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2011 Major League Baseball Thread


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yeah I've always found it funny when teammates do the silent treatment. I also loved how when Andrus got to the dugout, and after he received a high five from the bat boy, he gave a high five to an imaginry person as if there were actually people there to greet him. :ols:

Have I mentioned lately that I love the Teixeira deal? Matt Harrison was part of it too and he pitched a gem on Sunday vs Boston. But Andrus...man I love that kid.

All THREE of those guys you mentioned are former Braves lol. We traded away Andrus, I think, because Escobar was supposedly our future at SS. Not sure what deal Harrison was involved in. Seems like maybe he went to Texas along with Saltalamacchia. Not sure though.

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All THREE of those guys you mentioned are former Braves lol. We traded away Andrus, I think, because Escobar was supposedly our future at SS. Not sure what deal Harrison was involved in. Seems like maybe he went to Texas along with Saltalamacchia. Not sure though.

Harrison was also involved in the Teixeira trade. Rangers got Andrus, Salty, Neftali Feliz, and Matt Harrison. Also Beau Jones, the Braves #1 pick of the 2005 draft. As far as I know, he's still in the Rangers' minor league system. Of course, now Salty has since been traded and he's busy sucking ass with the Red Sox. Yep, it's probably the most successful trade in Rangers history. :)

Also, where are all the Marlins fans?!?! :rotflmao:


The state of Florida really doesn't give a **** about baseball, huh? :ols:

edit: the box score says the attendance was over 10,000. No ****ing way. :ols:

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^^There was talk of them building a new stadium, too. Go figure. But I heard the newer stadium would have much fewer seats and in a better location.

The only time that stadium is usually full is during the playoffs. The Marlins' fans are a complete joke. When the Braves play there the Braves fans usually draw a decent crowd. In the Marlins' defense, I've heard that is a terrible place to watch a game.

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^^There was talk of them building a new stadium, too. Go figure. But I heard the newer stadium would have much fewer seats and in a better location.

The only time that stadium is usually full is during the playoffs. The Marlins' fans are a complete joke. When the Braves play there the Braves fans usually draw a decent crowd. In the Marlins' defense, I've heard that is a terrible place to watch a game.

yep, new stadium should start the 2012 season. And of course, they will be the Miami Marlins. In the next few years, they need to change their name to the Gators, move to the American League, and lose to the Chicago Cubs in the 2015 World Series...thus making Back to the Future II the best movie ever made.

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Also, where are all the Marlins fans?!?! :rotflmao:

edit: the box score says the attendance was over 10,000. No ****ing way. :ols:

They probably have comp tickets that they give to sponsors (or sell for pennies) that never get used, but count to pad the numbers.

There was maybe 5K people at that game last night.

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They probably have comp tickets that they give to sponsors (or sell for pennies) that never get used, but count to pad the numbers.

There was maybe 5K people at that game last night.

I don't think it was even close to 5K. A guy over on the Cowboys forum I frequent is from Miami and a Marlins fan. He has a friend who was at that game who said he saw maybe 500 people. Sure looks accurate to me. :ols:

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Yesterday there was a sellout on opening day at Petco. Today there is about 20,000 empty seats and a "Let's Go Giants" chant at first pitch.

Padre fans are useless.


---------- Post added April-6th-2011 at 04:19 PM ----------

Oh, and Big Time Timmy Jim has struck out 6 of the first 7 batters.

The Freak is loose.

---------- Post added April-6th-2011 at 04:20 PM ----------

and as soon as I post that...he gives up a solo to Hundley.

That dude is scalding this year...

---------- Post added April-6th-2011 at 04:21 PM ----------

7 Ks through 3 innings...might be looking at a 15k night?

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Yesterday there was a sellout on opening day at Petco. Today there is about 20,000 empty seats and a "Let's Go Giants" chant at first pitch.

Padre fans are useless.


---------- Post added April-6th-2011 at 04:19 PM ----------

Oh, and Big Time Timmy Jim has struck out 6 of the first 7 batters.

The Freak is loose.

---------- Post added April-6th-2011 at 04:20 PM ----------

and as soon as I post that...he gives up a solo to Hundley.

That dude is scalding this year...

---------- Post added April-6th-2011 at 04:21 PM ----------

7 Ks through 3 innings...might be looking at a 15k night?

while I agree that MOST padres fans suck, I do not lump myself in with the rest of them. They're probably scared of the drizzle going on there now.

I HATE the giants. Freakin' buster posey and Lincecum....HATE

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Okay, some things I've always wondered about baseball in general:

1.) What kind of offensive performance do people expect out of certain position players (example: first basemen are usually power hitters, pitchers bunt, etc.)

2.) What kind of hitter do you want in each line up spot (Example: 4th or 5th batter on the lineup hits for power, drives in RBIs)

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Okay, some things I've always wondered about baseball in general:

1.) What kind of offensive performance do people expect out of certain position players (example: first basemen are usually power hitters, pitchers bunt, etc.)

2.) What kind of hitter do you want in each line up spot (Example: 4th or 5th batter on the lineup hits for power, drives in RBIs)

First of all *ahem* Bucs 4-2.

Now, to your question.

1 - Speed guy who hits for average. I want .300 and 30 stolen bases.

2 - Average guy with RBI potential. I'm looking for .280, 70 RBIs, can steal if he has to.

3 - Pop and average here. .275, 30 HRs.

4 - My bomber. He can hit .255 or .260, as long as he goes yard 40 times.

5 - My favorite slot. You can put any good hitter in here. Can be a .315 hitter with 15-20 HRs, or a .270 guy with 25-30.

6 - Now you're getting into your mix guys. Jeff King was a good guy here, or would've been if the PIrates were that good. Give me .280 and 15.

7 - Middle infielders most likely. Singles hitters.

8 - Weakest guy in an NL lineup. Whoever it is.

9 - Pitcher. Real teams don't use a DH. Give me Orel Hershiser, .400 guy. :)

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Okay, some things I've always wondered about baseball in general:

1.) What kind of offensive performance do people expect out of certain position players (example: first basemen are usually power hitters, pitchers bunt, etc.)

2.) What kind of hitter do you want in each line up spot (Example: 4th or 5th batter on the lineup hits for power, drives in RBIs)

I wouldn't say that all first basemen are power hitters. I mean sure, you look at Pujols and Adrian Gonzalez and Joey Votto and you could attempt to deduce that, but they play first mainly because they are strong and smart.

I don't think coaches put players into positions for their offensive capabilities at all- of course, if you have two equally good defensive players at the same position, then I'm sure the coach looks at offensive capabilities. But good defense is essential.

As for your second question, the person batting 4th (and sometimes 5th) is considered cleanup. The guy that's first in the lineup is usually really fast- someone that can get on base by either hitting strong ground balls or line drives or can bunt and beat the ball to the bag. These guys don't swing for the fences.

Second hitter is a solid, consistent hitter that can also get on base.

Third guy is similar, but probably also has some power to him.

9th is most likely the pitcher (if it's the NL)...but it irks me that the national league doesn't give the pitchers a lot of batting practice, because I feel they could make a difference in the game. As for hitters 6, 7, and 8- it's up to the coach. The coach doesn't want to go in order from best to worst hitter in those three spots, because that lacks strategy and you want someone to pick up the slack for your pitcher.

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Pirates fans never learn. Its seems like this is a yearly thing. They win a few games early, get their fans a little excited, then they...well...resort to being the Pirates, finishing in last, usually 40 or so games out of first.

Btw, your numbers above are a little skewed. Oftentimes these days your leadoff guy will also have some pop. Kinsler in Texas. Prado in Atlanta. And there are alot better examples, I'm just too tired to look it up.

To answer the other guy's question: Generally your first three hitters in the lineup are usually your best hitters. Almost always the guy hitting 3rd is your best hitter. And generally your 1 and 9 hitters 8 hitters in the NL have pretty good speed. Its a little less true in the AL, because of the sorry ass DH.

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Pirates fans never learn. Its seems like this is a yearly thing. They win a few games early, get their fans a little excited, then they...well...resort to being the Pirates, finishing in last, usually 40 or so games out of first.

Btw, your numbers above are a little skewed. Oftentimes these days your leadoff guy will also have some pop. Kinsler in Texas. Prado in Atlanta. And there are alot better examples, I'm just too tired to look it up.

To answer the other guy's question: Generally your first three hitters in the lineup are usually your best hitters. Almost always the guy hitting 3rd is your best hitter. And generally your 1 and 9 hitters 8 hitters in the NL have pretty good speed. Its a little less true in the AL, because of the sorry ass DH.

That's definitely the way it should be. And that's the way the Rangers have it, for sure. Managers who put their best hitter at the #4 spot are stupid because you always want that guy to be guaranteed to come to the plate in the first inning.

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Okay, some things I've always wondered about baseball in general:

1.) What kind of offensive performance do people expect out of certain position players (example: first basemen are usually power hitters, pitchers bunt, etc.)

1B and OF are generally the power hitters.

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Miss, Pitchers get more hitting practice then you probably think. You said you attend alot of games. Not sure if you get there early or not when you do, but you should every once and while. Its a blast watching pitchers up there. You'll be sitting there going, "damn, who just hit that bomb"...and then you will see it was the pitcher and be really surprised. I remember watching Mike Hampton, Smoltz, and those guys hit. They could really jack some. Then again, the guy throwing to them generally isn't pitching but about 70ish. Because alot of times it will be a coach pitching to them.

They do get to hit alot, but not nearly as much as the regular guys (obviously). But the pitchers are forever working on bunting (sacrificing), because that's usually what they are asked to do in games.

---------- Post added April-7th-2011 at 01:01 AM ----------

That's definitely the way it should be. And that's the way the Rangers have it, for sure. Managers who put their best hitter at the #4 spot are stupid because you always want that guy to be guaranteed to come to the plate in the first inning.

Well, that, and the higher they hit in the order the more at bats they have a chance to get.

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Pirates fans never learn. Its seems like this is a yearly thing. They win a few games early, get their fans a little excited, then they...well...resort to being the Pirates, finishing in last, usually 40 or so games out of first.

Oh, no, I learned your M.O. long ago. Bust the balls of anyone, trying to enjoy anything. Forgive us for consistently supporting our team no matter what. As a Skins fan, you should understand that.

Btw, your numbers above are a little skewed. Oftentimes these days your leadoff guy will also have some pop. Kinsler in Texas. Prado in Atlanta. And there are alot better examples, I'm just too tired to look it up.

Andrew McCutcheon in Pittsburgh, though he's dropped to 3rd this year.

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Miss, Pitchers get more hitting practice then you probably think. You said you attend alot of games. Not sure if you get there early or not when you do, but you should every once and while. Its a blast watching pitchers up there. You'll be sitting there going, "damn, who just hit that bomb"...and then you will see it was the pitcher and be really surprised. I remember watching Mike Hampton, Smoltz, and those guys hit. They could really jack some. Then again, the guy throwing to them generally isn't pitching but about 70ish. Because alot of times it will be a coach pitching to them.

They do get to hit alot, but not nearly as much as the regular guys (obviously). But the pitchers are forever working on bunting (sacrificing), because that's usually what they are asked to do in games.

Yeah, I've been to batting practice....I just get mad in game situations that the pitcher is always expected to bunt. They should let him swing away, and give him enough practice so they are confident that he CAN swing away and not get an automatic out. I think a team that has a competitive hitting pitcher would have an edge over a team where the pitcher gets up and sacrifices himself.

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Oh, no, I learned your M.O. long ago. Bust the balls of anyone, trying to enjoy anything. Forgive us for consistently supporting our team no matter what. As a Skins fan, you should understand that.

Andrew McCutcheon in Pittsburgh, though he's dropped to 3rd this year.

Just busting your balls man. Its what I do.:) I actually love the fact that you are a Pirates fan. You have to be a diehard to follow a team like that. I think its great. Nothing worse than bandwagon fans. MissU is a diehard, too.

Btw, McCutheon is a very good example. That guy is a player. And Neil Walker could be one, too. Tabata also. You guys have some decent young talent, for sure. And I couldn't believe how much Charlie Morton has improved. He was TERRIBLE in Atlanta. He looked terrific the other night.

---------- Post added April-7th-2011 at 01:11 AM ----------

Yeah, I've been to batting practice....I just get mad in game situations that the pitcher is always expected to bunt. They should let him swing away, and give him enough practice so they are confident that he CAN swing away and not get an automatic out. I think a team that has a competitive hitting pitcher would have an edge over a team where the pitcher gets up and sacrifices himself.

I understand what you're saying, but its probably never gonna change. Pitchers in the NL are mainly just expected to get guys out. That, and like you said, bunt (sacrifice). And also it helps if they can field their position. In a way I understand why teams don't really let pitchers hit more. Its just more risk for them to get hurt. They could get hit on their throwring hand, pull an oblique, etc. Granted, those things can still happen in the limited practice they get as it is, but the chances aren't as great.

---------- Post added April-7th-2011 at 01:13 AM ----------

Yeah, I've been to batting practice....I just get mad in game situations that the pitcher is always expected to bunt. They should let him swing away, and give him enough practice so they are confident that he CAN swing away and not get an automatic out. I think a team that has a competitive hitting pitcher would have an edge over a team where the pitcher gets up and sacrifices himself.

I understand what you're saying, but its probably never gonna change. Pitchers in the NL are mainly just expected to get guys out. That, and like you said, bunt (sacrifice). And also it helps if they can field their position. In a way I understand why teams don't really let pitchers hit more. Its just more risk for them to get hurt. They could get hit on their throwring hand, pull an oblique, etc. Granted, those things can still happen in the limited practice they get as it is, but the chances aren't as great.

Edit: Btw, Tim Hudson was one of, maybe the top hitter, on his Auburn team. He put up incredible numbers as a hitter in college. He's still a decent hitter (for a pitcher) now, but you would never know by watching him hit that he was a great hitter.

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Just busting your balls man. Its what I do.:) I actually love the fact that you are a Pirates fan. You have to be a diehard to follow a team like that. I think its great. Nothing worse than bandwagon fans. MissU is a diehard, too.

Btw, McCutheon is a very good example. That guy is a player. And Neil Walker could be one, too. Tabata also. You guys have some decent young talent, for sure. And I couldn't believe how much Charlie Morton has improved. He was TERRIBLE in Atlanta. He looked terrific the other night.

I know. That's why I called you on it. :)

But yeah, McCutcheon and Walker are guys that, as a Bucs fan, I've become accustomed to seeing go elsewhere. I really hope we can hang on to these guys, because they're a real potential foundation for a solid young team. If they were Yankees is that the case? No. But for us, they show real promise, and at the same time might be guys we can afford to keep.

Morton really impressed me too the other night. McDonald's our only starter to struggle so far, but again, I think a lot of that was because he's been hurt. I'm a realist, and I know that once guys get used to seeing the ball again, our starters will get rocked a little bit. But they've blown me away so far.

I think this team is young and hungry. Maybe hungry to get that shot with a "real" team. But this doesn't strike me as one of those Bucs teams that's just going to go away. Starting pitching and timely hitting means a lot in baseball. And so far, we've got both.

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To answer the other guy's question: Generally your first three hitters in the lineup are usually your best hitters. Almost always the guy hitting 3rd is your best hitter. And generally your 1 and 9 hitters 8 hitters in the NL have pretty good speed. Its a little less true in the AL, because of the sorry ass DH.

bubble is spot on in his analysis about the lineup and the pitchers in the nl. there are in fact, a few pitchers who are pretty good at hitting. ex. zambrano, dontrelle willis, cc sabathia.

usually people think of the best hitter on a team as the clean up hitter. the number 3 hitter is actually usually the best. the 3 spot also receives the pitchers nastiest stuff. thats why when some 3 hitters get solid protection around them they become more productive because the pitcher has to stretch out his good stuff for the number 4 hitter (i expect that this year with markakis)

Andrew McCutcheon in Pittsburgh, though he's dropped to 3rd this year.

mccutchen is a baller. i try to have him on my fantasy team every year. he has dropped to 3rd, but the manager always moves him around in the lineup througout the year. if tabata can reach his potential, then mccutchen will most likely stay at 3rd.

and its unfortunate that the pirates always seem to trade away their best players.

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Yeah, I've been to batting practice....I just get mad in game situations that the pitcher is always expected to bunt. They should let him swing away, and give him enough practice so they are confident that he CAN swing away and not get an automatic out. I think a team that has a competitive hitting pitcher would have an edge over a team where the pitcher gets up and sacrifices himself.

Are you aware of that Padres Breakfast deal thingy

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