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Dare I Say It?.......ROOT FOR DALLAS!?!?!?!?!?!

Chase M

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Sorry for calling it as it is. A team that is 1-4 and would have to run the table and get a lot of help along the way, or a team that has swept us for 2 straight seasons, is threatening to win the division again and who we still could potentially lose to twice?

If they beat us twice and the Cowboys beat them, doesnt that in the end help the Cowboys overcome us in the standings?

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Rule #1

Root for Washington

Rule #2

Root for team playing Dallas

Exception to Rule #2

If Rule #2 means rooting for Dallas would directly prohibit the Redskins from making the playoffs than it is ok to root for Dallas. However if there are games remaining against said team playing Dallas, then this exemption does not apply.

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Giants need to have their momentum stopped. However, if Dallas continues to to suck, Wade & Jason "let's get pass happy when the run was working' Garrett will both be out & Chucky will be in.

So I'm hoping for at least a tie. :)

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That's not what I am asking... my question is, as a "true Redskins" fan, can really you root for Dallas?

I don't know your meaning of "root" but yes as a VERY "true Redskins" fan I can root/hope/pray for a win, not only for Dallas but any other NFL team that can help my team get closer to the playoffs which would, in turn get them closer to the Superbowl...Dallas is our main rival but if it takes them beating another team to better MY team status, LAWD yeah I will root for them...It is not about another team to me but instead a season for my 'Skins.

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short·sight·ed (shôrtstd)


1. Nearsighted; myopic.

2. Lacking foresight.

Sorry for calling it as it is. A team that is 1-4 and would have to run the table and get a lot of help along the way, or a team that has swept us for 2 straight seasons, is threatening to win the division again and who we still could potentially lose to twice? You evaluate which is potentially better for us in the long run.

In this case, why do we need to root for Dallas again? According to you, the Giants seem to be a shoe-in for the Division anyway & if we lose to the Giants twice, then Dallas beating them won't help us a lick. Then you will feel all dirty & whore-ish because you chose to root for Dallas in week 7 when it doesn't even matter by week 12. If you want to root for Dallas, go ahead, but whose to say that come week 12, the Giants won't have a commanding lead on the Division anyway & you rooted for Dallas for nothing? :no:

I think with it only being week 7 & the Giants coming up on their 1st Division game, it is a bit premature to be thinking about winning the Division anyway. You ask what's faith got to do with it? Considering what you yourself said about "history & common sense", thinking we could win the Division is using A LOT of faith & not a whole lot of "common sense".

EDIT: I'm not slighting you for the lack of common sense, BTW. I, too, am using little of that to make way for my faith that the Skins can win the Division. Just pointing out that faith has a lot to do with this scenario & if we are using faith to believe the Skins have that chance, then we can also have faith that the Cowboys losing this game (or any other) will have no bearing on our destiny, period!

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I don't really care about my feedback on extremeskins, if people are that short sighted they can't see what's best for the Skins....well, it wouldn't be the first time on THIS forum. Freakin' lol.

The Giants are going to be challenging for a division title, the Cowboys are not. We need the Giants to drop a division game against someone besides us. And since Philly is also contending, logically, we need Dallas to do that.

Reading this thread should tell you that some people seem to care more about hating on Dallas than rooting for the Redskins. Don't get me wrong, I hate the Cowboys too, but not enough that I want them to hurt OUR playoff chances.

Dude, simmer down. Don't count your chickens before they hatch. You remember that 6-2 start 2 years ago? I'm quite positive kids were talking about Super Bowl, Division Champs, NFC Champs that entire time, and how did that end up? Nothing wrong with being excited, but it's only 6 games into the season. There is still TON of football left, and for you to make a statement that the Cowboys aren't going to be challenging for a division title is a bit premature and foolish to say the least. They could run the table from here on out, and you'd look like a huge idiot. Let's take it one week at a time and stop thinking about Division, NFC, Super Bowl champs until we get to the end of the regular season.

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I don't know your meaning of "root" but yes as a VERY "true Redskins" fan I can root/hope/pray for a win, not only for Dallas but any other NFL team that can help my team get closer to the playoffs which would, in turn get them closer to the Superbowl...Dallas is our main rival but if it takes them beating another team to better MY team status, LAWD yeah I will root for them...It is not about another team to me but instead a season for my 'Skins.

Seriously? You do not know what I meant with "root" in a football forum? Seriously?

Ok, let me help:

Main Entry: 4root

Pronunciation: \ˈrüt also ˈru̇t\

Function: intransitive verb

Etymology: perhaps alteration of 2rout

Date: 1889


: to noisily applaud or encourage a contestant or team : cheer


: to wish the success of or lend support to someone or something

— root·er noun

So you call yourself a "true Redskins" fan and you will "root" for Dallas. (I know you said if blah blah blah) Wow. I did not know that was possible. I learned something new today.

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Seriously? You do not know what I meant with "root" in a football forum? Seriously?

Ok, let me help:

Main Entry: 4root

Pronunciation: \ˈrüt also ˈru̇t\

Function: intransitive verb

Etymology: perhaps alteration of 2rout

Date: 1889


: to noisily applaud or encourage a contestant or team : cheer


: to wish the success of or lend support to someone or something

— root·er noun

So you call yourself a "true Redskins" fan and you will "root" for Dallas. (I know you said if blah blah blah) Wow. I did not know that was possible. I learned something new today.

i dont go by anything i hear on this board, according to some on here you and i are not "true fans" cause we dont live in DC...

so i really dont let anyone on this board try and tell me who i am or who i am not...that's my business.

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No matter what I could never root for Dallas, I hate playing that game, when all we have to do is Händel our business each week and win games, then we don't have to worry about what another team does. It is just the month of October it is not a must that we have to cheer for a rival team. Sorry as a Die Hard Skins fan I don't have blue anywhere in my blood so I will never be able to root for the cowgirls.

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Hey, more power to you.

FYI, that's NOT my definition, it's the definition of "root"....feel free to look it up, you might learn something too.

Thanks for the lesson and with that said I will "root" for Dallas to beat the Giants, "root" for MY 'Skins to beat the Bears, "root" for the Titans to beat the "Eagles" which would give us 1st place in the division...Let them come get us rather than us chasing them

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I'd rather watch Dallas suffer, and let our team fight their own battle through the season. Playin the giants late in the season was good for us I think, because we've had a hard time with them lately. If we can go 2-0 vs them, or even split, we'll be fine as long as the other games go decently. The way I see it, we'll be battling NY and Philly for the division/wildcard all season, regardless of what happens with cowboys/giants this Sunday.

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Meh, I would rather see Dallas fans pissed off because their playoff chances are slim to none.

I want the Skins to fight their asses off to get into the playoffs, realistically, the Eagles and Giants stand a better chance. Our playoff RUNS, will come in time, until then, I am extremely happy with the progress we have made in 6 games.

Hail to the Redskins!!!

F Dallas!!!!

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