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AFP: Jewish court sentences dog to death by stoning


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Jewish court sentences dog to death by stoning

JERUSALEM — A Jerusalem rabbinical court condemned to death by stoning a dog it suspects is the reincarnation of a secular lawyer who insulted the court's judges 20 years ago, Ynet website reported Friday.

According to Ynet, the large dog made its way into the Monetary Affairs Court in the ultra-Orthodox Jewish neighbourhood of Mea Shearim in Jerusalem, frightening judges and plaintiffs.

Despite attempts to drive the dog out of the court, the hound refused to leave the premises.

One of the sitting judges then recalled a curse the court had passed down upon a secular lawyer who had insulted the judges two decades previously.

Their preferred divine retribution was for the lawyer's spirit to move into the body of a dog, an animal considered impure by traditional Judaism.

Clearly still offended, one of the judges sentenced the animal to death by stoning by local children.

The canine target, however, managed to escape.

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I hope this is a case of a statement made in jest that got blown out of proportion. But if the story is true, it's a shame that the clowns who preside on this "court" actually have the authority to make any decisions that affect people's lives.

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No worries. I've learned much or been misinformed much by reading some of the religious threads over the years.

Judaism has always been a very practical religion. Why do they wear yarmulkahs on their heads? They were in the desert. It's smart to keep something on top of your head. Why should you not eat shellfish or pork? These were creatures that often carried a lot of diseases and made you sick. Why believe in a Heaven? It gives you something to aspire to when times are tought. The Ten Commandmants? Really down to Earth rules for getting along and creating a functional society. Now, it has its share of silliness too, but at its core, Judaism is a very pragmatic religion.

The cynic in me believes that Christians invented Hell because the Church wasn't receiving enough charitable donations. They needed a way to inspire tithing and greater loyalty. So, they decided that you need punishment as well as reward. Fear of punishment can be very motivating. Hell was a great way to intimidate and get the masses to give them the power and wealth they wanted. Excommunication was an incredibly powerful tool.

I'll probably get in trouble for typing this and I very well may be wrong, but I think that the reason that there is a Hell was because the religious elders got greedy and wanted more than the promise that a good life, based in study, and good deeds could provide. They needed an "Or else!"

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The cynic in me believes that Christians invented Hell because the Church wasn't receiving enough charitable donations.

The cynic in you needs to take a refresher history course. ;)

First, although many modern branches of Judaism seem to have rejected the idea of Hell, it was a concept embraced by at least parts of ancient Judaism, and well before Christianity. From the Babylonian Talmud:

We have learned in a Boraitha: The school of Shammai said: There are three divisions of mankind at the Resurrection: the wholly righteous, the utterly wicked, and the average class. The wholly righteous are at once inscribed, and life is decreed for them; the utterly wicked are at once inscribed, and destined for Gehenna, as we read [Dan. xii. 2]: "And many of them that sleep in the dust shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt." The third class, the men between the former two, descend to Gehenna, but they weep and come up again, in accordance with the passage [Zech. xiii. 9]: "And I will bring the third part through the fire, and I will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried; and he shall call on My name, and I will answer him."

Notice the reference to Daniel, one of the texts of the Torah that can be read as talking about Hell.

You also see references in intertestamental Jewish works like 1 Enoch, which talks about angels cast and bound for eternity. Few Jews or Christians consider this to be canonical, but it provides insight into the thinking of at least some Jews of the day (around 300 BCE), and it appears to have been influential with the New Testament writers.

Perhaps most importantly, there wasn't a "Church" that needed to scare people to make money in that sense until the time of Constantine and later, and the doctrine of Hell was established long before that in Christianity, largely based on the words of Jesus which also obviously predated this.

Now if, on the other hand, you were to argue that the later Church emphasized Hell, and even brought in aspects of Greek mythology when expounding upon it, in order to scare people and raise money (see indulgences), sure, but that's a different argument.

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Actually, Judaism believes in Heaven. I believe Hell was a Christian invention. At least that's what I was taught.

Hell is actually more a derivative of the Hebrew sheol (the place of the dead) mixed with Greek dualism.

---------- Post added June-20th-2011 at 01:47 PM ----------

No worries. I've learned much or been misinformed much by reading some of the religious threads over the years.

Judaism has always been a very practical religion. Why do they wear yarmulkahs on their heads? They were in the desert. It's smart to keep something on top of your head. Why should you not eat shellfish or pork? These were creatures that often carried a lot of diseases and made you sick. Why believe in a Heaven? It gives you something to aspire to when times are tought. The Ten Commandmants? Really down to Earth rules for getting along and creating a functional society. Now, it has its share of silliness too, but at its core, Judaism is a very pragmatic religion.

What about the whole lamb on the doorpost thing that seems pretty important...that doesn't seem very pragmatic. ;) And yes I am stirring the pot.

The cynic in me believes that Christians invented Hell because the Church wasn't receiving enough charitable donations. They needed a way to inspire tithing and greater loyalty. So, they decided that you need punishment as well as reward. Fear of punishment can be very motivating. Hell was a great way to intimidate and get the masses to give them the power and wealth they wanted. Excommunication was an incredibly powerful tool.

Well that and Jesus' talking about "weeping and gnashing of teeth". Seriously, though I'd like to meet the person who told you the above with a straight face.

BTW, Judaism came equipped with an "or else clause" too, it was called the judgment of God.

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Interesting. I'd say that definitely sounds like a Jewish version of Hell, Asbury. Must be that different traditions developed after the diaspora. All those cultures developing slightly different beliefs and traditions after settling in different regions.

As for the Jewish "Or Else" I still think the most profound form of it comes from the power of Jewish Mother Guilt (Very similar to judgement of God. You don't want to disappoint G-d or Mom) :ols:

God to the Jewish people-- Oy, for 3,000 years I cooked and clean and kept the world safe for you and this is how you treat me? You never pray! You never come to visit! What did I deserve to be treated this way? Why couldn't marry a nice shepherd? I ask so little, my dearest maschuganas. Is asking you not to eat a bacon cheeseburger really so much to ask? All did was make the world for you!

---------- Post added June-20th-2011 at 04:11 PM ----------

Now if, on the other hand, you were to argue that the later Church emphasized Hell, and even brought in aspects of Greek mythology when expounding upon it, in order to scare people and raise money (see indulgences), sure, but that's a different argument.

That's probably a much more reasonable way to put it... although I was taught that Jews don't believe in Hell and so, did think that it was something Christians invented/discovered/recognized. What you said does make sense that the concept of Hell was adapted from a set of beliefs. One of the interesting things about Judaism is that though there is a lot of commonality there also is a fair ammount of disagreement in tradition, interpretation, and rules. I suspect that's actually true within each religion. It certainly seems to be in Christianity which is why I find some of these religion threads so interesting.

Then again, who knew that the Shaggy D.A. would be a story of Jewish curses and stoning? I remember watching that along with Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and Mary Poppins and just thinking it was silly fun.

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God to the Jewish people-- Oy, for 3,000 years I cooked and clean and kept the world safe for you and this is how you treat me? You never pray! You never come to visit! What did I deserve to be treated this way? Why couldn't marry a nice shepherd? I ask so little, my dearest maschuganas. Is asking you not to eat a bacon cheeseburger really so much to ask? All did was make the world for you!

Oy and don't even mention the years I spent in labor delivering you!


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I'm telling you...

Being in labor for seven days creating YOU! Seven days of unending pain and suffering just to bring you into a nice home and what's the first thing you do. You eat the apple. Did I warn you about your allergies! Did I tell you not get juice on my nice clean grass? You eat the apples. I labor for seven days for THIS?

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I'm telling you...

Being in labor for seven days creating YOU! Seven days of unending pain and suffering just to bring you into a nice home and what's the first thing you do. You eat the apple. Did I warn you about your allergies! Did I tell you not get juice on my nice clean grass? You eat the apples. I labor for seven days for THIS?

And don't even tawk to me abowt the 40 yeahs I lived with you in that tent in the desert!! I turn my back for 1 second and youz is off wit anothah mothah...that fat cow!


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