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The Survivor Thread


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You know what, to hell with it, I'm outing myself. I'm a big Survivor geek and I know I'm not the only one on here. I think I've seen all but two seasons in full, and the show is still going strong in Season 20-whatever they're on now.

Anyone watching this season, considering they brought back Boston Rob and Russell, one of the best players ever? I wouldn't mind keeping a discussion going over it throughout if there is interest.

For those who did watch, "I'M A FEDERAL AGENT" is already my favorite tagline of the season. My wife and I were yelling it at each other randomly after the show was over.

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Last night's episode was hilarious. That Philip guy is an idiot, but Christina and Francesa are even bigger idiots. Why was Christina plotting to use the hidden immunity idol on Day 1? Who does that??? lol

Russell and Rob are definite threats, so lets see if the teams are smart enough to try and get rid of them quickly. Although, the whole redemption island twist could make it interesting when voting people out since they may not actually be gone.

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Last night's episode was hilarious. That Philip guy is an idiot, but Christina and Francesa are even bigger idiots. Why was Christina plotting to use the hidden immunity idol on Day 1? Who does that??? lol

Russell and Rob are definite threats, so lets see if the teams are smart enough to try and get rid of them quickly. Although, the whole redemption island twist could make it interesting when voting people out since they may not actually be gone.

Who knows...that Phillip guy is already the best comedy of the season. I enjoyed Rob's Godfather bit...give me the idol and I'll let you stay three more days.

I haven't watched a season of Survivor since Africa. Maybe I'll give it a shot this year.

And don't feel bad about liking Survivor; I'm a big Jersey Shore fan.

I honestly don't watch much TV beyond sports, but Survivor has always appealed to me. I love seeing how people act when put in this situation.

I was going to pass on last nights show - had enough of Russell and Boston boy... but that Federal Agent saved the day. The single best council ever... that dude is whacked out of his skull and I loved that he couldnt get that girls name correct. It was freaking hilarious.

Yeah, it gave me hope that this will be an entertaining one. Although having Russell involved should be enough, that guy is incredible and I hope he sticks around for awhile.

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I was going to pass on last nights show - had enough of Russell and Boston boy... but that Federal Agent saved the day. The single best council ever... that dude is whacked out of his skull and I loved that he couldnt get that girls name correct. It was freaking hilarious.

He couldn't say her name because his mouth was dry and he's seen a doctor for it lol

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I normally have watched survivor in the past, but I'm passing this year specifically because of Boston Rob and Russell. It get's old having the same people on the show. For Russell this is 3 out of the last 4. He's played out and his act is boring now.

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Survivor thread? Awwww hell yeah!!! Last night was hilarious. That dude Phillip and his little pink undies is effin crazy. And I'm always a sucker for heels so I'm glad ROb and Russell were brought in again. And the girls this time around are super hot. Really looking forward to this season.

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I'd be okay with Redemption Island if they stop doing those "what if" segments. I honestly don't care to do a "what if" about past seasons, especially not four or five of them per episode. I hope that was just for the first episode to get us used to the idea, and is not an ongoing feature.

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I'm not gonna lie...my gf had NEVER watched a single episode of survivor, so we started from the beginning in like December, watching it streaming online. I mean, its required watching, it changed television forever, and really set up thise mega-reality tv wave we're still on now.

We're on season 4 I think, taking a break for awhile, because we usually watch shows like a marathon...we'll watch entire seasons in a couple of days.

But I was amazed at how much I didn't remember, which makes sense, since I was much younger when I used to watch. Who knows what season we'll stop watching at, I totally forgot which one was the last I saw originally.

But its definitely our guilty pleasure tv show....along with True Blood.

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I fall under that category of people that were done with watching Survivor but watched last night's only to see the scenery in Nicaragua as they arrived. Ended up watching the whole show and the stupidity and absolute cluelessness that was shown made that one of the most entertaining Tribal Councils ever. I think Rob put it best when he called them "amateurs".

At the end, I had to turn to my wife and give her the ol' "Just when I thought I was out...they pull me back in" line!

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yeah Connskins, I have watched every season but i bet if i go back and start watching again, i would remember. I dont know how people do so well on those immunity challenges that refer which season did this stuff happen

Definitely. The only thing I've been disappointed in so far is that I've remembered the winners every season....because that's hard to forget. But I pretend to not remember for my gf's sake haha.

But now we're on Africa, and I sincerely don't know who wins any seasons after this, which is more exciting. I just remember loving Rupert and him not winning anything until he won that fan-voted million.

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I gotta say, Russell is the ONLY reason I watch. Can't stand the schmuck from Boston and the rest are completely ordinary and forgettable. Haave been for a long time. Russell though, is definitely a heel but he is so friggin slick that he always ends up getting over. He is without a doubt the BEST Survivor player EVER. Not the nicest or even most likeable but def the best game player and manipulator and that's what makes him fun to watch.

This new "federal agent" guy is pretty damn funny.

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I usually catch maybe 3 episodes of Survivor every season. Last night, nothing was on so I figured I would watch the first episode of this year. I am freaking hooked already. The council reminded me of little kids arguing. They just kept uping the stakes until Phillip outted Christina having the immunity idol. I almost fell out of my chair when that happened. Then when they were counting votes and it was 2 all the way around, Christina is sitting there holding the immunity with a look on her facing thinking she F'd up by not using it.

This is going to be a total circus because I think Phillip knocked himself out as a threat because they all figure he is frigging nuts. I think we will have many more weeks of "I am a federal agent". Funny thing is that Phillip could survive on Redemption Island for quite a while. Physically he can probably beat most of the others and he thinks logically. His downfall there may be that he probably can't think outside of the box. There is no gray to him, only black and white and no shades in between.

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he is the best player who has not won. You can claim sandra is the best player ever to play this game.

Since this thread seems to get some people in it finally. Lets make a list of the best players in survivor history and we can then debate

Sandra, Paravati, Amanda, Cirie, Brian(thailand), Earl, Yul, Rob, Hatch, Russell? others?

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where do you watch it online? once my tests are over, and i get an ipad i will start this.


Some links might not work, but there are always multiple choices. And keep in mind that if you watch an episode via a Megavideo link, it only allows you to watch 75 minutes straight before you have to wait 50 minutes (I know, stupid).

The "Loombo" links are the best usually, in my opinion.

---------- Post added February-17th-2011 at 04:39 PM ----------

he is the best player who has not won. You can claim sandra is the best player ever to play this game.

Since this thread seems to get some people in it finally. Lets make a list of the best players in survivor history and we can then debate

Sandra, Paravati, Amanda, Cirie, Brian(thailand), Earl, Yul, Rob, Hatch, Russell? others?

I remember fireman Tom being very good....****, what season was he? Basically he was just unstoppable in challenges.

But I haven't seen all of the seasons sooo.

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