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CSN Washington/Rotoworld: Andre Carter moving back to Defensive End


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CSN: http://www.csnwashington.com/11/02/10/Redskins-Notes-Portis-Progressing/landing.html?blockID=344181&feedID=272

"Carter Feeling Comfortable

The full-time outside linebacker experiment for Andre Carter is over, who is seeing time back at his true defensive end position.

Even though it means he’s not a starter for the first time in his career, Carter said: “I am what I am. Had I learned the [3-4] scheme a long time ago, I would have been better at the position. But I’m older and have been playing defensive line my whole career. We made the adjustments and I’m doing what I do best.”

Carter said he still attends the linebacker meetings because he is needed if an injury occurs like Brian Orakpo last week.

“Andre’s done a good job with what we’ve asked him to do the last couple weeks,” defensive coordinator Jim Haslett said. “The numbers aren’t there but he rushed the quarterback about as good I’ve seen him do the last two weeks and those numbers will come if he keeps on working.”

Rotoworld: http://www.rotoworld.com/content/playerpages/player_main.aspx?sport=NFL&id=436

"The Redskins have begun moving Andre Carter back to defensive end in their 3-4 scheme.

"I am what I am," said Carter. "Had I learned the [3-4] scheme a long time ago, I would have been better at the position. But I'm older and have been playing defensive line my whole career." Lorenzo Alexander has taken over at outside linebacker, and Carter is only an option there in an emergency situation."

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To be fair he has not played end in our base 3-4 (obviously way too small) he has played end in nickle and dime formation when we go to a 4 man front (just like Big Al). That is a good move by the staff since all Carter is good for is pass rushing with his hand in the dirt.

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I want to know why we even bothered to try? At least we are correcting things but I wonder about some of the stuff we have done. I still question the need to go to the 3-4. I am no expert but the turnovers we have forced this year dont seem dependent on the 3-4 to me. The beauty of the 3-4 is the offense doesnt know who will rush the QB, pounding him forcing fumbles and bad throws aka turnovers.

But they always knew it was Carter and Orakpo coming, because they suck in coverage. Now with just Orakpo, its better I imagine, but I still dont credit the 3-4 with Halls 5 INT's for instance. Or his or Buch's FF's. Nor any of the rest of them.

Haynesworth being used right, and now Carter, maybe we will just stop killing ourselves and go back to the 4-3 proper. cant hurt factoring how teams are killing us in yards week after week.

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Why did this take so long?

I'm not trying to be an armchair GM or Coach, but why is it that some of the moves that Shanny has made, literally don't make rationale sense?

It shouldn't have. It was obvious pretty early that he showed no aptitude for the position at all. I'm all for giving things a try, but to keep running him out there in actual games after the display of ineptitude he showed at LB was foolish.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't a 3-4 defensive end nothing like the 4-3 version?

as far as I understand it, we are using him as a DE only in nickle and dime (4-3) packages, so he is not in the game when we have the 3-4 base in...

this drives me insane because it's just another piece of evidence that WE CAN'T RUN THE 3-4 now!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so carter and AH are at their natural positions and playing better than ever, but we aren't starting them because we stubbornly are trying to crowbar a 3-4 defense into 4-3 personnel...

I have no issue with a transition to a 3-4, but I can not for the life of me understand why we have to run it when we don't have the roster yet to implement it...

bill belichick (one of the innovators of the 3-4) came to NE and put in a 3-4, then realized he could not run it, switch back to the 4-3, drafted 3-4 linemen in the first round in 3 consecutive drafts, and then ran the 3-4....learn from him...

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Why did this take so long?

I'm not trying to be an armchair GM or Coach, but why is it that some of the moves that Shanny has made, literally don't make rationale sense?

Shanahan believed he had the perfect size and athletic ability to play the position. Once again, he failed miserably in evaluating defense. Just as I feared.

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When we got rid of Blache, I thought it would be end of trying to "mold" players to a specific scheme instead of using the players' strength to build schemes. It one has a particular scheme in mind, that should be a goal to work toward in drafts/offseason signings, not "molding." Hence, the Haynesworth debacle, Andre Carter, etc. One thing coaches can improve is technique in effecting turnovers, which they seem to have done. But changing a player who is suited/experienced in one style of play into something else is a recipe for disaster.

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I agree that it shouldn't have taken this long, but let's not get upset about this just because it should have happened sooner. Can't we just be glad it happened?

You can blast our scheme-compatibility (based on theory) all you want, but the defense is not failing this year. While no one is mistaking us for the Steelers or Ravens, we are forcing turnovers at an astronomical rate (especially considering last year's output) and sending star player after star player to the hospital. To what standard are we holding Jim Haslett... perfection? We bend a little too much, but have played many good offenses, and even the "weaker" ones (StL, Detroit) are better than most people realize. In my opinion the defense, overall, has made a quantum leap from last year with literally ZERO significant personnel upgrades.

As bad as our offense is (and the o-line in particular), we are LUCKY to be .500 with the first-half schedule we drew, and if it weren't for the frequent turnovers produced by Haslett's 3-4, we'd be worse.

I wish Carter's proper role had been identified sooner, but they misjudged it. Now they're adapting, which I appreciate. With a little patience and continuity, the whole system will only improve.

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