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WP: Rick Perry’s made-up ‘facts’ about climate change


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SA...man is accountable for what he does(unless you are a liberal,then it's debatable)

He is also responsible for what he controls(unless you are a liberal,then it's debatable)

Except when the subject is "could the fact that we're dumping half a billion tons of chemicals into the atmosphere, every year, while simultaneously removing nature's means of dealing with these chemicals, possibly have any impact whatsoever?"

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:ols: true enough

But it is a odd thing to worry over Perry inserting creationism into schools since he believes in local control of education.

In fact if he reduces govt control,he by default removes religions influence in everyones lfe except from the populist vote.

it is not him ya need to fear,but rather your neighbors :evilg:

I WANT the federal government to control things, that's why we have a Constitution, and I assume that people that don't support secession also do ;)

In addition, I do NOT WANT people running governments saying they aren't obeying the Constitution (as interperted by the Supreme Court), and again, I would guess most Americans that don't support secession fell the same way ;) .

I also like when people that are running something (and the state government of TX does have significant say over what is taught, including controlling textbook content) know what they are talking about when discussing what they are supposed to be running, especially when they essentially volunteer the information.

Lastly, my experience is that ignorance from far away can affect me. Just look at Al Qeada and the Taliban in Afghanistan (though I don't mind if people say they believe in creationism as long as they are also honest and admit it has nothing to do w/ science because creationism isn't science.).

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I'm a mutant mistertim...it gives me unfair advantages....along with a few other quirks :ols:

be afraid


Aliens may destroy humanity to protect other civilisations, say scientists

Rising greenhouse emissions may tip off aliens that we are a rapidly expanding threat, warns a report for Nasa

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What a GOP politician who gets most of his money from companies that are in business to burn fossil fuels thinks that global warming is fake?! No WAY!!! :yikes:


Does anyone else ever wonder what the hell happened to the Republican Party? Are there any moderates left? Anyone who actually read a book or studied any topic other than free market screeds?

There must be some mass grave somewhere containing all the rational members of the party and it's a dammed shame. Conservatism is an important element in American history and governance, but it's current form has become bizarre. It's members apparently have to swear a blood oath that they will never ever allow any evidence or experience sway them from their talking points.

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(though I don't mind if people say they believe in creationism as long as they are also honest and admit it has nothing to do w/ science because creationism isn't science.).

I agree with this. I don't even mind teaching creationism as background about cultures, but not as science. On this topic, I definitely sympathize with the left.

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Peter, do you have any thoughts on the peer reviewed warnings on our excesses pissing off the aliens?

Should I start digging a shelter now?

1. It wasn't peer reviewed.

2. It appears to me it was just some people having fun.


They've actually published something that is much more scholarly than what is on the NASA page that did go through peer review. The part about CO2 is one sentence is 15 pg. paper that examines multiple positive, neutral, and negative scenarios of interactions with aliens and isn't mentioned in the abstract at all.


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So I should dig slowly?

Co2 don't scare me, but aliens are another matter

---------- Post added August-18th-2011 at 11:23 PM ----------

I agree with this. I don't even mind teaching creationism as background about cultures, but not as science. On this topic, I definitely sympathize with the left.

after looking at the tape I would bet he did it just to piss off the mother ,then added the kicker of that way you can decide to the kid....or maybe i'm projecting my snark

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Actually, based on that definition, I'd say that his comment boiled down to "I don't know what caused it, but I'm absolutely certain that no person is responsible".


Which, I guess, is the same as his position on climate change: "It can't possibly be anybody's fault".

I'm pretty sure it will be somebody's fault. But I'm also pretty sure that "somebody" will be a liberal or an environmental activist rather than a company making profits from energy production.
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I'm pretty sure it will be somebody's fault. But I'm also pretty sure that "somebody" will be a liberal or an environmental activist rather than a company making profits from energy production.

Oh, now you've got me thinking of all kinds of possible ideas they could recycle.

Maybe it will turn out to be the government's fault, for not completely allowing the oil companies to do whatever they want.

Or they could argue that it happened because the government, back in the 50s, forced the oil companies to dell gasoline to minorities, therefore putting implied pressure on the oil companies to make bad drilling decisions, spending millions of dollars drilling wherever McDonald's employees told them to drill, and then bundle all of their oil together into securities, so day traders could inflate their prices hundreds of times a day.

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America is broke and unemployment climbing and evolution and AGW theories are priorities to the left?

I wonder where those are on these peoples list?


Thousands of unemployed waited overnight, camping out in their business suits and office heels and braving the tormenting heat in Atlanta to stand in line for a job fair Thursday. Authorities treated 20 people for heat exhaustion as they struggled to keep the line moving and get people moved inside.

The incredible turnout at the job fair comes on the heels of the state labor commissioner's announcement that Georgia's jobless rate rose.

The state unemployment rate increased to 10.1 percent in July from the 9.9 percent in June. The unemployment rate for African-Americans stands at 15.9 percent, far above the national rate of 9.1 percent.

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The anti-intellectualism of the current crop of GOP is the primary reason I won't be voting for them.

Whut do yew noe jus' cawse yew gots yer fancy de-grees and whutnot? U must be wonna them thar eastern aruggular eatin' libruhl elites. Now enuf wit dis foolishness. I gots important stuff to do, like prayin' fer rain fer my crops.

It has to make you wonder if some of this sheer and blatant stupidity is a part of their motive to pander to certain groups of people (specific social classes, the less educated groups, etc). I say this especially regarding the tea party. The level of idiocy is becoming disturbing, and it really makes me question the intelligence, character, and overall psychological functioning of their (especially) hard core followers.

Looks like they are who we thought they were.

Does anyone else ever wonder what the hell happened to the Republican Party? Are there any moderates left? Anyone who actually read a book or studied any topic other than free market screeds?

There must be some mass grave somewhere containing all the rational members of the party and it's a dammed shame. Conservatism is an important element in American history and governance, but it's current form has become bizarre. It's members apparently have to swear a blood oath that they will never ever allow any evidence or experience sway them from their talking points.

Nah, no mass graves....I hope. :paranoid: We've moved on to become independents.

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America is broke and unemployment climbing and evolution and AGW theories are priorities to the left?

No, they're not top priorities, but in a tough situation why would you rely on leaders who take pride in rejecting expert advice and fact-based decision making?

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No, they're not top priorities, but in a tough situation why would you rely on leaders who take pride in rejecting expert advice and fact-based decision making?

Expert advice on evolution and AGW?:ols: Fact is evolution is taught here and reasonable efforts are made here to address pollution and alt energy.....far more so than in many states

Or do you have examples of any really relevant issues?

You want fact?.....the country is headed down and priorities are screwed up,and we were lead there by Harvard and Yale disciples

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Expert advice on evolution and AGW?:ols: Fact is evolution is taught here and reasonable efforts are made here to address pollution and alt energy.....far more so than in many states

Or do you have examples of any really relevant issues?

You want fact?.....the country is headed down and priorities are screwed up,and we were lead there by Harvard and Yale disciples

Don't necessarily want to speak for Corcaigh, but I'm guessing his point was more general; that Perry's decisions to reject experts in one field and go with his religious beliefs or his "gut" might translate into other areas if he were president. I had the same sort of thought when I saw the interview he did where he was asked about the "abstinence only" sex education programs. When presented with evidence that it didn't seem to be working he just kept saying "it works" and "I believe personally that it works". What if that translated to larger issues of his presidency?

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He rejects evolution as a scientific theory or simply sees the holes in it?.....rather a high hurdle you put there,but I will take someone that sees the holes over blind acceptance

Abstinence does work every time ....are you rejecting science? :D

Should he reject the fact it does work to embrace something that expert advice is clear does not?

Now if he rejected birth control as a option it might be a different matter,but neither abstinence education nor sex ed work every time

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