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Ryan Mallett could be the guy


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Keep in mind... teams might not want to trade up for several reasons. They might trade up if a team see's a player they desperatly need and are scared another team will pick him up, so basically we have to hope that there is a player available at our pick that several other teams are in the hunt for and will want to trade up to our spot to get the player. Our only bright spot is the fact we are not sitting at #1 which a lot of teams feel the price is too high for any given player other then a Franchise QB. Can it happen for us... yes, will it happen for us?... I'd bank on a no.

but I'm in the trade out to get more picks. I look at what the Patriots have this yr in picks and cry. lol.

I realize another team would have to really want a certain player to trade up with us @8 or 9, so probably won't happen. I was more wishing out loud what I would like to have happen.

My point -- unless you can get Luck in the top half of the 1st round (highly unlikely) I say try to trade down or pick the best player available weighed against the needs of the team. And we all know the needs of this team are plentiful.

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Basically there are four quarterbacks who could all go in the first round - Luck, Locker, Newton and Mallett. I'm guessing the Redskins will end up drafting around the 8th overall pick, which means Luck is gone for sure. From there, I honestly have no clue which of the other three guys will still be on the board. My question is - if all three were somehow still available and Washington was dead set on taking a QB with the top spot, which one would you guys really like to see the Redskins end up with? I'm completely torn on the subject.

If it came down to drafting a qb in round #1, I would think Shanahan goes with Cam Newton.

He's athletic, has a pretty decent arm, good size to take hits, and knows what it takes to be winner.

Shanahan has to be near the top in being able to develop a young qb.

I dont believe he would draft Cam if he doesnt think he is going to have the work ethic that Shanny desires, including the game film route.

I could see a senario of Grossman, first game starter, Beck #2 and Newton carryng the clipboard.

Ponder just had another shoulder surgery, cant see the Skins having any interest there.

If it looks like Locker drops to second round they may concider, but if Newton is still on the board when we draft in round #1, they take him.

Mallet is tall, has a cannon, but is just not smart enough to read NFL defenses.

And yes, we will have no LUCK, we dont have the ammo, and Carolina is not going to let him get away.

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I have no horse in this race. I'm just sitting back and reading people who know and follow college football alot closer than me here on ES and elsewhere give their opinions on the quarterbacks.

Beyond Luck, it seems everyone has their next favorite. I gotta say, this is going to make for some fun threads in the next few months. These threads already are. I can't wait for the bowl games, all star games, combine, individual workouts etc and see how opinions change on not only who the next best QB is but also whether or not the Skins will be in a position to get him. You know that there will be someone projected to be a late 1st guy right now who will light up the combine and rocket to the top 5/10.

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most scouts are not high on him. He's so tall that he's sort of gangly and slow.

in fact the most common quote about him is "He's llike a statue in the pocket" .. Does that remind you of anyone? Like Jason "Candle" perhaps?

Personally, I think we should look at Andy Dalton out of TCU. We could probably get him in the 3rd round and it would be fitting because he surpassed Sammy Baughs record number of wins at TCU.

If you watch highlight video's,.. there's an obvious drop in speed and just overall rythm of the offense when you go from Luck to Locker. I'm really not impressed at all with Locker, Newton or especially Mallet.

Dalton though impresses me.. almost as much as Luck does.

totally agree on all points ... I saw Dalton in person last year single-handedly will his team to victory against my Clemson Tigers in Death Valley. The kid has a nice arm, he is accurate and he is pretty nimble and can move around and isn't afraid to tuck it and run. He did not perform well in the Fiesta bowl last year, but he has gotten better each week this season. I'm looking forward to seeing what he can do against the Stanford Cardinals in the Rose bowl this year.

I like this kid, and if we could grab him in the 2nd/3rd I think it would put us in a good position to not have to mortgage our future on a 1st round QB.

I also like Stanzi from Iowa and Kellen Moore from Boise St (though I think he is staying in college one more year). They are both very accurate and seem to be able to read defenses pretty well.

Locker seems slow and does not impress me at all (but I admit I haven;t watched much of him at all). I'm curious to know what these QB prospects 3rd down passer rating is? I think that is a big barometer for evaluating QB's, because it is usually a passing situation and is the bread and butter for a good QB, the ability to extend drives with their arms (or legs). Accuracy and the ability to read a defense is (IMO) going to be what sets these guys apart.

This should get very interesting to say the least. HAIL.

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I like Dalton also, and he's projected as a middle of the draft pick. Without improving at least 3/5 of our OL, I wouldn't put a rookie QB out there. For me that means the 1st two draft picks on OL and then a year of them starting with Trent. In two seasons we could have a good young OL who can be together for awhile.

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I dont see how Luck falls to us and I would rather the Skins draft Mallett if available....i predict we draft 8. Im confident he would be there w/the 8th pick...perhaps we could even trade down...to the early teens....recoup a 2nd. Then still snag Mallett. That would be a dream scenario cuz we'd have 2 second rounders.

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The QB they will go after is none of them fore mentioned. Shanahan and everyone else is looking for the next Tom Brady, Tony Romo sits to pee, Big Ben, or Kurt Warner. They all want to find the diamond in the rough. None of those guys were drafted in the first round or were even drafted. You can also throw in Phillip Rivers to that group because no one even thought he was going to be as good as he has been. Drew Brees can also be added to that list. What I am trying to say is that the draft or FA is a crap shoot and Luck, Locker, or Mallet may not be the answer to anyone's woes. The Redskins have a good chance to get one of those guys but none of them could be the answer to our QB issue. Just remember he could be the next Ryan Leaf or JaMarcus Russell.

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The QB they will go after is none of them fore mentioned. Shanahan and everyone else is looking for the next Tom Brady, Tony Romo sits to pee, Big Ben, or Kurt Warner. They all want to find the diamond in the rough. None of those guys were drafted in the first round or were even drafted. You can also throw in Phillip Rivers to that group because no one even thought he was going to be as good as he has been. Drew Brees can also be added to that list. What I am trying to say is that the draft or FA is a crap shoot and Luck, Locker, or Mallet may not be the answer to anyone's woes. The Redskins have a good chance to get one of those guys but none of them could be the answer to our QB issue. Just remember he could be the next Ryan Leaf or JaMarcus Russell.

You killed your argument...Big Ben? Top 10 pick and some thought the best QB that year. Rivers? He as picked 4th. Someone clearly though he was that good.

Look at the good QBs in the league:

Rivers (1st round)

Brees (2nd round - first pick, almost a first)

Peyton (1st pick)

Ben R (Top 10 pick)

Rodgers (1st rounder)

Brady (6th round)

Romo sits to pee (undrafted)

Matt Ryan (3rd pick)

Flacco (1st round)

Vick (1st pick)

Eli Manning (1st pick)

Josh Freeman (1st round)

Sam Bradford (1st pick)

Those are 13 QBs the skins would love to have (maybe not eli haha) - 10 first rounders, 1 borderline first, an undrafted and a 6th rounder.

Good QBs, for the most part, come in the 1st round.

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I heard this same nonsense when Bradford or Okung were discussed last year. Think the Rams regret their decision? You need QB in this league, period.

The answer is right there in your post. You do not take any player, at any position, regardless of need, unless you believe in them. So the same could be said about a quarterback. Yes, we may need one, but you cannot simply ignore our other needs and take a quarterback because "you need a QB in this league." Clearly a guy like Bradford does not come around very often that can take such a bad team and instantly make them better. There are good QB's to be had but unless you are certain that this is your guy (obviously you can almost never be certain the player will pan out for a million reasons, but certain he is the one you think can take you to the next level) you don't take them. Same could be said for every position.

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I hope we can find a good young QB, after Luck.. I'm really nervous. I see a lot of people falling for the Cam Newton college player. I really really hope he doesn't end up on the Redskins. He makes plays with his legs but is more of a power kinda running QB, he is not gonna be as successful doing that against NFL players. He isn't all that accurate either.. I think a perfect NFL player to compare what his NFL career will be like is Vince Young, Newton prolly won't act like a spoiled little brat like VY does.. but it's pretty much the same skill set.

That being said, I'm not here to argue because I could very well be wrong and I could very well be right, truth is NONE of us will know for a year or two anyway.

I am dying for a young QB in the draft, one I can get excited about... but I don't want us to do it just to do it.

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Sure. What's the word on that guy?

Well I look at it with Gabbert like this, we won't get Luck unless we really mortgage the farm, and Gabbert in 2012 in the best QB there's no question about it. I see Gabbert as a QB who once you put him on your team it increases the level of play for your whole team by a large amount. He's very mobile has a big arm and the perfect size and this year he's worked on his accuracy a lot and now its very good.

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No thanks on Mallett. I've never been all that impressed by him when watching him play. His footwork is not very quick and can get sloppy in his drop back, his throwing motion is elongated (not really a surprise for a guy his size, though), and there have been concerns about his work ethic and intelligence. The main thing he has going for him is a cannon for an arm.

I could possibly see us going Locker, but not with a top 10 pick. He regressed this year after having high expectations for a breakout season and his draft status is slipping. Watching him sometimes he looks really good and sometimes he just looks downright awful. IMO he is a project in the NFL. If he dropped to the 2nd I would be ok with grabbing him and letting him sit for a year at least with the Shannys coaching him up.

Cam Newton scares the hell out of me as a prospect. His athleticism and potential are undoubted. But I think he has a VERY high bust possibility. "Potential" and "Top 10 pick" are like oil and water to me, especially when talking QB. 1 year of playing at the D1 level, spread option system that has no resemblance to a pro offense, only threw 246 times in his career, there have been character concerns. I think if you get a guy like him and you don't want him to end up as the next VY who has a good year running around until teams take that away and he starts to suck, you have to sit him at least a year or even two before he is ready to play in the NFL as an actual QB, not a guy who runs and happens to be a QB. Is that really worth a top 10 pick?

There are certainly some mid round guys who are intriguing, and who could be good after some coaching up and time to adapt to the NFL level. However, IMO, if we're picking at 6-8 the only QB I would consider is Luck, who we would have to give up a lot to get (though if he is the guy that Shanny wants don't discount the possibility...he did try to give up a bunch to get Bradford last year but the Rams were dead set on taking him). If we can't get Luck then I would go with BPA in an area of need. There should be some very good DL and WR talent around there.

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Luck- is not going to be there but he's going to be like John Elway

Mallet- is a great prospect who i believe has all the tools, but i've heard things about his immaturity and poor character

Locker- probably most complete in terms of versatility in the traditional sense but he isn't a winner.

Cam- is a freak of nature w/ loads of potential, but i think he will only reach that potential if he gets a truly innovative coach that can harness that ability, not someone who is stuck with a system and tries to mold him into an extension of the system. if we draft him, we have to embrase his talent and maximize it. I'm not sold that Shanny can do that based on his handling of the 3-4 conversion and Mcnabb.

The reality of it all is that none of these QB's or rookies for that matter are a finished product. our coaching staff has to be willing and able to teach and grow the talent on this team. But since Snyder bought the team, the culture around here has been to win now. the organization has not displayed the ability or the patience to BUILD a championship. w/ trades, FA signings and overall aggression in the offseason the skins are looking for a quick fix. They realistically believe that one or two marquee acquisitions will put them over the top. That is exactly what is killing us. The answer isn't Andrew Luck, just as it wasn't Mcnabb or bradford or haynesworth or whomever the skins have targeted in the past. The answer is to take the BPA and take the time to maximize thier potential. In my opinion the skins need to stay put, not trade and play the cards that they are dealt. if they do that for a couple of years then maybe we will truly be a marquee player away.

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Well I look at it with Gabbert like this, we won't get Luck unless we really mortgage the farm, and Gabbert in 2012 in the best QB there's no question about it. I see Gabbert as a QB who once you put him on your team it increases the level of play for your whole team by a large amount. He's very mobile has a big arm and the perfect size and this year he's worked on his accuracy a lot and now its very good.

He may or may not be, that's a little bold IMO =p

I do think he's interesting to watch, but he's only thrown for 15 TDs this year after 24 his first year? I'm not sure how you can say he will be the best QB when one of the most important stats dropped that much in a year. I'm not hating, he's still young and looks like he could definitely be a potential prospect, I just really wanna young QB and would hate for us to draft a Matt Leinhart type player instead of a Bradford/Ryan type. With our track record, it looks like its going to be hard to get it right lol.

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He may or may not be, that's a little bold IMO =p

I do think he's interesting to watch, but he's only thrown for 15 TDs this year after 24 his first year? I'm not sure how you can say he will be the best QB when one of the most important stats dropped that much in a year. I'm not hating, he's still young and looks like he could definitely be a potential prospect, I just really wanna young QB and would hate for us to draft a Matt Leinhart type player instead of a Bradford/Ryan type. With our track record, it looks like its going to be hard to get it right lol.

Blaine Gabbert is nothing like Matt Leinart. Matt was a pocket passer who had little mobility while Gabbert is a very athletic QB who has the ability to be a great QB there's no question about it. I understand there's some concern but when you look at him he's got every single physical tool, he makes reads and calls and does things that a lot of QB's in college football don't do

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I heard this same nonsense when Bradford or Okung were discussed last year. Think the Rams regret their decision? You need QB in this league, period.

Yes yes yes. People who think that we forgo a QB, by far, the absolutely most important position on the field, for a C, OL or WR just doesn't get it in today's NFL.

People also need to get rid of this notion that it costs too much? Where did this non-NFL-reality idea come from in the first place? The Rams were offered multiple picks...if it cost too much they would have taken it. Do you think they would take 4 first round picks for him now? No way.

What about the Bears. They offered, what...2 firsts a second and a third to the broncos for Cutler. As the Bears win the NFC North and the Broncos look to draft in the top 5, was it too much? Did the Bears mortgage their team? No.

The Redskins fans that say we need to trade down to get a C, WR or whatever other non-QB need we have need to get a clue. This is a QB league and if you dont have one, you dont win. Get a QB of the future and everything else falls into place.

---------- Post added December-21st-2010 at 11:23 AM ----------

Luck will be the guy that Shanny sells out for.

Elways was Shanny's big armed tall QB from Stanford. He will try another big armed Stanford QB and he will go after Luck like you have never seen.

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