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Don't start another stupid post game thread. VENT HERE.


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Shanny sure has changed the culture....he's washed up just like our team. At least he hooked him and his son up with a nice payday. Only 1 draft pick has amounted to anything and most of the free agents/trades he brought in have been busts. He got lucky on a couple no name guys like Banks and Armstrong.

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Just another embarrassing loss, I hate to lose but I really hate to lose ugly. Didn't see a whole lot of effort from anyone. Defensively couldn't tackle, offensively couldn't hold on to the ball. Being as shorthanded as we were this was an awful combination. Don't even get me started on Albert, when you are thin on the defensive side of the ball I don't care that he missed practice on Friday or had a bad practice on Thursday when you don't have healthy bodies put him out there he has already been paid. Only bright spot James Davis IMHO.

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One's thing for sure this thing is not getting any better any time soon.

There is no direction, there is no plan even with a talented QB, a HC with SB rings, and a GM not named Vinny Cerrato.

This team is turning into an indian burial ground/toxic dump of epic proportions.

I mean Devin Thomas blocked a punt today?!?! Creepy, just creepy.

Karma just gave us a big **** ***.

Somebody give the heads up when we're supposed to go "Mussolini" on Snyder, I'll be there.

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I hate to say it but Carlos Rogers is exactly right, this board is nothing but fans jumping ship on a season that was not supposed to be a great one. We have a new offense, defense and over 50% of the coaching staff is different. Is everyone that is complaining really that naive that they would believe we were going all the way? Tough loss I'm pissed too but I'm not giving up my love for the Redskins after one loss...We are better fans than that.

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Yep, Don't start any new threads that aren't kissing Dan Snyder and HIS Redskins feet. You will be punished (as if we're not being already) by getting banned from Danny's website.

Dude, your village called.....

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Sorry Jumbo. I'll try and increase my post quality in direct relation to my level of apathy towards the team. ;)

Hey, it's each poster's call. :)

I prefer apathy to proactive ignorance in the service of incessant and simplistic (key words) ****y whining. :)

If anyone wants to bemoan someone else sucking while choosing to suck in their own efforts (you're not one of those IMO) than by all means, they are free. :)

Me, I have the anger, the need to vent, and applaud any critical analysis in debating the "whys", but many who practice a continuous stream of adolescent self-indulgent crap-posts aren't showing "passion" for the team, IMV, they're showing other things. :)

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Yeah like richie Rich really gives a crap about team success. Every year this team makes huge profits. Plus he is making profits from other people using their fields. Teams like Boise State and Penn State and VA tech who actually care about winning. So why should he care. Just keep counting him money and using those 100's to light Sonny's cigars

Well you do have a point. I just guessed he cared. My bad.

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I hate to say it but Carlos Rogers is exactly right, this board is nothing but fans jumping ship on a season that was not supposed to be a great one. We have a new offense, defense and over 50% of the coaching staff is different. Is everyone that is complaining really that naive that they would believe we were going all the way? Tough loss I'm pissed too but I'm not giving up my love for the Redskins after one loss...We are better fans than that.

I wouldn't give up on the Skin's after one loss or season either. However, it's been one losing season after another and as a diehard fan, it's getting tiresome. I am tired of watching other teams make adjustments to the team/players/plays and end up winning some games. I feel like the other poster said, this team has no direction right now and I feel it is getting to be a lost cause. I am so glad I passed up on season tickets when my name came up.

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LOL dude take the redskins glasses off...this team is not a playoff caliber team.

We would have a win?..that win wouldn't do anything but drop us a few draft spots.

If you think we had a chance coming into this game of making the playoffs then you my friend are a homer.

I would at the very least like to see my team win because they played good football, not lose just for draft pics. Do you really want us to lose the rest of our games?

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I said all year 8-8 would be a good year with this bunch, guess now I will have to hope for 7-9 because 8-8 will be a stretch. Love my skins they drive me crazy but at least we have professionals in place to hopefully right the ship. I was on the verge of giving up my season ticket if I had to watch any more of the Zorn/Cerrato era that was awful. Give it some time Rome wasn't built in a day.

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I have nothing to vent about, NY is a better team and I knew we would get beat. Lets just see if we get a real O-line this offseason and some fast dangerous receivers. Add a real D line and few LB's who can play the 3-4, then we should compete for something next season.

You can't do that in one offseason, this rebuild will take years.

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LOL dude take the redskins glasses off...this team is not a playoff caliber team.

We would have a win?..that win wouldn't do anything but drop us a few draft spots.

If you think we had a chance coming into this game of making the playoffs then you my friend are a homer.

I agree with what you are saying. But, forget about the draft spots. I think a team needs to play with pride-try to win. I am not sure we even could beat the giants on a good day, but with the mistakes, poor tackling, turnovers-no pride there. Make some effort.

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Three years ago, the coaching staff said the reason they went from a 6-2 start o a 2-6 finish was the offensve line. Nothing was done. Nothing. Not anythng. Nothing. The SKins are paying for it now.

Allen and Shanahan are brighter than Vinny and Snyder. Maybe they'll figure it out and fix the OL first. But it requires a lot of self confidence and a lot of Kahunas to overcome the desire of the owner and the fans to get that shiny new running back or shiny new wide receiver that still won't win any more games without the OL upgrade.

"McNabb is good for two wins by himself." I must have heard it a dozn times last year after he was acquired and the Skins gave away more daft choices. I'm still waitng fr those two wins. Until here is a major improvement in the offensive line, there will be no major improvemnt in the Washingon Redskins.

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My, oh my what an affect the skins have on their fans..

I honestly have no idea how I have survived over 50 years of being a Redskins fan and also being a mod on this board for six years. Too stupid to have a psychotic break I guess.

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Hold on...Play good football?...You kiddin me? This team and good football DO NOT belong in the same sentence.

I think you should word it like this..I would like to see my team MAYBE lose by less than 21 and not get BLOWN out.

Go ahead and call me whatever you want but i'm sick of watching this team get blown out every week.

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