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WSJ:No Kids Allowed: A Restaurant Bans Young Diners


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If only he owned a movie theater too.


I haven't got any problem with this.

It is his restaurant, he can choose to not have kids in there.

I don't see it as discrimination at all.

Now if he started saying no white kids or no black kids.. that would be.


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Seriously, do you people not see that you're focusing on the wrong thing?

If you honestly think that Diesel was trying to say that obnoxious kids are as bad as cancer, then you don't understand his point. He's talking about whether or not a restaurant owner should be allowed to establish what is and isn't allowed inside his own restaurant. If an owner decides he wants to open his restaurant to smokers, he knows that he'll be losing some non-smoker customers in the process. Nobody's forcing you to go to a restaurant that allows smoking. If you're that concerned, go eat someplace else.

---------- Post added July-17th-2011 at 09:04 PM ----------

Good God man, you mean the CANCER that secondhand smoke could cause is in ALL CAPS? That must mean that you're somehow powerless to avoid entering a restaurant with smokers! After all, it's not just that it can cause cancer, it's that it can cause CANCER.

Irony circuits... overloading... can't... control them... brain... reaching critical mass...

Seriously, banning little kids doesn't violate the Civil Rights Act so...no issue with it. And if someone wants to open a smokers restaurant, that's their right IMO.

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I don't see the problem here.

Is there an outcry against restaurants that require a dress code ? Nope.

Private business with right to refuse service.

The idiots that protest are the same ones with the idiot kids that I don't want to sit around. Thus the reason when I go out to dine, I typically go to more expensive restaurants. Kids don't like the food, they don't have a kids menu, and parents don't want to spend that type of dough for their kids to not even eat and disrupt their own meals.

EDIT: I have been eating at upscale restaurants since I was a kid. I knew not to act out at home at the table, but especially not in a restaurant. My niece is 4 years old and smarter than most adults that I know. She looks at the idiot kids running around in restaurants with disgust. I love it, my siblings and I often did the same. It's not being snobby/****y...it's being polite and respectful.

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I'm looking forward to it.

I know I'll make a ton of mistakes, but one thing I won't be doing is taking my little ones to nice restaurants...ever.

i take mine to sit down restaurants. there isn't a problem.

so many people act like they just skipped childhood and were always cultured tea sippers.

---------- Post added July-18th-2011 at 06:06 AM ----------


EDIT: I have been eating at upscale restaurants since I was a kid. I knew not to act out at home at the table, but especially not in a restaurant. My niece is 4 years old and smarter than most adults that I know. She looks at the idiot kids running around in restaurants with disgust. I love it, my siblings and I often did the same. It's not being snobby/****y...it's being polite and respectful.

i'm sure you sat around telling your family that the waitress wasn't hot and you were gonna date 10 women prettier than her. lol

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It's kind of crazy reading this thread and the Florida censorship thread and seeing all the flip flopping. Do some of you even realize you're doing it?

Government censorship = bad

Independent business owner censorship = :thumbsup:

A private business should be treated like your private home, you should be allowed to deny or allow any person you wish. I'm even including extreme cases. If an owner doesn't want handicap people in his establishment, that's HIS business. If an owner doesn't want flat-chested brunettes in his establishment, that's HIS business. If the owner is willing to lose money by discriminating, let him. It's about time we burn the Civil Rights Acts and stop forcing people to be treated equally.

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It's kind of crazy reading this thread and the Florida censorship thread and seeing all the flip flopping. Do some of you even realize you're doing it?

Totally different.

You know there's entire communities of apartments that don't allow kids?

It's because people who don't have kids sometimes don't want to be bothered by them, and there's nothing wrong with that.

It's not as if the government said 'no kids in restaurants".

Parents have a multitude of choices where to dine, and now people who don't want to be bothered by kids do as well.

Not comparable, my man.


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Actually, I think both you and Sean misread me. I was actually looking at the conservatives who were pro the Florida censorship law and pro the business owner and thinking there was some logical inconsistancy here. If you think that a restaurant owner has the right to ban kids then you probably ought to think that the doctor has the right to ask a question in his own business.

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Actually, I think both you and Sean misread me. I was actually looking at the conservatives who were pro the Florida censorship law and pro the business owner and thinking there was some logical inconsistancy here. If you think that a restaurant owner has the right to ban kids then you probably ought to think that the doctor has the right to ask a question in his own business.


I'd like to make one request.

the people defending the florida law.. can we not call them conservatives?

They're not, no matter how much they've been told they are. No conservative would ever support such a thing.


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Actually, I think both you and Sean misread me. I was actually looking at the conservatives who were pro the Florida censorship law and pro the business owner and thinking there was some logical inconsistancy here. If you think that a restaurant owner has the right to ban kids then you probably ought to think that the doctor has the right to ask a question in his own business.

I jumped the gun a little. That's a good example of hypocrisy, Burgold.

As far as I'm concerned, as long as the hospital's policy doesn't say anything about it, then all power to the doctors.

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I'd like to make one request.

the people defending the florida law.. can we not call them conservatives?

They're not, no matter how much they've been told they are. No conservative would ever support such a thing.


I guess... but what do we call them? Part of me wants to argue that this is what modern day Conservatism stands for. This is how it has redefined itself. Mind you, when I think of Liberalism, I'm not sure what I think of is what modern day liberalism is doing.

You are correct that what "conservatives" are doing isn't conservative. I just don't know what to call them except for what they call themselves.

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The restaurant owner is in PA. My four year old daughter is much more pleasant and has better manners than any Phillies or Eagles fan that I've been around.

For what it's worth, Monroeville is right outside Pittsburgh, it's not in the Philly half of PA. Maybe the people over there have higher expectations :ols: For what it's worth, I love Monroeville. When I was a kid, my Dad and I would stay there when we went up to Pirates games, because the best Western used to have a waterslide into their pool that started on the roof.

Also, I have no problem with what this guy did. I've told friends for years that if I had the money, I'd start a child-banned airline. Not just some flights, every flight. I think I'd make a killing, but the startup capital for an airline is a bit out of my range.

Really, the sad thing is that it ever came to this in the first place. Not that my wife and I are perfect parents, but we're very aware of other diners when we go out. If our daughter gets fussy, we spend about two-three minutes trying a variety of things between pacifiers, a sip cup, small bites of food, etc. If nothing works, one of us takes her outside until she's calm. We've actually had other diners some up to us and think us for how we handled her.

Again, not that we're perfect, but I think many parents lack that awareness. Or worse, they go out to restaurants with their kids with the expectation that they'll be able to eat a quiet, uninterrupted meal, and if the kids get fussy, they just ignore them and continue eating. Show me anything louder than a kid being ignored and attemping even harder to get attention.

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Sounds pleasant,and I share the desire to enjoy a smoke after my meal.

and have to drive to another town to do so in public

So these human beings whom you so adamantley go on about being innocent and should have the same protection and liberties as everyone else should be the subject of age discrimination and be told they are not the same as others.

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a child is certainly not my equal in my view nor the laws,doesn't mean I can kill the inconvenient ones

right to life is not a liberty

funny our concern for health and life of others bans 2nd hand smoke yet endorses killing kids directly

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a child is certainly not my equal in my view nor the laws,doesn't mean I can kill the inconvenient ones

right to life is not a liberty

funny our concern for health and life of others bans 2nd hand smoke yet endorses killing kids directly

Care to back up where I have endorsed the killing of kids

Tell me the difference between the person who finds smoking disguting and therefore wants it banned in public and around pregnant women and the person who finds abortion disgusting and insists it is a pregnant mothers right to smoke and to be able to smoke around her

Again we are back to the point I was making in the other thread about the selfish nature already prevelant

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The reason smoking indoors is outlawed is because it is a public health risk. Bratty children not being paid proper attention by their parents are not a public health risk, just an annoyance.


I don't know why I'm seeing the "oh, just wait until you have kids and then you'll understand" card being played. As you've ably demonstrated, you don't have to be a parent to understand the different between "health risk to others" and "unruly little brat."

As a father of a 3-year-old and a 1-year-old, I have no problem with kids-free restaurants. On date nights, my wife and I probably would LOVE to go to a place like that. But the overwhelming majority of restaurants are and will forever remain family-inclusive anyway -- as will airlines, trains, pools, theaters, etc. who operate during daylight hours and might like to maximize revenues during those hours.

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Again we are back to the point I was making in the other thread about the selfish nature already prevelant

Nothing wrong with being selfish(if you leave out religion)...it is how far a individual takes it and it's effects on others that matters.

a restaurant banning kids or allowing smoking is in no way comparable as far as effect

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i'm sure you sat around telling your family that the waitress wasn't hot and you were gonna date 10 women prettier than her. lol

haha. Unfortunately back then most of the hotter women were at Friday's type of restaurants or kiddies restaurants where we only went for peoples birthdays and such. But I never made such a claim at that time. fortunately I have dated 10 women hotter than the women at our typical destinations...most of them where old and wrinkly.

But the overwhelming majority of restaurants are and will forever remain family-inclusive anyway -- as will airlines, trains, pools, theaters, etc. who operate during daylight hours and might like to maximize revenues during those hours.

Some people pay a premium for exclusivity. Money is often secondary to comfort and an exclusive setting. Small example, paying for a VIP table or seat at a nightclub/bar/restaurant, pool,plane, train, or theater.

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If the obnoxious kid is smoking, is it OK then?

Ban kids, smokers and cell phones. And blowhards talking too loud.

Let us enjoy our meal. :)

Sounds like someone might be better off eating in if you want silence.

---------- Post added July-18th-2011 at 10:59 AM ----------

As a father of a 3-year-old and a 1-year-old, I have no problem with kids-free restaurants. On date nights, my wife and I probably would LOVE to go to a place like that. But the overwhelming majority of restaurants are and will forever remain family-inclusive anyway -- as will airlines, trains, pools, theaters, etc. who operate during daylight hours and might like to maximize revenues during those hours.

I agree with this completely. I have no issue with a kids-free restaurant or section of a restaurant. However, you're lopping off a large section of your revenue depending on what type of restaurant you are. We take our kids to family places, so there's never a problem. I've never been tempted to bring my kids to a nice steak house or a fancy restaurant anyway. Also, when we've gone to those places without our kids, I've never really seen other kids running around.

I think this problem generally takes care of itself based on how nice the restaurant is. If you're going to TGIFridays and complaining that kids are there and it's too loud when the wait staff sings for peoples' birthdays, maybe you need to re-calibrate your expectations.

Serious question...do you guys notice a lot of kids at higher-end restaurants? If so, are they generally there after 7 or 7:30?

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It is not about silence.It is about the screaming, throwing stuff, crying and children that are climbing all over the place that are annoying.

Really..??? get your kid under control. Teach them to understand rules and environments.

The rest of us try to be patient. But...

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