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Dare I Say It?.......ROOT FOR DALLAS!?!?!?!?!?!

Chase M

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You raise a very valid point....

Another valid point...or question, if you will: Who the HELL starts a thread seriously suggesting we root for Dallass? I mean, it's already a dumb proposal, but to put that on the official Redskins message board?

Did you actually look at the thread title and how the OP made it clear that it wasn't an ordinary proposal?

Also, while I hate Dallas, I've always had a problem with fans who equate "hating Dallas" with "loving the Redskins." I'm a Redskins fan first and foremost, then a "Dallas hater." The two are usually mutually exclusive, but not always. For instance, if Dallas beating someone else helps the Redskins, then I have no problem "rooting" for Dallas. It's crazy that we have fans on here who would actually not root for Dallas if Dallas winning helped the Redskins. A few years ago, we had a thread about whether or not fans would root for a Dallas win if it meant the Redskins would make the playoffs, and there were actually fans on the thread who would rather Dallas lose and the Redskins miss the playoffs.

I find that absolutely pathetic.

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Did you actually look at the thread title and how the OP made it clear that it wasn't an ordinary proposal?

Also, while I hate Dallas, I've always had a problem with fans who equate "hating Dallas" with "loving the Redskins." I'm a Redskins fan first and foremost, then a "Dallas hater." The two are usually mutually exclusive, but not always. For instance, if Dallas beating someone else helps the Redskins, then I have no problem "rooting" for Dallas. It's crazy that we have fans on here who would actually not root for Dallas if Dallas winning helped the Redskins. A few years ago, we had a thread about whether or not fans would root for a Dallas win if it meant the Redskins would make the playoffs, and there were actually fans on the thread who would rather Dallas lose and the Redskins miss the playoffs.

I find that absolutely pathetic.

I totally agree!!

What gets me is that some are acting like they are scared of Dallas "gaining momentum" with a win, heck if we can "handle our business" later with the Giants, we can handle our business later with the Cowboys, even if they do "gain momentum"...I am hoping that we can get atop the NFC east and "handle our business" from there. We still have the Giants twice so why not beat them twice while they are looking up at us and therefore increasing a lead instead of trying to rely on us catching then passing them?

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Did you actually look at the thread title and how the OP made it clear that it wasn't an ordinary proposal?

Also, while I hate Dallas, I've always had a problem with fans who equate "hating Dallas" with "loving the Redskins." I'm a Redskins fan first and foremost, then a "Dallas hater." The two are usually mutually exclusive, but not always. For instance, if Dallas beating someone else helps the Redskins, then I have no problem "rooting" for Dallas. It's crazy that we have fans on here who would actually not root for Dallas if Dallas winning helped the Redskins. A few years ago, we had a thread about whether or not fans would root for a Dallas win if it meant the Redskins would make the playoffs, and there were actually fans on the thread who would rather Dallas lose and the Redskins miss the playoffs.

I find that absolutely pathetic.

Yeah, I actually looked at the title. I also read the OP.

And give me a break with your little sermon about what you consider "pathetic." :rolleyes:

How about people just let chips fall where they may? We haven't even played the Giants yet, we have 2 chances to knock them off. I prefer winning the division outright rather than rooting for Dallass so that we can potentially slide through and win. Call me crazy. Call me pathetic. I don't really care. It is unfotunate that there are people who blast those of us who understand there are actually many other ways to skin a cat than to root for those morons. :)

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So if the Redskins needed a Dallas win to make the playoffs or make a big move in the standings, you'd rather Dallas lose?
Actually, I'd prefer to make the playoffs without having to bank on others' losses. But this isn't a perfect world. Regardless, I wouldn't actively root for Dallas. Nor would I start a thread on the official Redskins message board talking about rooting for Dallas. Particularly this early in the season. Particularly with everything so wide open at this point.
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Once again, why can't we go to the playoffs on our own power?

But, if we needed the 'Boys in order to go to the Super Bowl, then I would actively root for the other team to los

I'm not sure what this proves, or even means, as if it doesn't often take both, and/or vary according to circumstances. Obviously, one would want the Skins to win every single game they play; obviously, though, that's only happened like once in the history of the NFL.

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What gets me is that some are acting like they are scared of Dallas "gaining momentum" with a win, heck if we can "handle our business" later with the Giants, we can handle our business later with the Cowboys, even if they do "gain momentum

FWIW, I'm not worried about Dallass gaining any momentum if they win.

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Yeah, I actually looked at the title. I also read the OP.

And give me a break with your little sermon about what you consider "pathetic." :rolleyes:

How about people just let chips fall where they may? We haven't even played the Giants yet, we have 2 chances to knock them off. I prefer winning the division outright rather than rooting for Dallass so that we can potentially slide through and win. Call me crazy. Call me pathetic. I don't really care. It is unfotunate that there are people who blast those of us who understand there are actually many other ways to skin a cat than to root for those morons. :)

I'm sorry that you were under the impression that by "rooting for Dallas," the OP meant he would be jumping around his living room and waking up the neighbors every time Dallas scored, dressed to the nines in Dallas Cowboy gear, just because he'd rather Dallas--who is 1-4 and is already 0-1 in the division--defeat another team in our division that currently has the same record as us.

I never got the impression that by "rooting for Dallas," he was going to root for the Cowboys like they're the Skins, or not be able to sleep should the Cowboys win.

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Actually, I'd prefer to make the playoffs without having to bank on others' losses. But this isn't a perfect world. Regardless, I wouldn't actively root for Dallas. Nor would I start a thread on the official Redskins message board talking about rooting for Dallas. Particularly this early in the season. Particularly with everything so wide open at this point.

The thread starts off with, "Dare I say it?," then is followed by "root for Dallas?!?!?!?!" It's pretty clear that the OP isn't suggesting that we all become diehard Cowboy fans.

I realize this is just a message board, but reading for context is still important.

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I'm sorry that you were under the impression that by "rooting for Dallas," the OP meant he would be jumping around his living room and waking up the neighbors every time Dallas scored, dressed to the nines in Dallas Cowboy gear, just because he'd rather Dallas--who is 1-4 and is already 0-1 in the division--defeat another team in our division that currently has the same record as us.

I never got the impression that by "rooting for Dallas," he was going to root for the Cowboys like they're the Skins, or not be able to sleep should the Cowboys win.

The thread starts off with, "Dare I say it?," then is followed by "root for Dallas?!?!?!?!" It's pretty clear that the OP isn't suggesting that we all become diehard Cowboy fans.

I realize this is just a message board, but reading for context is still important.

You should probably take your own advice about reading for context/reading comprehension/etc.. At what point did I ever say the OP was going to dress up in Dallass gear? You are completely overblowing anything I say in an attempt to strengthen your weak points.

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Believe it or not it is not a treasonous act to hope that the Cowboys win Monday night...I gaurantee you that when we defeat dem Bears and Lions, after a loss or 2 by the Giants and Philly, the same people who are screaming for the Cowgirls heads will be bragging about how we are on top of the NFC East at mid-season and will forget how we got there.

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I agree with the posters saying don't let your hate for the cowboys interfer with your love for the Redskins. But the way I see it either way I'm happy at the end of that game. But the bigger picture says All we need is one other team to beat Dallas the rest of the way and they are history (this assuming we will be the other team that kicks their ass). The bigger picture says I'd rather see the Giants at 4-3 with a division and conference loss. Plus as long as the cowboys miss the playoffs and we finish above them I hope they have the best record possible for a middle 1st round pick and a chance that they keep the team like it is thinking they are one player away from a superbowl team. Hell maybe Wade gets one more chance at 8-8 or 9-7. Like I said though either way I'm happy at the end of that game.

*edit* but I won't be rooting for the cowboys or giants. I will let the hand play out and satisfied with the results either way. It's a win-win situation really.

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You should probably take your own advice about reading for context/reading comprehension/etc.. At what point did I ever say the OP was going to dress up in Dallass gear? You are completely overblowing anything I say in an attempt to strengthen your weak points.

Never said you did--it's sort of implied, though. Otherwise, I don't get the big deal, esp. considering the way the thread title is written in a self-deprecating way. It's not like he wrote, "Go Dallas! Woo-hoo Cowboys!"

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Never said you did--it's sort of implied, though. Otherwise, I don't get the big deal, esp. considering the way the thread title is written in a self-deprecating way. It's not like he wrote, "Go Dallas! Woo-hoo Cowboys!"

No, it wasn't implied. What was implied, and actually even directly stated, is that I think it's stupid to start this type of thread at this point in the season, and on the official Skins message board. Sorry if you and others have a problem with that. I just think it's stupid. I subscribe more to the theory that not all thoughts should be threads...

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Did you actually look at the thread title and how the OP made it clear that it wasn't an ordinary proposal?

Also, while I hate Dallas, I've always had a problem with fans who equate "hating Dallas" with "loving the Redskins." I'm a Redskins fan first and foremost, then a "Dallas hater." The two are usually mutually exclusive, but not always. For instance, if Dallas beating someone else helps the Redskins, then I have no problem "rooting" for Dallas. It's crazy that we have fans on here who would actually not root for Dallas if Dallas winning helped the Redskins.

Here's the thing you, and some others, are overlooking or just plain not understanding: Dallas winning doesn't "help" the Redskins anymore than Dallas losing does.

You always root for other teams to beat your division rivals, but BOTH the Giants and the Cowboys are division rivals...there's only 1 game separating the Skins from the Giants and only 1 1/2 games separating the Cowboys from the Skins. So no matter which team wins/loses, it helps the Skins almost equally at this point in the season. Like it or not, Dallas could still be in the playoff race 6-7 weeks from now if they're able to get on a run...and they could do just that. Hoping that the division possibly becomes more crowded doesn't make too much sense.

However, a 1-5 Cowboys team that is more or less out of the playoff picture before the halfway point of the season is not only a beautiful thing to witness, but also makes it a bit easier for the Skins to notch another division win in their belt later on in the year which helps with any tiebreakers we may be needing later on.

So anyone thinking that hoping the Cowboys lose is "pathetic" or that it somehow actually hurts the Redskins is viewing this on an incredibly superficial and shallow level. As said before, right now the Giants/Cowboys game is a win/win for the Redskins no matter who loses...so might as well root for the Cowboys to lose and enjoy seeing their season completely self-destruct on national TV while the Skins (hopefully) keep pace with the other teams in the NFC East. And let's face it...if the Redskins don't beat the Bears, this is an irrelevant discussion anyway.

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Believe it or not it is not a treasonous act to hope that the Cowboys win Monday night...I gaurantee you that when we defeat dem Bears and Lions, after a loss or 2 by the Giants and Philly, the same people who are screaming for the Cowgirls heads will be bragging about how we are on top of the NFC East at mid-season and will forget how we got there.

By that same logic I "guarantee" that if we lose to the Bears or Lions (or both) and are sitting at 4-4 during our bye while the Cowboys have put together 2 wins in a row and are at 3-4 at our bye--with a chance to pull even with us while we aren't playing--those same people who are claiming that Dallas winning is what's best for the Skins right now will no longer be happy that the Cowboys beat the Giants.

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