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No news yet on our Free Agents. Why?


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I think its settled just how and when we dump McNabb is the question

Yeah but then who replaces him. Grossman is likely but that's not a thought to set the pulse racing, at least not in a good way. Beck? Do t see it personally. A rookie? Non of the top three or four prospects are ready to start from day one in my view and I think Gabbert and Newton are both probably off the board when we pick. Not much in the free agent market is likely to be better than Grossman.

Yeah, I think unsettled is mild.

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Yeah but then who replaces him. Grossman is likely but that's not a thought to set the pulse racing, at least not in a good way. Beck? Do t see it personally. A rookie? Non of the top three or four prospects are ready to start from day one in my view and I think Gabbert and Newton are both probably off the board when we pick. Not much in the free agent market is likely to be better than Grossman.

Yeah, I think unsettled is mild.

Welcome to a rebuild. This is settled but not a fact so we are talking about what we expect. What I expect is McNabb isn't our QB of the future and this isn't a team on the verge of the Superbowl. What teams like ours do is find a QB who can play until the rookie we choose to take over the franchise is ready.

The "excitement factor" matters not. A few years ago under Gibbs we were like this and used Brunell while Campbell got ready. This time around we will use Grossman while the rookie gets ready. The only way I see this not happening is if the experts decide none of the QB's are worth this and delay this another year. Even if that happens financially we would be asinine to keep McNabb another season because that ensures he's going to cost us millions and at 35 he's not worth that to the ball club who's going to spend millions to get a QB of the future the next season. How much money do you think we can dump in this one position on two players? And if they planned to keep him next year why did they try out the Grossman experience? To me this is a done deal, McNabb's on the way out

---------- Post added January-19th-2011 at 06:19 PM ----------

Bingo....Your not allowed to sign free agents until theres a new CBA agreed upon.

Even your own players? I doubt it

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I just think the owners see no point in giving new contracts based on the old CBA. They have no clue if the player pool percentages decrease, if there is a rookie cap for larger cash going to Vets. They have no idea how to structure these contracts, so they are going to wait until they have a new direction of how the CBA will look like.

That doesn't work -- it's not like everyone's contract ended at the end of this season. Brady signed a giant deal with only a year in front of the new CBA. The Colts are talking to Manning now. I think the issue isn't just the unknown of the CBA but that there's really no crucial piece of the Skins' future to be resigned right now. If there was, they'd be working on getting them signed.

No lynchpins, that is, EXCEPT LOS MANOS DE PIEDRA. Sign Los, Bruce. Now.

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That doesn't work -- it's not like everyone's contract ended at the end of this season. Brady signed a giant deal with only a year in front of the new CBA. The Colts are talking to Manning now. I think the issue isn't just the unknown of the CBA but that there's really no crucial piece of the Skins' future to be resigned right now. If there was, they'd be working on getting them signed.

No lynchpins, that is, EXCEPT LOS MANOS DE PIEDRA. Sign Los, Bruce. Now.

Why do you want to sign Roberto Duran?

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I considered this but Seattle would definitely disagree...

On January 3rd they re-signed Mike Williams to a 3 year deal

On January 14th they re-signed Ben Obomanu to a 3 year deal

Both WR's were set to become Free Agents on March 1st.

Edit...remember the question isn't why aren't we signing other teams players, it's why aren't we signing our own?

Even so, there's not a lot of activity going on league wide. It's random signings sprinkled here and there. I would imagine most teams are playing it cool for the timebeing, feeling the situation out.

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  • 1 month later...

I started this thread on January 19th and here it is March 01, 2011 and there is still no news. This still bothers me a lot. I see that others are starting to ask this as well:


What's the latest on re-signing these guys?

I think we're okay with all of those guys leaving. I could see us potentially matching an offer on Moss and Grossman knows that his best chance to start is here in DC, so I don't see him running away.

Jammal Brown is a little odd, but this just gives more weight to the idea that we're getting Ryan Harris from the Broncos for RT. Amazing how bad last offseason might look if we gave away a second and two thirds for players that spent a year on the team.

I'd like to see Moss and Grossman back before the 4th... but I don't expect anything to happen until the real FA period begins and these guys start talking to other teams.

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