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The Skins MUST MUST MUST avoid becoming over-confident about the Vikings game

Commander PK

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I figured we will have a ton of these type of threads this week. I'm starting this one now, so everybody can post their thoughts on this topic here.

This game coming up against the Vikings is the exact type of game that the Redskins just won today. The Redskins were coming off a horrible loss, and were playing a talented team at home. No doubt the Titans thought they were going to just whip the Skins collective ass, but we all see how that turned out.

Now the Redskins have the opportunity to be what the Titans were today, next Sunday. The Vikings were just massacred by the Packers today. They seem to be reeling, and who knows what tomorrow might bring. Favre could be benched. Childress could be fired. They seem to be in disarray.

That's why I think the Redskins must prepare this week (as they must prepare every week) like the Vikings are a well-oiled machine, ready to come into Fed Ex Field and embarrass the Redskins like the Eagles did. The Vikings are ripe for the picking, but only if the Redskins work hard this week, and bring their A game next Sunday. Despite their ugly losses, the Vikings have a lot of talent. Let's not be the team they right their ship against. (We always seem to be the team that everybody right's their ship against :ols: )

I don't think Shanny will let this team be as unprepared as they were for Philly. He's a better coach than to let a letdown like that happen more than once a season.

I don't count the Lions game as a letdown/sleeper game. If Stafford could ever stay healthy, that offense has the ability to be all but unstoppable.

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One overtime win against the Titan's doesn't make me happy about last Monday. I'm going to be pissed off about that for a while, and i think these guys are too.

What helps this cause, is all the injuries I think. Despite how well this team did with backups today, It's hard to be ****y going into a game with patchwork-anything. With that said, I feel good about it anyway. I don't see back to back bad losses at home going down. Sorry Brett, no sympathy for you either, buddy.

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What the **** are you talking about? It's week 12 dude. Last time I checked, the Eagles, Giants, Falcons, Bears, and Packers were front runners for the Skins possible Wild Card Spot. Pretty sure there's no more "trap games", everything from this point further, especially against the NFC, is a must win.

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This is the type of game that the Redskins always seem to lose. After those games are lost, we always cite problems like lack of preparation, or the game plan was piss poor, or they were over-confident, or they think they are better than they really are.

This week they need to prepare like the Vikings are world-beaters,all madden, defending Super Bowl champs that have the ability to beat them like the Eagles beat them.

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I guess I'm a little confused as to how we "become OVER-confident" after just getting our arses handed to us on a silver platter 'en flambe before a national audience, followed by eeking-out an OT victory by a field goal against a rookie third string QB!

But that's just ME. :whoknows:

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another trap game....they are struggling worse that the we are and I expect we will be favorites. Games we should have won this year have not gone very well for us so far. Stringing two solid wins together would be huge.

.. and it's against Brett Favre whom, while admittedly struggling, is still a magician and one of the greatest QB's of all time. And they "need" a win slightly more than us. And they have Peterson. And Harvin. They're pretty good.

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.. and it's against Brett Favre whom, while admittedly struggling, is still a magician and one of the greatest QB's of all time. And they "need" a win slightly more than us. And they have Peterson. And Harvin. They're pretty good.

We shut down Johnson (enough) and Moss to pull out a win...maybe we can give Peterson a case of butterfingers before the game.

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You would really think it wouldn't be an issue, but I could see the team thinking this should be a win, and backing off a notch. You almost want them to forget they even won today, and work like the last game they played was that Eagles game for the rest of the season.

Calm down. Zorn is no longer the coach, urging everyone to "stay medium."

Last Monday's anomaly aside, I think Shanahan is good enough to stress to every player to play like they're playing the G'aints next week.

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I guess I'm a little confused as to how we "become OVER-confident" after just getting our arses handed to us on a silver platter 'en flambe before a national audience, followed by eeking-out an OT victory by a field goal against a rookie third string QB!

But that's just ME. :whoknows:

The Vikings don't look like anything to be afraid of right now, that's what scares me. I don't think there is any question the Skins have taken games like this one for granted in the past, because they think they are better than they actually are.

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.. and it's against Brett Favre whom, while admittedly struggling, is still a magician and one of the greatest QB's of all time. And they "need" a win slightly more than us. And they have Peterson. And Harvin. They're pretty good.
They need a win more than us lol, the Vikes don't have any shot at the playoffs.
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They need a win more than us lol, the Vikes don't have any shot at the playoffs.

Yes. They need a win more than us. We are still alive for the playoffs. Barely. They however are trying to save themselves from total embarrassment. Using your logic, "we needed" the win more against the 0-18 Lions last year, and yet they embarrassed us because they wanted to get off the schnide. And they celebrated like they had won the Super Bowl. And teams that "have nothing to play for" just love to become the spoiler to teams that are fighting for post season while also trying to save face. Yes. Desperate teams can be a ***** to play against. Especially ones with a future first-round HOF QB who wants to end his career on a (somewhat) high(er) note, and a pretty good RB.

I think we can beat the Vikes. But I also don't see us "becoming overconfident."

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Theres no way in hell that this team will be overconfident. We aren't very good to begin with, and we as fans know that just because the opposing team has a worse record than we do, doesn't necessarily mean that they're gonna lay down against us. This game is probably going to be close like all all of the other ones ( except for Philly obviously).

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I can't for the life of me wonder why the Skins would be confident they could beat anyone right now.....I mean it isn't like the Skins are rolling on all cylinders right now, or am I missing something here....trust me our 5-5 record and their 3-7 record are not the telling stories here......they are better then their 3-7 and we are basically right where we should be or a bit overachiving imho

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Our Star safety probably is going to miss this game too Favre's backup is a mini Vick and their D line is not undersized like the TITanS.

We better hope we do not suffer a repeat of the Philly pimp slapping of last week. The Vikes with or without Favre in the lineup and their defense are going to be PO'ed about their play on Sunday and is going to take it out on us

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The Vikings are a game that scares me. They are a very talented team. We are a gritty team. Talent can win out. We have to be focused and sharp every week just to stay competitive.
Heres another one who thinks we have no talent. I know of at least a dozen talented players on this team.
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