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Date ideas for $20?


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I was wondering if anyone had any ideas for a dates. The thing is, is that I'm a college student so money is tight for me. I have to be learn to be resourceful with what I have, so all I'm gonna say is that I really don't want to spend more than $20 on a date (for both us)

Also, does anyone know any restaurants around Northern Virginia (preferably in the Fairfax or Tysons Corner area) that's fairly cheap but still serves good food with a classy atmosphere?

Thanks for the help

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Pick a PHO restaurant. Those tend to serve good food for not too much money. If you combine Pho with a trip down town on the Metro, you can go to any of the Smithsonian Museums.

Bill Goat's trail is also a good cheap fun date for a nice relaxing hike, but it the hear, it's a bit less fun.

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go buy fresh tomatoes, olive oil, basil, and fresh garlic. Make your own red sauce. Should be about $10-12 for ingredients.

Buy some decent quality gnocchi. Should be about another $3. Use the remaining $5-7 or so for the best bottle of wine you can find, whatever's on sale.

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go buy fresh tomatoes, olive oil, basil, and fresh garlic. Make your own red sauce. Should be about $10-12 for ingredients.

Buy some decent quality gnocchi. Should be about another $3. Use the remaining $5-7 or so for the best bottle of wine you can find, whatever's on sale.

oh hell yea. if you are open to cooking for her your possibilities are limitless for under $20. you could make countless chicken, beef, pork, or pasta dishes for 2 people for less than 20 and a cheap bottle of wine.

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go buy fresh tomatoes, olive oil, basil, and fresh garlic. Make your own red sauce. Should be about $10-12 for ingredients.

Buy some decent quality gnocchi. Should be about another $3. Use the remaining $5-7 or so for the best bottle of wine you can find, whatever's on sale.

This is a good idea, but does he have a kitchen? If he does, home cooked meal is the way to go.

Besides, you get much more traction with home cooked or picnic vs Applebees. You look about 10000x more attractive to her when you are opening a bottle of wine for her vs getting a coke from the waiter at TGI Fridays

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2 PB&J's, 12pack of Natty Bo and a 3pack of Trojans. And a sleeping bag, but you can bum that off of a friend. JK!

Actually for $20, I would set it up so it's not a dinner date. Coffee bar in early morning, or late night.

As someone mentioned - the Mall (museums, monuments). Matinee movie.

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dont go to a restaurant if you are only spending $20. it will suck.

there are plenty of cool things to do though. the picnic is a good idea. i made my gf a sitdown dinner at my place that was really nice. use your brain and be a bit creative and youll be fine.

make a few sandwhiches (or something good), grab a blanket, and find a nice quiet, shady place where you can sit and chill. i mean, how many girls get to do that. i think she will like it.

the zoo (at least down here), is a cheap and fun date.

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I live at home with my parents. I'd really prefer not to bring the girl here just so I could cook for her.

Aside from restaurants though, any other date ideas?

Do you volunteer any of your time? Take her with you. You want to bang this broad, let her see you doing some service work. j/k.

Seriously, though, that would make you look pretty awesome to the right person.

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Whatever you do, the most important thing is to do it with confidence. DO NOT admit to her that you are compromising or apologize in any way for not taking her out to a nice dinner, etc. You have to act like this is what you've chosen to do regardless of cost.

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