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Don't start another stupid post game thread. VENT HERE.


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I think my thread post about the Giants only having to play the Skins for one half of football every time, got me banned or something? Umm, help?

umm....I meant banned from starting a new thread. Obviously, yes it let me reply to a thread. Come on, I'm not that dense :)

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You can't do that in one offseason, this rebuild will take years.

I agree, I'd make the interior of the o line first priority, that means getting rid of Rabach, he is finished. I'd say this process could take 2-3 years. Once again, we just looked completely outmanned today. We couldn't do anything, on either side of the ball.

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I honestly have no idea how I have survived over 50 years of being a Redskins fan and also being a mod on this board for six years. Too stupid to have a psychotic break I guess.

Have you ever tried meditating? I do it occasionally, along with burning incents, it does wonders for the mind/body.

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This team is the furthest thing from a professional organization that I have ever seen. These are supposed to be professional football players, but week in and week out they get outplayed by good teams and they get outplayed by bad teams as well. We are the sorriest team playing in the NFL bar none. ****ing pathetic! **** these bums.

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I'm the big idiot for drinking the kool aid

Hey, remember the mods are fans too and liable to be emotional. Probably very easy to push their buttons right now. Strangely, I am not nearly as upset as I should be. Maybe I'm just numb to it all.

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We need OLs.

We need DLs.

We need WRs.

We need RBs.

We need LBs.

We need DBs.

What part of this mantra is too hard to realize? Chanting it over and over really helps in just accepting our current situation. If we get these pieces and we still suck, please add:

We need QBs.

We need Coaches.

In Shanahan were gonna have to trust for at least 2 more years. As for our other coaches? It might have to play out until the end of the season. Mid season next year max. (I hope)

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Hey, remember the mods are fans too and liable to be emotional. Probably very easy to push their buttons right now. Strangely, I am not nearly as upset as I should be. Maybe I'm just numb to it all.

Same here, the more I think about it though, I do start to get a little pissed. Whadda ya do? It's not like we can do anything to change the on-field performance anyways.

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It's just bad. No excuses, no talk of the new regime. Where's the heart? I can't even be mad at Haynesworth anymore. At least he acknowledges he doesn't want to be here or play here. At this point I just wanna know who else is on the bench? Why not start them? They can't be any worse. The best offensive line up was the make shift one we used against the Titans. Heyer @ RG and Montgomery @ C. That's the best we've looked all year. Great staffs make adjustments to the personnel they have. Either Shanny will look like the greatest thing since sliced bread or we'll be rebuilding for another decade.

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