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The Ryan Mallett Thread


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You're the idiot for saying I don't watch LSU when you don't even know me. Ignorance at its finest.

---------- Post added January-4th-2011 at 09:28 PM ----------

Did you see him climb the pocket and avoid the rush. Mobility comes in different forms.

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You're the idiot for saying I don't watch LSU when you don't even know me. Ignorance at its finest.

---------- Post added January-4th-2011 at 09:28 PM ----------

Did you see him climb the pocket and avoid the rush. Mobility comes in different forms.

Done with this argument. The only baseless claim I have made is that you don't watch LSU. Everything else I've said is based on FACT.

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Here's an interview with him


Maybe he's not Albert Einstein, but I see a good kid here (as much as one can tell from a youtube video).

Dude is a wankster. Like I said in another thread, he sounds like Ben Roethlisberger's down syndrome afflicted twin. Does anybody really want this retard on the Skins?

---------- Post added January-4th-2011 at 09:36 PM ----------

Dude just said "spesss-man" instead of "specimen". Next.

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i have literally not seen Mallet make more than 1-2 reads so far.

You likely won't. He has definitely had some nice passes so far, but one of the biggest problems I've seen when watching him play is inconsistency. That and sloppy footwork, especially when he gets pressured.

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Dude is a wankster. Like I said in another thread, he sounds like Ben Roethlisberger's down syndrome afflicted twin. Does anybody really want this retard on the Skins?

---------- Post added January-4th-2011 at 09:36 PM ----------

Dude just said "spesss-man" instead of "specimen". Next.

That's mean, but I can't stop laughing. You're right though, he'd get eaten alive in DC -- unless of course he wins a bunch of games, and then everyone will love him.

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Nope, he's definitely lighting it up.

Pryor has made a few bad passes but has come out better than I expected him to be tonight.

---------- Post added January-4th-2011 at 09:42 PM ----------

Isn't Prior suspended for the first few games next year? I wonder if that will effect his decision to come out. And if so, I wonder where the experts project him going in the draft.

Yes he's suspended for the first 5 games next year but most draftniks are in agreement he needs to return and play those 7 games next year and continue to refine his mechanics and passing game

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Thats all fine and dandy, but the real discussion is NFL talent at the QB position.

thats the point.. hes outplaying him and hes NFL talent at QB.. Pryor most likely isn't

Pryor has made a few bad passes but has done a excelent job in every other aspect.

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