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Basic things that every American should know


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What basic concepts should every American know?

I'll start with this one:

Knowing how the government spends its money - approximate sizes of the pie for discretionary, non-discressionary, military, foreign aid, wars, etc.

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With the campaign that Hillary ran, do you for 1 instant think that she wouldn't have pounced on the birth certificate issue if she had any inkling that he didn't have a real, live, born in the USA birth certificate? Really?!

and if so, i am sure obama told someone who would have told someone else lol

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I never knew anyone could have a US birth certificate. The US doesn't issue birth certificates. :)

Isn't that what they give on US bases overseas?....just asking

I like Kosher Ham's but I'll add

Basic ways to not be poor

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I'll start with this one:

Knowing how the government spends its money - approximate sizes of the pie for discretionary, non-discressionary, military, foreign aid, wars, etc.

Jesus, you aim high. I'd start with something like being able to point to America on a map. (US Americans don't have enough of them, you know. Like, such as.)

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Seriously though many Americans are ignorant regarding financial matters, you hear all the time on the news how these Americans get duped by credit card companies or are in massive debt. If you don't want to be in massive debt, don't overspend or spend money you don't got, g.

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if you only knew where i work lol

---------- Post added April-21st-2011 at 10:06 PM ----------

So obama's parents knew he was going to run for white house and got forged documents oh ok :)

To be honest, I'm not sure what you're implying. The government lies every day, whether it's a good lie or a bad lie. I don't really believe anything that comes out of the White House anymore because it's all political gamesmanship. I don't know much about the birth certificate situation at all. I was just talking about your statement alone. I don't know whether Obama's legal or not and don't care. If he's illegal, we'll never be told the truth. If he's legal, we're still stuck with him for another 21 months.

---------- Post added April-21st-2011 at 10:16 PM ----------

How to speak Spanish.

I hope you're joking.

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