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Basic things that every American should know


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so the government hides that he is from another country and then allows him to run for president gotcha :)

I'm not saying anything either way. What I am saying is that it's not impossible. Many possibilities: 1) There wasn't enough to prove or disprove citizenship so it was somewhat bypassed as a step 2) Deals took place from the beginning 3) Security did a bad job on the initial check, new info comes out, what they do now?

I'm not saying any of these happened, but I guess I wouldn't be surprised. Our government is so corrupt that I wouldn't doubt the possibility of most things. That's all, though, the possibility. I don't have a personal opinion on what the truth is.

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I hope you're joking.

No, why? There are many things that I think American's should know. Many of them have already been listed (especially personal finances). I said Spanish, but I guess any 2nd language would be good. Spanish is clearly the most useful given our area of the world, but any 2nd language works. I think all American's should be bi-lingual.

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No, why? There are many things that I think American's should know. Many of them have already been listed (especially personal finances). I said Spanish, but I guess any 2nd language would be good. Spanish is clearly the most useful given our area of the world, but any 2nd language works. I think all American's should be bi-lingual.

I think it's a good skill to have, and one I'm currently working on. However, if you're going to learn Spanish, it should be because you want to do it for yourself, not to be able to communicate with the growing immigrant community that can't speak a damn word of English. I'm not going to cater to them.

---------- Post added April-21st-2011 at 11:06 PM ----------

No, why? There are many things that I think American's should know. Many of them have already been listed (especially personal finances). I said Spanish, but I guess any 2nd language would be good. Spanish is clearly the most useful given our area of the world, but any 2nd language works. I think all American's should be bi-lingual.

Being bilingual is a great skill to have, and one I'm currently working on. If you're going to learn Spanish, though, I don't like the idea of doing it solely to be able to communicate with the growing illegal community. Let them learn English. I don't care if that sounds, or is, elitist.

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