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PFT: Aaron Maybin may be off the Bills roster soon (M.E.T.) How would he fit as a 3-4 OLB


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I would like to see us bring him in for a look see. People say he has busted out at both 43 DE and 34OLB. While that might be true, there is a reason why Buffalo is always picking top 5. They took him over Orakpo. They drafted Spiller when they had a nice stable of young RBs. They are just a very unintelligent FO. Theres no reason to believe that he wouldn't be successful with a new defense. Look at the success Spanos had with the awesome group of LBs in Pittsburgh.

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As a Penn State fan I watched Maybin over the years and what I can tell you is he has a great pass rushing ability ....unfortunately his pass rushing skills rely solely off his speed......his first step is very effective and to be honest unteachable however, he never really had a bull rushing technique....and of course in the nfl you cant be a one trick pony ...also he struggled vs the run in college and I'm pretty sure he struggled when he was with the bills also.,....On the bright note he is very young and inexperience when it comes to playing time( I'm pretty sure he left psu as a red-shirt soph) so the hope would be he has room to grow.....Idk I would sign him as a situational guy to start off with

Btw Last time I heard Lavar Arrington was his mentor ....so I'm sure he wont be putting in a good word for us

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we better just pony up and get Lamaar Woodley in here ... you know we can beat any offer the Steelers make. He's one guy I think could be a major contributor to this defense and team for several years. I'm not suggesting we throw the moon and the stars at him. But he is stud and can defended the run incredibly well. We need some stout LB's ... no more tweener-speed-rushers please.

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Btw Last time I heard Lavar Arrington was his mentor ....so I'm sure he wont be putting in a good word for us

With this information I think we can safely close this thread. No way Maybin signs here if Arrington is in his ear and no way we would want him if he is learning how to play OLB from LaVar.

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PASS this guy can't even get on the field with the Bills something is wrong......

Brandon Lloyd couldn't get on the field with us. He just happened to lead the NFL in receiving this year. Just because a guy can't get on the field with one team doesn't mean he can't with another. I haven't seen enough of Maybin in the NFL to draw any conclusions and his production is abysmal but that doesn't mean he can't find a system that fits him better.

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I'd have no problem bringing him to camp but it would be like signing an UDFA. You promise them nothing and chances are they won't make the squad. If they do it will probably be as depth.

I personally don't think he is a good player. He is a pass rush specialist that can't seem to get to the QB. I don't see what that adds to the team.

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