spending) Not overly impressive to me.

Cain is a valuable participant, but doesn't stand a chance.

Paul can't stay on point. Another valuable guy to a debate, but much like Kucinich, not a viable candidate for me.

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