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Ryan Mallett could be the guy


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So far we've had threads saying that Ponder, Locker, and Mallet could all be "Shanahan's guy". Since they are all very different QB's, with different physical attributes and different skill-sets, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the majority of ES has no ****ing clue what a "Shanahan QB" looks like :ols:

And everyone would love to have Luck. And then you've got the Newton fans, who love his potential, upside, and freakish athleticism. Or the Devlin/Stanzi crowd, who favor getting a QB after the 1st/2nd, and developing him.

That's at least 7 QB's, all having a decent sized "following" on ES, and all who are believed to be a decent fit for our offense by at least some here.

Yeah, I'm gonna go ahead and say that most of us don't know jack :)

Should make the offseason discussion GREAT though. People develop very strong biases about QB's for some reason. And years later, once careers are well under way or have crashed and burned, somebody's always wrong.

Should be fun.

You must not have much of a social life because what the OP is stating is no different then the conversations that go on in the workplace, parties, bars, etc. People discuss and weigh options when it comes to their team(s).

The OP wanted to strike a conversation about a QB that he likes and listed reasons as to why he thinks he would be a good fit with some intangibles included.

Several QB's are being mentioned because of the following reasons.

1.Our season has ended early once again.

2.We don't know what spot we will be drafting from and that's going to dictate what QB we are going to be able to take. Hence the multiple QB's being mentioned.

3.We are starving for our own "franchise" QB. Because look around. The successful teams drafted (with a few exceptions) their franchise QB's and a lot of them threw them right into the fire.

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My main concern with Newton is his ability to make reads... But if he's coached properly and he has the work ethic and drive and he figures out how to do that... Watch out NFL.

That and his accruacy. Those two things are a concern of mine and perhaps the reason why i would want to stay away from him. I like Newton, but for some reason i see more Vince Young than Vick in him.

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Will Newton be a film room junkie? I don't think so. I think he will try and skate by on talent alone, which won't cut it in the NFL. I remember reading last year that Shanny was enamored with Locker. I have a strong feeling that Shanny takes Locker. Locker has a lot of similarities that Cutler had coming out, but with Shanny you never know.

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I compare Newton to a combo of Culpepper (size), Vick (athleticism, albeit he's a bit slower), and Rivers (leadership, fire). I'm not saying he's any of those guys, but I don't see the Tebow or Roethlisberger comparisons. Newton has better throwing mechanics than Tebow and he's more athletic than Roethlisberger. Newton's footwork is not great, but that's one of the easier things to fix with a quarterback. My main concern with Newton is his ability to make reads... But if he's coached properly and he has the work ethic and drive and he figures out how to do that... Watch out NFL.

He gets the Roethlisberger comparison because he's big, moves around well, is hard to bring down, and ins't necessarily the best passer, but he gets it done.

I'm excited for Cam; he has the potential to be the next step in the evolution of the QB. Or at least pretty good.

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Please Santa - PLEASE; NO Ryan Mallet! This guy is NOT smart. I've had the opportunity to watch him play and see interviews. The play has been OK, not great, and his ability to string together a sentance is LOW.

BOTTOMELINE - I'm trusting this front office to NOT make the same mistake this upcoming year and for them to get the right guy in the draft, IAW our draft capability. I'd give you 5 to 1 that Mallet isn't the guy.

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Please Santa - PLEASE; NO Ryan Mallet! This guy is NOT smart. I've had the opportunity to watch him play and see interviews. The play has been OK, not great, and his ability to string together a sentance is LOW.

BOTTOMELINE - I'm trusting this front office to NOT make the same mistake this upcoming year and for them to get the right guy in the draft, IAW our draft capability. I'd give you 5 to 1 that Mallet isn't the guy.

Fish...I have a friend who is a 'Bama alum and has said the same thing about Mallet. Plus, when has a Bobby Petrino QB translated well to the NFL? I have it rated Luck, Locker, Newton...I think Locker may be smarter qb than Newton at this point of their young careers and put a lot of time in the film room at the next level. I would put the QB from Boise St higher than Mallet at this point as well.

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There are a lot of guys that are "the Redskins" guy according to a lot of people. Obviously we're not going to get Luck. I don't want to see them take Locker, Newton possesses a lot of skills (like Jason Campbell). Newton is definitely a higher prospect than Campbell was but is he NFL ready and if not can he develop like we want him to? We do need to find a guy we can develop the team around. The sooner we do that the better.

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5 or 6 win season. The worst.

Horrible enough to be extremely painful and a joke in the NFL.

Not horrible enough to grab a franchise changing player like Luck. We needed a nice 1-15 season. If we are going to suck, I wish we had sucked reaaaaaaally bad. Panthers bad.

I feel like we will roll the dice on one of these others QBs. Hopefully it works out . . . . I am doubtful though.

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Mallet isn't very smart. Shanny doesn't like blockhead QBs.

Elway was a blockhead. I know I'll get railed for it but I always felt he was not that smart, and couldn't scramble well with out tripping over his own feet. What he had going for his is a great OL, and talent to get the ball to at WR, TE, and RB. I think Shanahan took him and made him look better then he really is with the scheme MS runs. Again I know I'll get railed by the fans who love stats and love to mention that he's a HOF QB. I know he is, but he's not Dan Marino, or Joe Montana. He's definitly in the catagory of Steve Young, and Terry Bradshaw. I'll agree I put him in good company, but I think Steve Young was over rated as well. Watching him play week in and week out, I think his cast of crew members around him made him look better.

So my point is..... he may be a blockhead but Shanahan might be able make him look better with the scheme and better players around him, but it won't happen over night. It will take some time to get the OL built up and WR's we need to make this machine work.

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And then again....... he might not.

Haha -- I would agree with this^^^

IMO, Andrew Luck is the only QB in this draft worth taking in the top 15. All the others, Mallet, Locker, Newton, etc, are all "project guys" to some extent. If the Skins have the 8th or 9th pick I don't think they should take a QB unless for some reason Luck drops. I'd rather trade down get an extra pick and choose a QB later in the 1st or later in the draft. Luck is the only potential franchise guy, the Skins need a franchise guy at QB.

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This thread is a good conversation starter, but realistically it is way too earlier to discuss which QB the Skins might take. The real question is are they going to go QB and address other needs prior to the draft in free agency, or, are they going to go BPA with the pick or look to trade down? Let's say Shanny still like Jake Locker. Right now, some are going to have Locker as the No. 2 QB behind Luck, others have him falling into the second round. A good combine and he could be right back into the top 10. My gut says that Shanny likes this guy a lot but that he a) will wait and see where his stock is at prior to draft day, B) be so tight lipped about this process that we will be guessing right-up until the card is in, and c) whether he likes Grossman or Beck at all or not he will spend the early part of the offseason convincing the talking heads he is comfortable going into 2011 with those guys behind center.

The other real variable is what Carolina does with their coaching situation. If they go with an offensive guy they might be hell bent on getting their guy with the No. 1 pick. If they go with a Defensive minded coach, I think they are much more likely to try to fill the QB position with a stop-gap or give Clausen time, resign Williams at all cost and rebuild their D minus Peppers first. If that is the case, the chances are that they will trade for picks. The Panthers don't have a second round pick, I don't think. Will anyone give two No. 1s? Not sure. How would you feel about the Skins giving-up their top-10 pick and their second round pick this year, maybe even a pick in 2012 for Luck? Also a good question to get conversation started. If they are convinced he is the guy they should make the move. Period.

I would be okay going into next year with Grossman as long as there is a player being developed under him. I would expect the Skins will be active in FA looking for interior line help and some pieces on D. It has seemed like an awful year, but 12 of 14 games so far have been super competitive. Five losses by a single score... I think regardless of what we do with our first pick, we are closer to being competitive next season with a SMART offseason. I think we are a franchise QB away from having a special decade again. That is what makes me want to get "The Guy" sooner rather than later. I can't root for my team to lose, I still tune in hoping to win on Sundays, but I took the Dallas loss better than any in my lifetime, which makes me think deep down I know we need to more losses to have a chance at Luck and maybe that is what I am really rooting for at this point?

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So far we've had threads saying that Ponder, Locker, and Mallet could all be "Shanahan's guy". Since they are all very different QB's, with different physical attributes and different skill-sets, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the majority of ES has no ****ing clue what a "Shanahan QB" looks like :ols:

And everyone would love to have Luck. And then you've got the Newton fans, who love his potential, upside, and freakish athleticism. Or the Devlin/Stanzi crowd, who favor getting a QB after the 1st/2nd, and developing him.

That's at least 7 QB's, all having a decent sized "following" on ES, and all who are believed to be a decent fit for our offense by at least some here.

Yeah, I'm gonna go ahead and say that most of us don't know jack :)

Should make the offseason discussion GREAT though. People develop very strong biases about QB's for some reason. And years later, once careers are well under way or have crashed and burned, somebody's always wrong.

Should be fun.

Funny thing is I think all HC's look for the same thing in a QB even though they might run different systems. They want a smart QB, accurate QB, and one with pocket presence. Out side of that is a plus.... strong arm to make the big throws, can they scramble, do they have touch for the short passes etc. But your absolutly right... I don't think any of us know what MS will be looking for as being more important to his scheme. Also it's more Kyle Shanahan's scheme then it is his dads right now, possibly due to the lack of OL talent to open holes for the RB's. So I would guess unless MS is going to step up this offseason and impliment more of his running scheme or get better OL in order to run it then you have to see what KS needs to run his scheme. Smart, quick on his feet, pocket presence, strong arm.

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Basically there are four quarterbacks who could all go in the first round - Luck, Locker, Newton and Mallett. I'm guessing the Redskins will end up drafting around the 8th overall pick, which means Luck is gone for sure. From there, I honestly have no clue which of the other three guys will still be on the board. My question is - if all three were somehow still available and Washington was dead set on taking a QB with the top spot, which one would you guys really like to see the Redskins end up with? I'm completely torn on the subject.

Read my previous post.

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no I don't, but I do believe the Rams have run the ball a little better than we have, which kept a decent amount of pressure off Bradford.

He may have durability issues, but Ryan Torrain is averaging 4.9 YPC. Dude has looked like Bo Jackson the last two weeks. All of our backs except Davis are at 4.0 or better. I am not saying we have a Steven Jackson to lean on just yet, however, considering how bad the interior line is that is pretty damn impressive. Torrain could prove to be the best thing to come out of this frustrating season.

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most scouts are not high on him. He's so tall that he's sort of gangly and slow.

in fact the most common quote about him is "He's llike a statue in the pocket" .. Does that remind you of anyone? Like Jason "Candle" perhaps?

Personally, I think we should look at Andy Dalton out of TCU. We could probably get him in the 3rd round and it would be fitting because he surpassed Sammy Baughs record number of wins at TCU.

If you watch highlight video's,.. there's an obvious drop in speed and just overall rythm of the offense when you go from Luck to Locker. I'm really not impressed at all with Locker, Newton or especially Mallet.

Dalton though impresses me.. almost as much as Luck does.

We don't have a third round pick.

I love Luck. I don't think we will be able to get him.

I hate Mallett. He looks like Scott Mitchell or Dan McGuire to me.

I'm intrigued by Locker, but I don't want to use a top ten pick on him. I'd be tempted to hope that he falls to early in the second round and then make a move for him.

I feel like the other guy should take the chance on Newton. I can't imagine that Shanahan will have the patience with him he needs.

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Haha -- I would agree with this^^^

IMO, Andrew Luck is the only QB in this draft worth taking in the top 15. All the others, Mallet, Locker, Newton, etc, are all "project guys" to some extent. If the Skins have the 8th or 9th pick I don't think they should take a QB unless for some reason Luck drops. I'd rather trade down get an extra pick and choose a QB later in the 1st or later in the draft. Luck is the only potential franchise guy, the Skins need a franchise guy at QB.

Keep in mind... teams might not want to trade up for several reasons. They might trade up if a team see's a player they desperatly need and are scared another team will pick him up, so basically we have to hope that there is a player available at our pick that several other teams are in the hunt for and will want to trade up to our spot to get the player. Our only bright spot is the fact we are not sitting at #1 which a lot of teams feel the price is too high for any given player other then a Franchise QB. Can it happen for us... yes, will it happen for us?... I'd bank on a no.

but I'm in the trade out to get more picks. I look at what the Patriots have this yr in picks and cry. lol.

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Here you do, from Walterfootball.com. Their QB rankings from this fall.

# Andrew Luck**, QB, Stanford

Height: 6-4. Weight: 235.

Projected 40 Time: 4.80.

Projected Round (2011): Top 3 Pick.

10/1/10: Stanford has dominated early part in the year, and with Luck's team winning consistently he will have a better public perception as an NFL Draft prospect than Jake Locker. Luck has completed 64 percent of his passes for a 9.6 YPA and thrown 10 touchdowns with zero interceptions. Luck has also shows very good mobility being able to scramble outside the pocket. I love Luck's mechanics, decision making, and football IQ. If Locker's team hovers around .500, then Luck will have more generated hype and there will be less concerns that he can win in the NFL.

3/29/10: A redshirt sophomore in 2009, Andrew Luck will be eligible for the 2011 NFL Draft. He was very impressive as a first-year starter, compiling 2,575 yards, 13 touchdowns and four picks on an 8.9 YPA and a 56.3 completion percentage.

# Jake Locker, QB, Washington - Scouting Report

Height: 6-3. Weight: 223.

Projected 40 Time: 4.59.

Projected Round (2011): Top 5 Pick.

10/1/10: Huge game on the road this week for Washington as they travel into the Coliseum. Locker struggled against Nebraska as his accuracy was off-target and his decision making left something to be desired, but a closer look at the tape shows his receivers rarely got open and he was under constant pressure from Bo Pelini's defense. Luck has the upper hand right now to go higher in the 2011 NFL Draft.

3/29/10: Jake Locker took a huge risk going back to school. If he gets hurt or if scouts notice something wrong on film, his stock could drop dramatically. For now, he's the No. 1 quarterback prospect in the 2011 class. Perhaps he should follow Sam Bradford's example and take the entire 2010 season off.

With no help around him, Locker threw for 2,800 yards, 21 touchdowns and 11 interceptions in 2009.

# Ryan Mallett*, QB, Arkansas - Scouting Report

Height: 6-7. Weight: 238.

Projected 40 Time: 5.05.

Projected Round (2011): 1-2.

10/1/10: Mallett's team is winning and he's putting up good stats, but if you take a closer look his accuracy is highly inconsistent, he has poor mechanics, and he struggles with mobility and has a hard time eluding pass rushers. Mallett is a bit of a statue in the pocket and doesn't create throwing lanes outside the tackle box when his receivers struggle to get open. We're not buying the hype anymore, and neither should you.

3/29/10: At 6-7 with a massive arm, Ryan Mallett looks like a franchise quarterback. His 2009 numbers (3,624 yards, 30 TDs, 7 INTs, 9.0 YPA) will tell you that as well. He's a bit raw and needs to work on decision-making, but he could easily leapfrog Jake Locker on this list next year.

# Nick Foles*, Arizona

Height: 6-5. Weight: 235.

Projected 40 Time: 5.01.

Projected Round (2011): 1-2.

9/24/10: I wasn't a fan of Nick Foles last year because of his frequent tendency to check down his passes, but he really has improved this season. He's completing 78.6 percent of his passes with an 8.9 YPA, and really looked sharp against Iowa.

3/29/10: A transfer from Michigan State, Nick Foles threw for 2,465 yards, 19 touchdowns, nine interceptions and a 64.3 completion percentage in his first year as a starter. His YPA of 6.2 was horrendous - a result of his checking it down far too often.

# Christian Ponder, QB, Florida State

Height: 6-3. Weight: 220.

Projected 40 Time: 4.72.

Projected Round (2011): 1-2.

10/1/10: Ponder bounced back from his ugly 11-28, 2 INT performance against Oklahoma to notch a total of 392 passing yards, 2 touchdowns, zero interceptions, and a 66-percent completion rate. We like this confidence to mentally respond from a poor game. Ponder's decision making is a little inconsistent, but he has a good arm and terrific athleticism. He will get drafted in the top 50 picks.

3/29/10: Christian Ponder finished the year with 2,718 yards, 14 touchdowns and seven interceptions on a YPA of 8.2 and impressive 68.8 completion percentage.

11/7/09: A slightly better version of Tony Pike; his arm strength isn't very good, but he's a smart and accurate quarterback.

# Nathan Enderle, QB, Idaho

Height: 6-5. Weight: 227.

Projected 40 Time: 5.05.

Projected Round (2011): 2-3.

10/1/10: Enderle had a five-interception outing against Nebraska, but remember Nebraska is one of the elite defenses in the country. Enderle is an accurate passer and solid decision maker operating a pro-style offense. In his last two games he is throwing for 70-percent, 9.8 YPA, four touchdowns and one interception. To cement a second-round grade he must have a good showing at the Senior Bowl in January.

3/29/10: Statistically impressive as a junior, Nathan Enderle had 2,906 yards, 22 touchdowns and nine picks as a junior on a 9.3 YPA and 61.5 completion percentage.

# Ricky Stanzi, QB, Iowa

Height: 6-4. Weight: 225.

Projected 40 Time: 4.84.

Projected Round (2011): 3-4.

10/1/10: Stanzi won't "wow" you with his physical tools, but he is an intelligent quarterback with terrific accuracy and a high football I.Q. He knows how to manage a game and he understands the intracacies of passing the football. Stanzi projets as a potential starter to the next level, and he isn't expected to win a job in his rookie season. He lacks some upside, but he has some tools a team can work with. Stanzi has completed 67 percent of his passes for a 10 YPA, nine touchdowns and one interception. Keep in mind the only challenging defense he has faced is Arizona.

3/29/10: Ricky Stanzi is a strong-armed pro-style quarterback, but makes questionable throws at times. In 2009, he had 2,417 yards and 17 touchdowns, but also tossed 15 picks on a 56.3 completion percentage. His YPA was 8.0.

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# Pat Devlin, QB, Delaware

Height: 6-4. Weight: 220.

Projected 40 Time: 4.84.

Projected Round (2011): 3-5.

10/1/10: Devlin is probably the toughest quarterback in college football right now. He fractured his left wrist, and returned to play two weeks later against Richmond going 14-21 for 240 yards. Devlin's production in his first two games was mediocre only throwing for a 6.3 YPA against West Chester and South Dakota State.

3/29/10: As a junior at Delaware, Pat Devlin threw for 2,664 yards, 16 touchdowns and nine picks on a 7.7 YPA and 64.0 completion percentage. He boasts a strong arm and could be a first-round pick with a solid senior campaign.

2/4/09: Pat Devlin doesn't have much playing experience, thanks to Darryl Clark, but he possesses a rocket arm. He transferred over to Delaware in hopes of becoming the next Joe Flacco. With two strong seasons, Devlin could be a first-round pick in 2010.

# Tyrod Taylor, QB/WR, Virginia Tech

Height: 6-1. Weight: 206.

Projected 40 Time: 4.52.

Projected Round (2011): 5-7.

10/1/10: Tyrod Taylor is certainly not a quarterback prospect you want to hang your hat on, but he's one of the better options in the later rounds if you are looking for a backup at the next level. He is very mobile, athletic and has a solid arm to make all the throws. He needs to be coached up at the next level, but he is worth taking a flier on in Rounds 5 or 6. Taylor has notched 66 percent of his completions for a 10.0 YPA on the year thus far.

3/29/10: A short quarterback who completed only 56 percent of his passes in 2009. On the bright side, he threw only five picks and maintained a 9.5 YPA.

# Colin Kaepernick, QB, Nevada

Height: 6-6. Weight: 215.

Projected 40 Time: 4.68.

Projected Round (2011): 5-7.

10/1/10 : Kaepernick has a big arm, prototypical size, and plenty of athleticism, but he also has an awkward, slow release as well as horrible passing mechanics overall. His accuracy is a little erratic as well, but some coach will think they can turn him around late in the NFL Draft.

3/29/10: Has nice size and athleticism, but Nevada's goofy offense hasn't prepared him for the pros at all. In 2009, Kaepernick compiled 2,052 yards, 20 touchdowns and just six picks, but also had a mediocre YPA (7.3) and completion percentage (58.9).

# Jerrod Johnson, QB, Texas A&M

Height: 6-5. Weight: 229.

Projected 40 Time: 4.64.

Projected Round (2011): 5-7.

10/1/10: Jerrod Johnson had a 11-of-34, 194-yard performance against Florida International. There are no excuses here - Texas A&M is supposed to be a far superior team and you simply can't be this bad against FIU and expect to go in the mid rounds. We need to see great improvement out of Johnson before moving him up the rankings.

3/29/10: The 2011 version of Jarrett Brown. Jerrod Johnson has tons of upside, but is very raw and doesn't know how to play in a pro-style offense. As a junior, Johnson threw for 3,579 yards, 30 touchdowns and eight interceptions on a 7.2 YPA and 59.6 completion percentage.

# Scott Tolzien, QB, Wisconsin

Height: 6-3. Weight: 205.

Projected 40 Time: 4.85.

Projected Round (2011): 5-7.

10/1/10: Tolzien reminds us a lot of John Beck when he came out of Brigham Young. He's smart and efficient, and has great timing, but he also has poor arm strength which really limits his ability to make plays at the next level. Tolzien has potential as a backup because he is a good decision maker and could possibly be a reliable veteran in time.

3/29/10: A first-year starter, Scott Tolzien shined in Wisconsin's pro-style offense, throwing for 2,705 yards, 16 touchdowns and 11 interceptions. His YPA (8.2) and completion percentage (64.3) were very good.

# Andy Dalton, QB, TCU

Height: 6-3. Weight: 215.

Projected 40 Time: 4.74.

Projected Round (2011): 5-7.

3/29/10: Andy Dalton really improved as a junior, throwing for 2,756 yards, 23 touchdowns and eight interceptions. His YPA (8.5) and completion percentage (61.6) were solid.

# Greg McElroy, QB, Alabama

Height: 6-2. Weight: 220.

Projected 40 Time: 4.94.

Projected Round (2011): 6-FA.

3/29/10: Should be a solid backup quarterback in the NFL. He did a great job managing Alabama's games, throwing 17 touchdowns to only four interceptions. His completion percentage (60.9) and YPA (7.7) of course won't blow you away.

# Case Keenum, QB, Houston

Height: 6-1. Weight: 210.

Projected 40 Time: 4.83.

Projected Round (2011): 6-FA.

9/29/10: Case Keenum suffered a torn ACL in week three and this really hurts his draft stock. He looks like nothing more than a late-round pick or free agent at this point.

3/29/10: Case Keenum threw for 44 touchdowns and 15 interceptions on a 8.1 YPA and 70.2 completion percentage. He's a system quarterback and a mid-round prospect.

# Kevin Riley, QB, California

Height: 6-2. Weight: 224.

Projected 40 Time: 4.66.

Projected Round (2011): 7-FA.

3/29/10: A pro-style quarterback who notched 2,850 yards, 18 touchdowns and eight picks on a 7.5 YPA in 2009. His completion percentage (54.7) was depressing. Oh, and Todd McShay thinks Riley is too short.

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# Adam Weber, QB, Minnesota

Height: 6-3. Weight: 220.

Projected 40 Time: 4.90.

Projected Round (2011): 7-FA.

3/29/10: Really struggled as a junior, throwing more picks (15) than touchdowns (13). His completion percentage of 52.0 was dreadful.

# Ben Chappell, QB, Indiana

Height: 6-3. Weight: 235.

Projected 40 Time: 4.95.

Projected Round (2011): 7-FA.

3/29/10: Ben Chappell threw for 2,942 yards and 17 touchdowns as a junior, but also had 15 interceptions and a 6.9 YPA.

# Taylor Potts, QB, Texas Tech

Height: 6-5. Weight: 218.

Projected 40 Time: 4.96.

Projected Round (2011): 7-FA.

3/29/10: Taylor Potts compiled 3,440 yards, 22 touchdowns and 13 picks on a 7.3 YPA and 65.7 completion percentage in Mike Leach's system. It'll be interesting to see how he adapts to Tommy Tuberville's scheme.

# Mitch Mustain, QB, USC

Height: 6-3. Weight: 220.

Projected 40 Time: 4.70.

Projected Round (2011): FA.

3/29/10: Mitch Mustain may have trouble finding playing time in the next two years. He has the potential, however, to be drafted late, a la Matt Cassel.

# Zach Frazer, QB, Connecticut

Height: 6-4. Weight: 231.

Projected 40 Time: 4.81.

Projected Round (2011): FA.

3/29/10: Disappointed in 2009. Hobbled by a knee injury, Zach Frazer had a 10-9 TD-INT ratio, a completion percentage of 53.2 and a YPA of 6.7.

8/5/09: Will take over as the full-time starter in 2009. As a sophomore, Zach Frazer threw for 536 yards and two touchdowns, but also was responsible for six picks.

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Locker is still better than Mallet, from what I understand, and he is more of a fit for the scheme.

Just remember, for all those who love Newton, Shanahan could see him as another McNabb.

I think it could be all about Locker for the Redskins, should he be available.

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