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The Diablo III Thread


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Still never beat the original, though I long ago stopped trying and moved on to other games, as well as other things in life. I remember getting to about two-three levels from the bottom, and running into a hoard of walking red demons that could throw or breath fire/lightning, I can't remember which. Anyway, I wound up trying to fight like 12 of them at once and got slaughtered.

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I'm finally seeing improvements in my SC2 play (Gold/Diamond level with Zerg), so I'm worried if I buy this game I'll play less SC2 and go back to sucking lol. Going to wait and see how good Diablo III is beore I decide whether or not to shell out for the money. I played Diabo II a bit in middle school.

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I wouldn't bother leaving early. They'll probably be like this for a few days...up/down/up/down. Another fine game launch.

it's a shame considering how well game launches in general have been. all these MMO's have been launching quite well lately, but this is what blizzard gets for having always online DRM.

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how many players online at a time? Is it set-up like the first one where you just join a game? Is there a single player mode or just online?

edit: Also, I just purchased it, its downloading and it says my order is queued........so how long till they process and send the code so I can play when its done downloading?

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It's all online. Only 4 people per game. You can play alone and make it a private game or open it. No idea about the queue.

I just beat Normal difficulty. Home sick from work and I got the game in. I like it a lot. Level 30 barb.

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is there a monthly fee to play online?

Nope. Completely free after you pay the initial $60. It's not really an MMO like WoW. The world is fairly linear and based around basically grinding quests.

I got to around level 9, killed Skeleton King before calling it quits. I do have to say, the game is much tougher now than it was in beta. I actually died to a couple elite packs and Skeleton King almost killed me(thank god I have a heal spell as I was playing a Monk).

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Played to level 10 last night and created a Hardcore (HC) character. Going to hopefully play some later tonight on the HC guy, should be interesting. I find it a lot more fun that if you die, your character is dead for good.

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Played to level 10 last night and created a Hardcore (HC) character. Going to hopefully play some later tonight on the HC guy, should be interesting. I find it a lot more fun that if you die, your character is dead for good.

I don't find that fun, especially with the lag surges and the iffy at best server functionality so far. Lag kills you, you're done. Waste of a lot of time. But good luck.

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I don't find that fun, especially with the lag surges and the iffy at best server functionality so far. Lag kills you, you're done. Waste of a lot of time. But good luck.

All part of the challenge :). But seriously, I am hoping to not run into the lag surges...

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