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St. Johns 65, Rutgers 63: Worst. Officiating. Ever.


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If you didn't watch Rutgers-St John's, you missed some of the worst officiating in the history of NCAA basketball. Two turnovers that weren't called, a foul that wasn't called, a travelling that wasn't called, and a player who stepped out of bounds that wasn't called, in the last 1.7 seconds. Because the refs had walked off the court.


St. John's scores to go up 2 with just under 5 seconds to go. On the inbounds pass, Justin Brownlee fouls a Rutgers player (not called), grabs the ball and runs (not called), steps out of bounds with 1.7 left on the clock (not called), and the clock goes to double zeroes. Because nothing was called, the refs can't go to the film and call something, so the result has to stand.

Look at the highlights of the game, and tell me that Rutgers didn't get screwed out of at least one more possession.

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Outside of maybe soccer, officiating controls basketball way too much. It drives me crazy and I can barely stand to watch it.

On ESPN they were saying the only way the replay could come into affect was for a time stopage of which there wasn't one because they blew the call. True or not I don't know.

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Um don't they have instant replay?
I thought they had replay at the end of a game, why didn't they fix this???

Unless something is called on the court, the rules say they can't do anything. Meaning they can't look at the replay and then make a call. They can only correct the clock on an already made call.

It's a conspiracy!

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the no call on the foul was a good call. THey only screwed up the out of bounds

in all reality they probably wouldnt have scored anyway.. It is rutgers

They came back from 6 or 8 down with about a two minutes or so to go, so it wasn't out of the question.

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I really don't see anything the refs did wrong in that video...Hmm... I found my spoon to stir the pot!

Are you hammered?

---------- Post added March-9th-2011 at 11:14 PM ----------

the no call on the foul was a good call. THey only screwed up the out of bounds

in all reality they probably wouldnt have scored anyway.. It is rutgers

He also traveled and thew the ball into the stands before the game was over.

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no yeah i agree with that part, but i dont agree that they white dude was fouled on the inbound pass. That i was fine with, the other is wrong but to be honest i was expecting something more drastic with all this commotion about it on espn and stuff

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