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Poll: Would you support military action against Pakistan if it's determined they were knowingly harboring Osama bin Laden?

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Depends on who within the government and military knew. Emotionally, I want to bomb the hell out of the city he was living in...**** all those people who knew he was there and harbored his ass. The logical side of me says no, we don't bomb a nuclear power. We cut off any and all funding from them, including humanitarian funding for all I care. But all funding. They can fend for themselves and we can save a ton of money of jerks who consistently two-time their allies.

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Huh? It's been independent since 1947 and has no political relationship Britain.

You may be the first person in history to have confused Pakistan with Canada.

Um' date=' wrong. There is a relationship and apparently they are part of "The Commonwealth." [url']http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pakistan_%E2%80%93_United_Kingdom_relations[/url]

I didn't say they weren't independent. My assistant is from Pakistan and considers her country to have a special relationship with the UK because its part of "The Commonwealth."

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Lots of ****ing stupid in this thread.

Pakistan has nukes. We cannot let them fall. Truth be told, we are propping up their government. If Pakistan falls, it is 100x more dangerous than the reason we went into Iraq. Securing Pakistan would take 6x the amount of forces that we needed in Iraq. No offense to those of you who really don't know what you are talking about, but the professionals have it under control, as much as you can control a **** sandwich like Pakistan.

Also, they provided the intelligence that nabbed OBL. Their government is already thought of as an American puppet; especially when they relented and released the American CIA agent who killed a few mother****ers and then claimed Diplomat status. Our mission in Pakistan will be easily the largest in the world inside of 3 years......for good reason.

Who the **** gave us the intelligence? Santa Claus? They did more than what any of our "friends" in the region would have done. Kuwait has rewritten their history books to say nothing of the fact we saved their asses from Saddam in the early 90s. They said a collection of Arab states rebelled the Iraqi attack. This is what a generation of Kuwaiti kids are learning. If you told them that America saved their ass, they'd spit on you.

Their government is a **** hair away from falling. I have an idea, let's put OBL in your living room and tell you that you can call the cops but the 50 people with automatic weapons in your kitchen will immediately destroy you and your family. Easy choice, right? Every country in the world acts in it's own best interests; including the United States of America.

Obama made certain to downplay Pakistan's involvement. We purposely did not give them advance warning of the direct action raid. We, for their sake, have completely downplayed their involvement.

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Unless they paint lamb's blood above their entrance.

Moses style.

No, seriously, I disagree with all the funding cutoffs, we have been giving a billion plus annually and the country is still hanging on, if we just abandon them that country falls into more dissarray, that is probably where WWIII is taking place. It will just need a Franz Ferdinand moment. We should strengthen our ties with India and publicly do not embarrass Pakistan and try to work some stuff out, this OBL killing might help some of their citizens get on our side of some issues..........or not.

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I'm not talking about an invasion.

I'm talking about dropping bombs on em' and sending a strong message.

Strong message? We just did that. We just embarrassed the HELL out of Pakistan.

We had an operation in the middle of their country, that they were not only powerless to do anything about, but had no clue it was even happening until we were leaving the country. We showed just how incompetent their country is. Explosions, a firefight, helicopters hovering the city, and then it took them until we were leaving the country to scramble jets? Please. We just exposed how inept Pakistan is. They're now a worldwide laughingstock.

We just told them, we don't care about you, we don't think you matter, and we'll do whatever we want. And the whole WORLD knows about it now. I bet you in a week, Libya's government may say, "Well...we're in a huge civil war, but at least we didn't **** up as badly as Pakistan did and could scramble jets (when we had them)."

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We already took action. We embarrassed them on the world stage. They swore up and down that OBL was not in Pakistan and they were committed to helping the US win the GWOT. We said, sure, thanks. Then we flew a SOC mission into their backyard (think trying to pull off said raid in Gaithersburg) without assistance or Pakistani knowledge. zipped in, killed OBL, zipped out with his body. Then, we held a press conference telling the world.

Explain hos the President or leadership of that country have any international trust going forward.....

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I don't blame the Pakistanis for playing both sides. They figure the day will come when we're gone and they'll be left dealing with the Taliban and other elements in the region. Can't say I blame them for playing this game - its their neighborhood, and they can't just move out like we can.

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I say bombs away.

Very easy for someone sitting behind a computer screen to say "bombs away" on country after country and keep putting soldiers in harms way. Look at it from both sides of the coin. There are other ways to solve problems without mass bloodshed and sending more families through the doors of a funeral home.

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And what happens if you miss just one nuke?

First, I didn't advocate that, just pointed out the option.

It isn't a question of destroying everything they have, but crippling their capability to launch/target/maintain, etc. C&C is usually a weak point, missiles sit in silos but the button (and the guy charged w/ pushing it) are small smoking particles settling across the countryside.

And do you believe that if we hamstrung the bulk of their nuclear missiles that they would simply fire anything still operable? Pakistan has those to counter India, actually using them is their absolute last option. They are far more valuable as tokens to pressure their opponents and serve as national symbols.

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Depends on who within the government and military knew. Emotionally, I want to bomb the hell out of the city he was living in...**** all those people who knew he was there and harbored his ass. The logical side of me says no, we don't bomb a nuclear power. We cut off any and all funding from them, including humanitarian funding for all I care. But all funding. They can fend for themselves and we can save a ton of money of jerks who consistently two-time their allies.

I live in a town with just over 1400 people. I don't know where everyone lives, and I don't know who lives in each home or apartment. I doubt that the entire city government knows that either, even though they know who gets taxed for each lot, and whose name is on the utilities services. There is no way we are ever going to know, who knew Osama was living there, unless they admit to it publicly.

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We already took action. We embarrassed them on the world stage. They swore up and down that OBL was not in Pakistan and they were committed to helping the US win the GWOT. We said, sure, thanks. Then we flew a SOC mission into their backyard (think trying to pull off said raid in Gaithersburg) without assistance or Pakistani knowledge. zipped in, killed OBL, zipped out with his body. Then, we held a press conference telling the world.

Explain hos the President or leadership of that country have any international trust going forward.....

Agree with this line of thinking...

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We already took action. We embarrassed them on the world stage. They swore up and down that OBL was not in Pakistan and they were committed to helping the US win the GWOT. We said, sure, thanks. Then we flew a SOC mission into their backyard (think trying to pull off said raid in Gaithersburg) without assistance or Pakistani knowledge. zipped in, killed OBL, zipped out with his body. Then, we held a press conference telling the world.

Explain hos the President or leadership of that country have any international trust going forward.....

The problem is, that the problem is not solved.

If they will hide OBL, then imagine who else they are, and will be, hiding ??

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I'm pakistani born and I'd be for it, but I don't think we'll have to. There is a good chance there will be an uprising and more widespread violence in Pakistan in the fallout of this, Bin laden was a like a demi god for some of those people (which is kind of funny if you really know anything about the tenants of Islam). If the Pakistani government sold out Osama to the US I wouldn't be surprised at all if there was an attempted coupe.

Now as far as actually going to war with them...I think the only way we would win would be through the use of Nuclear weapons. We are stretched pretty thin right now, I don't think it would be a war we could easily win. The Pakistani government was kind of put in a no-win situation given their people...while I believe my birth place was in the wrong for not doing more to hunt this man down..I don't think declaring war on them is justified...especially for one guy, however symbolic he may be in our fight against terrorism.

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Isnt most of this to do with the ISI, Pakistans internal security which is a law unto itself and will back whoever it pleases? the Pakistan Government tried to clean it up a couple of years back but its pretty obvious the whole ISI needs a purge that Stalin would be proud of.

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