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The Pewter Pirates Are Coming To Town!


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Good morning to you and yours,

I hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving and will have a terrific New Year!

I don't want to be a braggart and say that the Pewter Pirates have a better record than the Redskins, however those are the facts and they are non-unindisputed. We are all in the presence of something quite special here in Tampa. We have a young, genius General Manager, a young, youthful Head Coach, a superstar Quarterback at QB...the list is long but distinguished.

The Redskins, on the other hand, have all their players, coaches, GM, and front office all in their prime and ready to take off. The wins haven't been there, however I have seen the effort. The players arrive early to the stadium each and every week to stretch, to warmup, to practice field goals, etc. This is the type of environment where winning is contagious. Yeah, so you haven't piled up W's in the win column. You all should be ecstatic that you have a coach and foundation that puts in 108%. Luckily, we do the same here in Tampa.

I will be around this week to discuss matchups and possibilities of scores. After doing exhaustive film research, I will post a matchup analyzation on Friday.

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Any chance we can borrow that QB you have playing Quarterback every now and then to help us on defense. The hit he laid on that DB Atlanta had playing the corner position was sweeter than the 250lbs bags of sugar we have on our side.

We could sign him to a one day contract worth $647,368.13 that would require him after each pass or hand off to change jerseys and try to tackle the carrier of the ball.

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Pitt is back. Too bad we won't play you guys next year because we will finish in last again but the Bucs will finish no worse than third in their division. We will get the Lions, Cards and Panthers.

Hoping we can use this game for roster examination. I wish we had a bruiser like Blount.

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Man, is anyone fired up for this game?

This is the second time in as many seasons I've made the mistake of paying good money for a late-season skins game. I fear a repeat of last season, when an alread-packed-it-in Skins team laid down when the Cowboys came to town.

At least this year, I'll get to see the pathetic efforts of a team that's given up from the climate controlled comfort of the loge, with my ass on a padded leather seat and a plate of mediocre buffalo wings and pulled pork sitting on a table in front of me.

Or maybe they'll surprise me.

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Do not misunderestimate our team, good sir. I fear that your Pewter Pirate's habit of scoring points is no match for our defense's habit of giving up points. They'll give up points at such a pace in this game that your offense will have no chance to keep up with scoring of your own. I predict the final score will be Pewter Pirates-31 points, Redskins offense-17 points scored and Redskins defense 41 points given up. Giving us a combined score of 58 points to your paltry 31. Hopefully the team that scores to most will be the winner.

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Thanks for the welcome back wishes for me returning again to your board.

Mr. Sinister, it will be difficult with our division record. I'm excited about the future of this team.

The Batman, I've missed you guys too.

Ballz, yes, Josh took out his frustrations on that wee little CB from the Falcons.

RFK lives, Blount just might be the best thing to happen to the Bucs this year.

Boss Hogg, I miss you, Cooter, Daisy, Beau, Luke, and Uncle Jesse as well. I could do without Roscoe and Enus though.

Meandwarf, Merry Christmas to you. You're not so mean after all.

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