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Bret Favre is accused of Sexual Harassment


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Fox Sports is reporting that Bret Favre is accused of sexually harrassing a woman :yikes::loser:that works for the NY Jets. The incident happened in 2008 when he was with the Jets and the timing of it has me thinking that it is something that was made up especially when it comes out 2 years after the incident and a couple of days before the Jets are set to play against the Vikings.


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If she waited 2 years to tell anybody about it, then I don't think it should be sexual "harassment". The Jets should be fined for hiring that fame whore! I agree with the writer....she was only hired because she has big fake boobs (and probably screwed somebody to get the job).

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Evidence seems pretty damning. You can listen to a recording here (NSFW - due to photos of what is allegedly Favre's private parts). It sure as hell sounds like Favre to me. Granted, someone could have found a very good impersonator but I just don't buy it. Too many other details fit. And it's not that hard to imagine a guy (and that's really all Favre is) doing something that crazy over a woman who looks like this...


Hell, after looking at all of her photos, I might send her a picture of my own privates. :ols:

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If she waited 2 years to tell anybody about it, then I don't think it should be sexual "harassment". The Jets should be fined for hiring that fame whore! I agree with the writer....she was only hired because she has big fake boobs (and probably screwed somebody to get the job).

Love how you skipped the context and added the slander. You're a real prince.

It does not matter that Jenn Sterger’s on-full-display, fake breasts were her only qualification to land a job with the Jets. She should be afforded protection from harassment. Unsolicited e-mails, phone calls and Full Monty pics are quite different from locker-room catcalls and coaches running pass plays in the direction of a provocatively dressed Sideline Barbie.

Goodell must investigate the Favre-Sterger incident and either clear or punish Favre.

And BTW. We don't know when this first started coming to light. Clearly it's been swept under the rug for some time. At the very least, some kind of investigation should have been done when Deadspin first posted the story to determine if it is true or not. It shouldn't be that hard to do a voice analysis of the recordings. If the NFL in any way has avoided this story to protect it's biggest hero, that may be the biggest story of all.

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Love how you skipped the context and added the slander. You're a real prince.

The context was incontrovertible. Her qualifications are up for debate.

Firstly, I'm not a professional writer. And secondly, I wrote "probably" which indicates "in my opinion". And thirdly, in case you haven't noticed, you're on a MB where opinions are expressed. BTW, in print form, it's libel, not slander.

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The context was incontrovertible. Her qualifications are up for debate.

Firstly, I'm not a professional writer. And secondly, I wrote "probably" which indicates "in my opinion". And thirdly, in case you haven't noticed, you're on a MB where opinions are expressed. BTW, in print form, it's libel, not slander.

Actually if you want to be technical, it's still slanderous (A false and malicious statement or report about someone.). Libel simply means that since it is documented, you can be held accountable. Your clear from that since you indicated it was your opinion. An opinion, I might add that says more about you then her.

I'd love to hear hear your logic as to why a "fame whore" would wait two years before allegedly seeking this fame? Or why "Jenn is still reluctant to talk on the record about the matter." (http://deadspin.com/5658206/brett-favres-cellphone-seduction-of-jenn-sterger) But judging from your tone I can only imagine you are a Favre fanboy or just so ugly that you resent all hot women. Of course that's just my opinion. :D

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Fame whore? You were talking about Farve, right? Where did you get such a low opinion of women and the names you call them? Do you know this woman personally or are you just forming opinions based on what others have said/wrote?

She is a attention whore...Several nude photo shoots..and a few flings with nfl players...Call it like it is

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If this is all just a fake way to grab attention, then she gets all the hate coming her way, but if it ends up being true her reputation or agenda is pointless against the fact that if it is him, he cheated (well he tried to to cheat) on his wife. She bears no responsibility for his actions in this, no matter if she encouraged it or not.

Wait and see I guess.

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She is a attention whore...Several nude photo shoots..and a few flings with nfl players...Call it like it is

I hate to break this to you, but doing photo shoots, nude or otherwise, and/or dating NFL players does not give anyone the right to send unsolicited pictures of their private parts to her. PERIOD. If in fact that is what Favre did, he should be held accountable.

The only way to know the truth is to investigate. Voice analysis can prove or disprove that it is Favre. Even the best imitation would be caught. If necessary, phone records can be accessed. But the bottom line is that the NFL has a responsibility to find out the truth.

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I hate to break this to you, but doing photo shoots, nude or otherwise, and/or dating NFL players does not give anyone the right to send unsolicited pictures of their private parts to her. PERIOD. If in fact that is what Favre did, he should be held accountable.

The only way to know the truth is to investigate. Voice analysis can prove or disprove that it is Favre. Even the best imitation would be caught. If necessary, phone records can be accessed. But the bottom line is that the NFL has a responsibility to find out the truth.

Hate to break it to you..But I could care less about the "sexting" or whatever it's called..If in fact he did it, by all means let him be dealt with..I was just referring to

Fame whore? You were talking about Farve, right? Where did you get such a low opinion of women and the names you call them? Do you know this woman personally or are you just forming opinions based on what others have said/wrote?
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Fame whore? You were talking about Farve, right? Where did you get such a low opinion of women and the names you call them? Do you know this woman personally or are you just forming opinions based on what others have said/written?

OK, first of all, the term "Attention Whore" has no bearing on whether or not she is a promiscuous woman. It's a term to describe someone who is bringing attention to herself. I agree with the Favre part.

I'm a married man and would never call a woman a "whore" unless it was warrented. So cool your damn jets on my opinon of women. But Ms. Sterger definately takes every chance to put her name and other things out there to promote her career.

And no I don't know her personally, but I have watched her on some sports shows and while she knows some things about sports, I would exactly call her an expert.

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Fame whore? You were talking about Farve, right? Where did you get such a low opinion of women and the names you call them? Do you know this woman personally or are you just forming opinions based on what others have said/written?

Dressing and acting like a whore to get attention, money, and/or fame is not worthy of being respected and doesn't classify this individual as a "woman"! And if you consider Favre a famewhore than you obviously don't know what the term means. Favre is likely an egomaniac, but he just played football; the fame was a byproduct.

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