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What really happened to Champ Bailey's career?


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At the Gym this morning I saw a clip of him getting turned around on a TD. It reminded me of a AFC playoff game where Pitts 3rd WR did the same thing.

So, I'm reflecting back on his career on when it seemed he would have these awesome games against Jake Plummer's Cardinals, but I can't remember him coming up big in big games.

My question is......did he ever live up to his potential? I remember the Skins thought he'd be a triple threat at CB/WR and KR/PR. Then Denver thought the same thing, but it never seemed to happen.

What happened? Was it all more hype than production?

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Champ was and still is a great corner, but I think the "Shutdown" moniker got thrown on him too easily and generously. He's still a damn good CB, but he should not be in the same breath as guys such as Deion, Darrell, Darrelle, Fisher, et al).

He made a great pick last night, but he is beatable, even moreso now that injuries have set in and he's older.

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I think after 48 picks over 12 years to date, which is what, an average of 4 a year through a career, he's lived up to his billing as a play making corner.

He's obviously slowed down over the last few years or so with age and injury's, but he's still a threat to take one the other way every time he's out there. He was never the best "shutdown" corner, but that's not what you have him on the field for, ala D Hall. I never got why teams didn't use his speed and sheer athleticism on kick returns. I guess he was just too darn valuable to risk injury.


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He had that one amazing year where he had like, what 10 picks? Really he got screwed because he never played on any truly great Ds. Imagine if he played on a great pressure D like Pittsburgh or Baltimore. I've always thought having a "shutdown" CB was a bit overvalued because having great lines is way more important. Even the best CB can only cover one guy.

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I was talking more about making a big play in a big moment. That playoff pick that stops the other team from scoring and wins you the game.

I don't know, feels like he hit a wall and never got past it.

As far as covering one guy. Its not like other teams didn't score on him during important games.

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The last time Denver went to the AFCCG, they played the Pats in the playoffs. The Broncos were ahead 10-6 in the 3rd but the Pats were knocking at the door. Bailey intercepted a Brady pass and almost took it all the way back, getting knocked out at the 1. So I guess that's one example of a big play......

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The last time Denver went to the AFCCG, they played the Pats in the playoffs. The Broncos were ahead 10-6 in the 3rd but the Pats were knocking at the door. Bailey intercepted a Brady pass and almost took it all the way back, getting knocked out at the 1. So I guess that's one example of a big play......

I guess my memory is from I think 2006 where Pitts WR Wilson was being covered by Champ and put up some sick stats that day.

Meh, guess I'm wrong overall.

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Champ has been overrated for a long time. Don't get me wrong he's been a very good corner and perhaps there was a season here and there when he indeed was the best in football. But he was never a "shutdown" corner. That term has been used too easily and it seems like fans and media alike are quick to put monikers on players.

Straight up, we've gotten more value out of CP than the Broncos have out of Champ. A franchise runner simply contributes more than a corner and there is no question that the Redskins would have lost alot more games these last 7 years if we had Bailey on the roster instead of CP.

Now us having to throw in that second rounder, that's a whole other discussion.

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Are you serious? "should not be in the same breath as guys such as Deion, Darrell, Darrelle, Fisher, et al?" Champ is just as good if not better than Deion because Champ at least tried to tackle someone unlike Deion Sanders. He has been to the Pro Bowl almost every year he has played and has been a mainstay at that position year and year out for the Broncos. I am no big Bronco fan but I hated to see Champ go because of his cover skills. Revis is beatable and Randy Moss has proved that. Shutdown corner means that no one wants to test the guy who is covering the guy on that side of the field, In today's NFL no one can be labeled that because everyone gets beat more than they did before. Rule changes have affected this label and QB's like Peyton and Eli Manning, Tom Brady, Drew Brees, and Phillip Rivers have made the best corners look bad because of their accuracy and placement of the ball. They aren't afraid to test anyone and it has been proven over the years they have been in the league. Joe Flacco, Mark Sanchez, Ben Rothlessberger, and Donovan McNabb have caught these same corners sleeping on the job also.

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I think the problem with him in Denver is that for most of his time there he didn't have that guy on the other side that would have kept teams from avoiding him in coverage. You could often just go away from Champ and be very successful against Denver.

That being said, he's gotten enough plays to be considered one of the best in the league.

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Champ has been overrated for a long time. Don't get me wrong he's been a very good corner and perhaps there was a season here and there when he indeed was the best in football. But he was never a "shutdown" corner. That term has been used too easily and it seems like fans and media alike are quick to put monikers on players.

Straight up, we've gotten more value out of CP than the Broncos have out of Champ. A franchise runner simply contributes more than a corner and there is no question that the Redskins would have lost alot more games these last 7 years if we had Bailey on the roster instead of CP.

Now us having to throw in that second rounder, that's a whole other discussion.

Turned out to be Tatum Bell. They wasted the pick, so it's moot.

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I was talking more about making a big play in a big moment. That playoff pick that stops the other team from scoring and wins you the game.

I think the thing is, Bailey is a good player but he's always been overrated as a corner and even if you attribute some of those bad plays to a poor Denver defensive front (at times), it doesn't excuse the fact that even with the SKins he was prone to losing the deep ball. It wasn't so much even getting beat as losing sight of the ball and NOT making the huge play. But DO remember Bailey making the game-winning/sealing pick six (EDIT: ALMOST pick six--absolutely huge play though) vs. Tom Brady in the playoffs.

Bailey has been a very good player, and worth the first round pick but he's not in Woodson's (either) as a playmaker and not in Darrell's class as a cover man.

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I think the Broncos sucsess in the early part in the year was down to the arrival of Brian Dawkins . He was the glue that was missing from that D for so long .

Bailey has always been more hype than substance but then in fairness there was a lot of substance there . He has played well for a top 10 pick but I cannot really see him making the HoF because he doesn't have those game changing moments .

The only playoff moment I can rememeber was, as previosuly discssed in the AFC playoff game where hewas showboating into the endzone and he was caught and stripped (and initially it did look like the fumbled ball crossed the plane of the endzone before going out of bounds which would ahve been a NE touchback - i think) by a TE ... a TE for goodness sake - Ben Watson .

To me those are not memories that a HoF CB are made out of ....

Also to put the 10 INTS into context ... the same yeat (i think it was) Walt Harris also had 10 picks (or maybe 8) while playing for San Fran .... yes that Walt Harris ...

I will always remember him as Amani Toomers ***** where in one game he caught 6 identical button hooks right in front of Baily

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