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No news yet on our Free Agents. Why?


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It's the offseason and I was just thinking about the guys I'd target for us in Free Agency if I were able to do that. Came up to the QB position and thought to myself...what's going on with Rex right now?

Anyone who doesn't know this, Grossman just completed a one year contract he signed last year when he came in and is now a Free Agent. We seemed to rely on him at the end of the season and the conventional wisdom right now is that he is likely to start for us next year after we ship McNabb out of town for a draft pick. However it occurred to me that if this was indeed our plan why haven't we signed him to an extension yet? Are we simply waiting to move McNabb first then sign him so that other teams think we are unsettled at QB next year so they give up more? Or is this a situation where Grossman thinks he can wait to sign and get more money in Free Agency from us or another team?

Besides Rex we also have these players about to become Free Agents:

Santana Moss

Stephon Heyer

Kedric Golston

Chris Wilson

Rocky McIntosh

Reed Doughty

Carlos Rogers

Am I off base here or doesn't it make more sense to re-sign the guys we want to re-sign before they become Free Agents then to let them test the waters and see what they can get? What's stopping the team from signing the guys they want to now? Or is this more of an indication that they plan to not re-sign any of these players and look elsewhere this offseason? Or is this simply a matter of the team waiting out the labor agreement before doing anything?

One thing of note about the labor agreement situation I'm wondering now is this...

According to reports Free Agency 2011 opens on March 1, 2011 if there is a Free Agency this year. The labor deal doesn't end until March 4th, 2011 if the labor agreement isn't reached. Peter King said this about Free Agency this year:

"This could be a bit of a moot point anyway. Now, don't all you free-agents-to-be panic out there. But one of the things the NFL is discussing in the event of a work stoppage that lasts 'til late in the preseason (or into the season) is the possibility of no free agency this season, and giving each free agent a premium to return to his team this year and delaying their entry into the free market 'til 2012.

Read more: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2011/writers/peter_king/01/09/wild-card/index.html#ixzz1BVHkIpWy"

So I would assume that if it gets down to the wire that we wouldn't see a 3 day rush of Free Agency and they would table the whole thing well before March 4th right? Or is it more likely that we see a three day FA period?

These aren't questions I'd expect many on here to actually know the answers to. I believe the people that know this information are in charge of the team however I thought discussing this could make for an interesting discussion. We are entering unchartered waters now so anyone's guesses could be right or wrong but I know we all have something to share.

So what's going on with us not yet re-signing any of our own Free Agents with just three games left in the 2010 season?

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No one is going to sign anyone until the CBA situation gets worked out.

I considered this but Seattle would definitely disagree...

On January 3rd they re-signed Mike Williams to a 3 year deal

On January 14th they re-signed Ben Obomanu to a 3 year deal

Both WR's were set to become Free Agents on March 1st.

Edit...remember the question isn't why aren't we signing other teams players' date=' it's why aren't we signing our own?

---------- Post added January-19th-2011 at 11:48 AM ----------

Pretty much, the whole league is frozen contract wise until that happens.

Yea not true, see Seattle this week. I'm sure if I wanted to dig up more transactions like these two players I could. Things aren't frozen

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I considered this but Seattle would definitely disagree...

On January 3rd they re-signed Mike Williams to a 3 year deal

On January 14th they re-signed Ben Obomanu to a 3 year deal

Both WR's were set to become Free Agents on March 1st.

Edit...remember the question isn't why aren't we signing other teams players, it's why aren't we signing our own?

---------- Post added January-19th-2011 at 11:48 AM ----------

Yea not true, see Seattle this week. I'm sure if I wanted to dig up more transactions like these two players I could. Things aren't frozen

We would need to see those contracts before we say things aren't frozen. They could be the exact type of contract we offered to LJ and Willie Parker. Contracts that can be torn up with no financial or cap hit.

There is no point in offering fake contracts right now.

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Yea not true, see Seattle this week. I'm sure if I wanted to dig up more transactions like these two players I could. Things aren't frozen

Why is it not true? He didn't say that everything was frozen. So, a couple of exceptions do NOT make his statement false.

Oops, my reading comprehension is off, didn't see the placement of his comma, sorry.

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Yea not true, see Seattle this week. I'm sure if I wanted to dig up more transactions like these two players I could. Things aren't frozen

Were these guys big money? My guess is the guys we have listed, some we're not sure we want to keep, others will be expensive and they may not want to sign yet, as they could be leaving money on the table if the salary allocation for vets goes up. I think any deal involving large sums now is not prudent. So I expect you won't see many multiyear multimillion dollar deals done if any.

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Perhaps teams still playing are allowed to still make roster moves?

Find me a team not in the playoffs who signed extensions, and we can discuss the league not being thawed.

1/3 - Shawne Merriman re-signed (two-year contract) with Buffalo. Tennessee Titans re-signed Chris Hawkins (CB) signed (two-year contract). This was after the season ended for these teams. The last game played for them was 1/2. However I'm not sure you guys aren't onto something here with this now.

Could be?

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1/3 - Shawne Merriman re-signed (two-year contract) with Buffalo. Tennessee Titans re-signed Chris Hawkins (CB) signed (two-year contract). This was after the season ended for these teams. The last game played for them was 1/2. However I'm not sure you guys aren't onto something here with this now.

Could be?

Again, do these contracts have any guarentuees? Your not looking at the entire picture.

You think Santana Moss is going to sign a contract like that?

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Again, do these contracts have any guarentuees? Your not looking at the entire picture.

You think Santana Moss is going to sign a contract like that?

Your point isn't being ignored. I'm wondering why more teams haven't signed there own yet. I tend to sway towards there being some restriction on teams signing players at this point like was mentioned as the cause. The problem with the theory to me is I can't find anything stating this as a rule. Its possible the owners agreed to this without a rule being necessary as a stick it to the players sort of thing though.

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I doubt it has anything to do with teams still playing.

No player movement can occur right now so why sign anyone? No other team can take them from us. I think it's very smart to play wait and see. You have no idea how the salary cap will work, if there's a rookie scale, etc...

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Your point isn't being ignored. I'm wondering why more teams haven't signed there own yet. I tend to sway towards there being some restriction on teams signing players at this point like was mentioned as the cause. The problem with the theory to me is I can't find anything stating this as a rule. Its possible the owners agreed to this without a rule being necessary as a stick it to the players sort of thing though.

I definitely don't think there is a rule in place that prohibits from signing people to extensions. I also don't believe owners are trying to stick it to players, because even with extensions/new contracts, the players wont get paid if there is a lockout.

I just think the owners see no point in giving new contracts based on the old CBA. They have no clue if the player pool percentages decrease, if there is a rookie cap for larger cash going to Vets. They have no idea how to structure these contracts, so they are going to wait until they have a new direction of how the CBA will look like.

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I think most player's agents would resist early signings unless it was a great deal. Test the market and try to create a bidding war. It's in the club's interest to lock em up early and the player's interest to wait.

Is there anyone on that list we HAVE to have? If your answer is no then that's why we haven't been able to sign any early. That and we're still evaluating who we really want after a season in which both our offense and defense was pretty inept most of the time.

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It's in the club's interest to lock em up early and the player's interest to wait.

Exactly right and with the brain trust we have in place now I'd expect them to sign the players like Grossman they think are necessary for success next year now.

Is there anyone on that list we HAVE to have? If your answer is no then that's why we haven't been able to sign any early. That and we're still evaluating who we really want after a season in which both our offense and defense was pretty inept most of the time.

I am in the minority here but I do think we need to keep Grossman, Moss, and Heyer and hope they are re-signed. Rogers I think is already gone and the others are backups or not in the plans. In answering that none are truely "must" signs minus Rex if the teams going to use him as the starter next year. Moss is a must sign to me because of what the options are in FA and what I think it will cost to keep him unless they plan to replace him with a rookie next year and then that means we don't go QB. Moss is a player I worry about re-signing that no one seems to appreciate that I believe will get more money on the open market because other teams are going to value him more then we do. He's the most likely early re-signing I would personally want to keep away from Free Agency. I don't see many teams chasing Rex or Heyer. Heyer to me is a must sign because of the investment the teams put in him and his ability to be a quality line backup. The others not so much

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Teams likely want to see what's available in free agency before locking up roster spots with re-signed guys.

Also remember it's not just about who's currently scheduled to be free agents. Players will be released as the offseason progresses after the new CBA is put in place.

So teams like to keep spots open in case guys are released that they like...

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I think there has been a roster/cap juggling game in place at least since last offseason. The CBA arguably has more impact on our team than others because:

1) We used the uncapped year to redesign contracts in such a way as to allow us to dump players with smaller future cap hits, assuming there is some sort of new cap in the new CBA.

2) While we have been trying to renegotiate and reword contracts to be kinder to the overall payroll structure in future years (see McNabb's new deal), we also realize that a team needs to be fielded — ideally a team that Shanahan feels can produce some wins. I think that's one reason why we didn't totally "clean house" last offseason. Many fans were talking about getting rid of just about everyone. We did not because it's just not that simple and I think Shanny wanted to see what he could get out of "coaching up" guys like Portis, Moss, Haynesworth, etc. He probably has a better sense of what he's working with now.

3) I don't know if we're necessarily interested in resigning all of our own FA's right now. For example, I think Grossman is probably the starter going into next season. I think the coaches have a pretty good idea of what you get with him — good and bad. Are they falling over themselves to resign him? No. Would they love to upgrade the position? Yes. Are they certain of what the options are to getting a better short or long term starter right now? No.

The guys who have been resigned by other teams (and there aren't many) all seem to be young players who made surprisingly strong contributions during the season. You tie them up because you think you're still getting a bargain compared to waiting for free agency or the draft. Which of our FA's really fall into that category?

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Who said that we are going to get rid of McNabb? Who said that Rex was the answer or in good graces with the Shanahan? Who wants Grossman or who is going to pay good? Who says that our QB situation is unsettled? All this is speculation by the media and the fans who believe that they know what is going on in Redskins Park. That was when Vinny was running the asylum. Since Allen and Shanahanhave been running the team nothing that was said to be happening didn't happen. So La Canfora and all those other bozos can say what they think is going on but that isn't backed up by any facts. Until they get a CBA in place no one is going to sign anyone except for draft picks.

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Who said that we are going to get rid of McNabb? Who said that Rex was the answer or in good graces with the Shanahan? Who wants Grossman or who is going to pay good? Who says that our QB situation is unsettled? All this is speculation by the media and the fans who believe that they know what is going on in Redskins Park. That was when Vinny was running the asylum. Since Allen and Shanahanhave been running the team nothing that was said to be happening didn't happen. So La Canfora and all those other bozos can say what they think is going on but that isn't backed up by any facts. Until they get a CBA in place no one is going to sign anyone except for draft picks.

I agree with the general sentiment of your post but I don't think it's a stretch or media invention to say our QB situation is unsettled. I think that's putting it mildly.

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