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Washington Post: Texas Governer Rick Perry running for President in 2012


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figured I'd share this since idiocy abounds....and not in our schools:evilg:

Mr. Secretary,

I have read your recent comments criticizing Texas public education, and I am disappointed that you have never raised your concerns during any of our personal conversations. If you had, I may have been able to correct any misunderstanding you have about Texas public schools and the efforts of the 333,000 teachers and the 4.8 million students who have been striving to meet increasing standards and graduation requirements.

Your pity is misplaced and demeans the hard work that is taking place in schools across Texas. Texas students are doing very well and in many cases outperforming their national peers. Since you appear to be misinformed about the achievements of Texas educators and students I would ask that you consider the following information:

-- In 2009, Texas ranked 7th in a 26 state comparison of the only states reporting four-year on-time graduation rates. That year Texas' on-time graduation rate was 80.6%. The Texas on-time graduation rate for 2010 is now 84.3%, an amazing 3.7 percentage point increase in a single year on the dropout indicator that you are now requiring all states to report to the Department.

-- Texas is ranked 13th in Ed Week's Quality Counts report. Quality Counts gave Texas an "A" in "Standards, Assessment and Accountability," and an "A" in "Transitions and Alignment" of the Texas system with college and career readiness. This year's graduating class is the first to graduate under Texas' required 4x4 graduation requirements (four years of math, science, English language arts and social studies) and we are already seeing great things from the class of 2011.

-- The Texas class of 2011 posted a record-high math score on the ACT college entrance exam. The Texas average math score was 21.5 and was higher than the national average of 21.1. ACT scores from 2007 to 2011 showed increases in all four subjects.

-- The 2009 NAEP Science results were impressive, as well. Texas' African American eighth-grade students earned the highest score in the nation and our Hispanic eighth-grade students were eighth. Only eighth-grade students attending the Department of Defense schools scored higher than Texas' white students who were tied with white students in Massachusetts. On the fourth-grade test, Texas' African American students out-performed their peers in every state accept Virginia and those students attending Department of Defense Schools. Texas' fourth-grade white students were ranked third behind only Virginia and Massachusetts.

-- We are also a leader in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) education. Texas has established 59 STEM schools, 7 STEM professional development centers and is a leading state in creating a national STEM network of states that want to pursue STEM education reform. Texas' STEM reform began in 2005, long before your administration decided to model this and other aspects of your reform agenda on the efforts that have been taking place in Texas for nearly a decade.

Finally, I'm not sure where you are getting your information regarding class sizes in Texas public schools. Texas is experiencing a four-year trend of class sizes getting smaller across the board in both elementary grades and in core subjects in high school. If you would like to see the actual data, I would be more than happy to provide it for you.

As you can see, Texas has a strong record, and I am proud of the accomplishments of Texas educators and students. It is clear that they have risen to the challenge of higher standards and expectations placed before them.

Rather than simply talking about education reform, Texas policy makers, educators and students have delivered. I look forward to seeing the student performance results of your efforts to centralize more control of public education in Washington, D.C.

Robert Scott

Commissioner of Education


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couple of questions on the study,since food is not taxed and should be one of the larger expenses in a truly poor persons budget...did they account for that or other benefits received?

I certainly agree Texas(aside from the low cost of living) is not a easy place for the poor,yet they keep coming and remain.

Maybe we should give them tickets to CO as a humanitarian gesture.:)

This is the first time, twa, I've heard you admit that things may not be so rosy for low-income people in Texas. I am surprised!

BTW, Texas is a big state, by the Mexican border, so yeah, it is going to attract a lot of poor folks. But that certainly doesn't make it an ideal paradise for them.

---------- Post added August-22nd-2011 at 02:43 PM ----------

Millions are pocket change

Really? Because conservatives say that cutting programs with budgets of "millions" of dollars is a starting point, e.g., NPR. (I guess you didn't watch the Daily Show bit about this.) So now "millions" is chump change?

How the tide shifts.

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I'm rather familiar with the poor here and the benefits and drawbacks of our system.

Millions with stipulations in a education budget of billions amigo,we prefer responsibility and independence over blackmail

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I'm rather familiar with the poor here and the benefits and drawbacks of our system.

Millions with stipulations in a education budget of billions amigo,we prefer responsibility and independence over blackmail

For what it's worth, Perry did decline $$ for sex ed that included contraception, but he also accepted millions for sex ed for abstinence. So, it's an issue that's about more than Fed/state for him. Also, with the contraception money, local school districts can apply for that money if they choose. Perry left the decision to them, rather than taking the money and mandating for the entire state.

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I'm rather familiar with the poor here and the benefits and drawbacks of our system.

Millions with stipulations in a education budget of billions amigo,we prefer responsibility and independence over blackmail

Actually, Texas receives millions in federal dollars, which is how it helped to close it's budget shortfall. But in this case, Perry refused $700 million in federal education dollars, for ideological reasons (and not for "responsibility and independence"). Texas DOES have educational issues, in spite of the letter from that Texas educator. A good case in point was this absurd changes to its textbooks -- changes based on right-wing views and not educational needs.

Of course, Gov. Perry doesn't think the federal government should be involved in education, period. Personally, I don't trust Perry one teeny, tiny bit when it comes to, really, anything, But it's your state and he's your hero, so you will reap whatever comes as a result.

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Actually, Texas receives millions in federal dollars, which is how it helped to close it's budget shortfall.

Of course, Gov. Perry doesn't think the federal government should be involved in education, period. Personally, I don't trust Perry one teeny, tiny bit when it comes to, really, anything, But it's your state and he's your hero, so you will reap whatever comes as a result.

Texas is and has been a donor state for as long as I can remember and received less per capita than most.

I don't like Perry,but he has done better than most,and we will continue to prosper with or without him......ya'll I'm not too sure of

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Going to be interesting to see Perry have to actually debate and defend his positions. In Texas, he just refuses to debate. Not an option nationally.

Perry articulates his views on abstinence only education:

Why am I hearing "What we do works?"

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Going to be interesting to see Perry have to actually debate and defend his positions. In Texas, he just refuses to debate. Not an option nationally.

Perry articulates his views on abstinence only education:

Haha. Yeah I've seen this before...he was definitely having a tough time with that one; for about .00021 seconds I actually felt sort of sorry for him, but that passed quickly.

Also, I opened up the video on youtube in another browser window and I saw one of the top rated comments was "'But, Brawndo has electrolytes" and now I can't stop cracking up because it really does remind me of that scene from Idiocracy. :ols::ols:

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PPP: Perry jumps to national lead

Public Policy Polling previews its new poll, out tomorrow.

a. Rick Perry leads Mitt Romney by double digits.

b. When the race is pared down to just Perry vs. Romney, the Texas governor leads, 52%-36%.

c. The most telling statistic of all?

Perry's fav rating with "very conservative" voters is 77%/9%. Romney's is just 46%/40%.

Oh and Zoony, Gallup had him doing better with independents than anyone......be afraid :silly:

“Running against Perry is like running against God,” “Everything breaks his way.”...John Sharp

Read more http://www.newyorker.com/talk/comment/2011/08/29/110829taco_talk_wright#ixzz1VuVKWheC

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PPP: Perry jumps to national lead

Public Policy Polling previews its new poll, out tomorrow.

a. Rick Perry leads Mitt Romney by double digits.

b. When the race is pared down to just Perry vs. Romney, the Texas governor leads, 52%-36%.

c. The most telling statistic of all?

Perry's fav rating with "very conservative" voters is 77%/9%. Romney's is just 46%/40%.

Oh and Zoony, Gallup had him doing better with independents than anyone......be afraid :silly:


What do you make of Perry? What do you see as Perry's principal virtues and flaws?

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What do you make of Perry? What do you see as Perry's principal virtues and flaws?

He is pro business(and being a business that is a virtue in my eyes)

He recognizes over regulation and too much red tape harms a economy

He is pretty upfront and open

He believes in forward thinking and planning ahead

I believe he is a good guy behind a weathered W Texas hardshell


Arrogant and power hungry

Subject to pushing too hard


I could do more,but I'll just add this:..Burgold and a few others have said what this country needs is a real **** of a leader....I think he qualifies(and that is not meant as a real insult)

I don't like or fully trust him...I do respect him(not sure that makes sense to some of ya'll,but I understand too well that sometimes being hard is needed)

---------- Post added August-23rd-2011 at 10:23 PM ----------

I'd move to Europe if that ****er became President. Holy sheet.

I hear Paris is beautiful in the Spring,and I doubt he will lock the door

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He is pro business(and being a business that is a virtue in my eyes)

He recognizes over regulation and too much red tape harms a economy

He is pretty upfront and open

He believes in forward thinking and planning ahead

I believe he is a good guy behind a weathered W Texas hardshell


Arrogant and power hungry

Subject to pushing too hard


I could do more,but I'll just add this:..Burgold and a few others have said what this country needs is a real **** of a leader....I think he qualifies(and that is not meant as a real insult)

I don't like or fully trust him...I do respect him(not sure that makes sense to some of ya'll,but I understand too well that sometimes being hard is needed)

Burgold's point is a good one; in tough times people need the POTUS to demonstrate strength and inspire confidence. Suffice it to say, Obama doesn't exude strength or inspire much confidence.

However, do you know what's worse than a weak president? A strong one with poor judgment and questionable intelligence. Now, maybe Perry is a bright guy with good judgment, but the things I hear coming out of his mouth lead me to feel otherwise. Forget his policy platform (as important as that is) for a moment, do you think that bulb has the wattage required of the President? (Note: That's not a rhetorical question.)

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Yes,...... I do think he can be swayed by those he trusts though(a common failing),which is my biggest worry

He is no true academic,but he is pretty sharp beneath his goofiness....as ya'll will find out

You will have plenty of time to examine his past record and decisions,I look forward to your review

I'm still hoping for a better option


One thing to keep in mind when judging his intelligence, growing up in rural W Texas does not afford the best schooling,(especially back in the day),if you simply go by a dirt farmer kid's college transcript he is gonna come up short

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Texas is and has been a donor state for as long as I can remember and received less per capita than most.

I don't like Perry,but he has done better than most,and we will continue to prosper with or without him......ya'll I'm not too sure of

(1) As I have mentioned on several occasions, Texas closed its budget shortfall with billions in federal stimulus dollars.

(2) Texas receives millions in Border Patrol Dollars.

(3) The federal government, via the DoD, NASA, and other federal departments, invests billions into the Texan economy every year, employing thousands.

Texas is not a mere tax "donor" -- it is heavily reliant upon federal monies.

As you mentioned, Texas refused federal educational dollars since, supposedly, at least, it didn't want to become "dependent" on such money . . . but it already is. Apparently, though, this "dependency" doesn't count when it comes to educating the state's children (and programs such as Medicaid). When it comes to Defense Department contracts, though -- send in the money!

---------- Post added August-24th-2011 at 02:05 PM ----------

BTW, has anyone asked this question: Why is Perry running for Presidency of the US when, just a year or two ago, he was talking about Texas possibly seceding from the Union? And now he wants to run the same government, especially one he opposes?

It's bizarro land.

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So you wish to complain about us taking what was given in even much greater amounts(per capita) to others?....we are at least paying for ya'lls and ours :pfft:

We could have simply used the rainy day funds we have....could ya'll?

We of course get federal money....less than we pay in

to say we are reliant on them is false,we do have a symbiotic relationship of sorts ,though I think ya are pointing at the wrong parasite:silly:

He is running to bring hope and change :gap::pokeye:

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So you wish to complain about us taking what was given in even much greater amounts(per capita) to others?....we are at least paying for ya'lls and ours :pfft:

OUR tax dollars goes to your state as well, to the tune of billions of dollars. Compare that to blue donor states that doesn't receive anywhere near the same amount of federal funding which your state receives.

We could have simply used the rainy day funds we have....could ya'll?

Did you? No, you didn't, so this point is irrelevant. It's better to use federal money than your "savings," right? Leave that up to hypocritical Perry.

We of course get federal money....less than we pay in

to say we are reliant on them is false,we do have a symbiotic relationship of sorts ,though I think ya are pointing at the wrong parasite:silly:

It isn't false at all. If you didn't have those federal dollars, you would pay for border safety, additional coastal and port maintenance, for all your natural disasters, for all your social programs, you wouldn't have thousands of jobs dependent on federal contracts, and your state would have a gaping budget hole, minus stimulus money and much smaller budget due to a drop in state tax receipts.

To deny this is to deny reality.

He is running to bring hope and change :gap::pokeye:

Perry has no business running for presidency if he believes Texas should perhaps secede.

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It isn't false at all. If you didn't have those federal dollars, you would pay for border safety, additional coastal and port maintenance, for all your natural disasters, for all your social programs, you wouldn't have thousands of jobs dependent on federal contracts, and your state would have a gaping budget hole, minus stimulus money and much smaller budget due to a drop in state tax receipts.

Spoken like a true Dem, ya hate brown people don't ya? :evilg:

It is fun to listen to complaints of govt spending on poor from the left,especially when a great deal of it is a result of lax immigration control that they seemingly endorse....Pretty sad when states have to sue the feds to make them pay for a problem the feds create

Texas has always been a donor state....I wonder if they account for all those things you list?

from what I recall it accounts for all federal funds a state receives vs taxes paid....but I'm always open to a better listing of facts if ya got them.

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I would have a problem with a president who believed that society were under the control of demonic spirits:



An emerging Christian movement that seeks to take dominion over politics, business and culture in preparation for the end times and the return of Jesus, is becoming more of a presence in American politics. The leaders are considered apostles and prophets, gifted by God for this role.

The international "apostolic and prophetic" movement has been dubbed by its leading American architect, C. Peter Wagner, as the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR). Although the movement is larger than the network organized by Wagner — and not all members describe themselves as part of Wagner's NAR — the so-called apostles and prophets of the movement have identifiable ideology that separates them from other evangelicals.


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Having 2 daughters and very much AGAINST this vaccine......I think that is a serious flaw.

I agree,and we let him know it when he did it.......do gooders and their I know what is best BS

To his credit he listened and dropped it,but it does not excuse his order to start with.

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