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Haynesworth taking a nap during the play


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Yeah, ****ing bum. He just layed there for 6 seconds, and did nothing. He didn't even try. He gets paid millions to play, and he absolutely gave up on a key TD play. I've never seen a player just lay there and not even attempt to move. The guard even gave up trying to block him, and went out to block the air instead, which gave him a much tougher challenge, no doubt.

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You know I would normally agree that Haynesworth was sleeping on the job but come on, the guy is not the only one that didn't play well or put pressure on Vick. With the 3-4 defense not working and having a lame duck coach in Haslett runing it, we will not win too many more ballgames with a performance like that. Tennessee with rip us apart with there run game and Randy Moss will burn this secondary with at least 2 TD's. This team is done and everyone talks about the Cowboys being bad. It wouldn't surprise me if we lose more games then them and I hate to say that. Unless these guys wake up and start taking responsibility for their jobs this team is destine for another losing season.

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AH is arguably the 2nd or 3rd best player we have on D!! We were down 21 points before the coaching staff even decided to put him in the game, and as soon as they did he made plays!! No way Im singling out AH for one play.. There's plenty of blame to go around!! It's time for the AH haters to move on to a new target, namely the coordinator of the defense!! Cause it was the definition on UNcoordinated tonight..

Man you summed it up perfectly!!!

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Lack of hustle on that play. He showed effort on others. Today, I can't fault anyone for losing their oomph by that second half.

Man, I haven't seen a game that pathetic since Spurrier versus the Pats. Actually, after the first quarter the offense at least showed some fight. The D though... Mama said if you have nothing nice to say...

The 52-7 loss to the Pats was with Joe Gibbs, dude.

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AH is arguably the 2nd or 3rd best player we have on D!! We were down 21 points before the coaching staff even decided to put him in the game, and as soon as they did he made plays!! No way Im singling out AH for one play.. There's plenty of blame to go around!! It's time for the AH haters to move on to a new target, namely the coordinator of the defense!! Cause it was the definition on UNcoordinated tonight..

so much wrong with this post......

i dont think anyone is 'singling' him out, as in, saying its his fault we lost. everyone i have seen in this thread is only criticizing his lack of effort on that one particular play. if youre not pissed off by seeing vick back there reading war and peace while haynesworth is on the ground and not getting up, i dont know what to tell you.

all this 'hes the best' or 'one of the best' players we have is pointless when he makes plays like that. and its plays like that that are likely the reason the coaches dont put him in there more. cant trust him to give 100 percent all the time.

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so his laziness gets a pass because it was a blowout?

Laziness? Yeah if he got up he would have gotten so much love at still not making a difference on that play, though with enough hustle he could have caused a 21 point turnaround, because our offense would not have had anymore three and outs... :doh:

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so much wrong with this post......

i dont think anyone is 'singling' him out, as in, saying its his fault we lost. everyone i have seen in this thread is only criticizing his lack of effort on that one particular play. if youre not pissed off by seeing vick back there reading war and peace while haynesworth is on the ground and not getting up, i dont know what to tell you.

all this 'hes the best' or 'one of the best' players we have is pointless when he makes plays like that. and its plays like that that are likely the reason the coaches dont put him in there more. cant trust him to give 100 percent all the time.

Exactly! What he did last night was absolutely unexcusable.

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Maybe he was taking a nap because he is forced to play in a system that doesn't suit him or anyone else on this defense just like he has been saying all along. Maybe he is sick of being the most talented defensive lineman to not be a starter on his team when if he was on the eagles defense they'd be absolutely unstoppable and he would be a perrenial pro bowler.

Think about it for one second. His career is destroyed here. Absolutely destroyed. Today, after watching last night's disgusting debacle, I understand clearly what Haynesworth was saying all along. He doesn't belong here. He doesn't belong in this defense. Either does, Fletcher, Mcintosh, Daniels, Carter, Dhall, Karreem Moore or lorenzo alexander. Rak, Landry and Kemo (pre achilles injury) belong in this defense. And quite frankly, I still think Rak would be better with his hand in the dirt.

Haynesworth was right. He needs to go. Not because he is a terrible, lazy horrible person. But because its just wrong to have a guy who would be a perrenial pro bowler in a 4-3 be a second teamer who sucks on this team.

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Albert Haynesworth is this year's Deoin Sanders, or Adam Archuleta, or Randle El, or Brandon Lloyd, or Dana Stubblefield, or Bruce Smith, or.....Danny Snyder desperately tries to buy a Super Bowl Ring. That's this motivation- For Albert et al, it's money. Take and run away.

Wrong. AH is not the reason we are losing. You can clearly see the difference when he is in the game and he is playing out of position at that. I agree he has motivational issues. Issues that require a hard coach pushing him etc. He wouldn't be the first superstar player to exhibit that however. The problem here is much more fundamental. Seriously, tell me what happens if you put him on the eages defensive line. Cmon. You know the answer. He's wasted talent here. All talent is wasted here.

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Yea that game was tough to watch from the begining. I saw countless missed tackles by the skins D and WFT was with hanesworth taking a nap in the 3rd? Im sure he could have pressured Vick also enought to possibly change the outcome of that play but dont just lay there. (insert the video clip of this play w/ the Benny Hill music here....oh wait the entire game would be more suiting). Hopefully we'll have better luck w/ the titans but a win last night would of been sweet. I blame the rain.

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Laziness? Yeah if he got up he would have gotten so much love at still not making a difference on that play, though with enough hustle he could have caused a 21 point turnaround, because our offense would not have had anymore three and outs... :doh:

You are completely missing the point of this thread. Again, no one has said anything about that being a pivotal play in the game, and no one even remotely is suggesting that had he played to the whistle that the outcome of the game would be different.

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I for one didnt mind Al laying on the field for an extra second or two on that one play, we have much bigger problems than him running out of gas late in a drive. Why didnt Haslet rotate him out? He is worse than Al.

Give them credit, they rolled Vick out all over the place, does anyone think our DTs' can hang a whole drive with them running him around like that? Punching bag Al is just the easiest to pick on. We rush 3 there, does anyone think that is going to work against Vick in the red zone? Al could lay on the ground from the snap and it wouldnt make a difference, he is NEVER going to catch Vick.

We needed to blitz him, as our pass rush was utterly pathetic. What we hoped would be a coverage sack was a Vick scramble. Fully predictable. Haslet was the one napping, not Albert.

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Haslett took a nap during the entire night!

I wonder how long it will be before soemone steps up and starts giving Hasless the business; look, its crystal clear the 3-4 isn't for this team, and just because alot of other teams are doing it doesn't mean we have to.

Yes, certain people like AH on that play was an example of the entire night, but honestly, that was a demoralizing blow-out and it was quick and painlful.

I am just gonna sit back and wait for the revolt to happen, because everyone knows its coming, just when...

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I suppose you're super-productive at your job and loved by your boss as top company man.

Get real, dude. Let's see the difference here. My job is 2080 hours a year. The NFL season is around 5 months in length, add a month if you're in the playoffs.

The average football game has 11 minutes of action, with an average of ~130 plays. That gives us a rough average of around 5 seconds per play. Haynesworth is lucky to see maybe 20 snaps a game.

So each week we're asking this guy to give us less than 2 minutes of full effort, on gamedays where it really counts? And you want to compare his effort to my all-year round job where I make a tiny fraction of what he makes?

Come on, dude. Even if I work my ass off only 5% of the time, I still put in far more work than he does.

And for sake of argument I won't even bother discussing the practice he has to put in. After all, I still need to go to school for my job.

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AH is arguably the 2nd or 3rd best player we have on D!! We were down 21 points before the coaching staff even decided to put him in the game, and as soon as they did he made plays!! No way Im singling out AH for one play.. There's plenty of blame to go around!! It's time for the AH haters to move on to a new target, namely the coordinator of the defense!! Cause it was the definition on UNcoordinated tonight..

Exactly. This was a coaching nightmare. Tampa showed long ago that the only way to defense Vick is with aggression. You can not sit back and allow him to run to you, because he will run around you; you have to go get him. We played scared all night.

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While Haynesworth's effort on that play was pathetic, he is clearly one of the best defensive players that we have. So why isn't he starting by now? I have no idea. I am having a tough time believing that Haslett actually thinks that Kedric Golston is better than him on ANY down.... its truly idiotic. The turnovers are nice but Haslett needs to be replaced next season. Can anyone explained to me in which ways Golston is better than Albert?

I personally believe that the Skins best D-Line starts the game on the bench.... Daniels, Haynesworth, and Holliday >>>>>>>>>>>> Golston, Carriker, and Kemo Fatu.

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