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Bret Favre is accused of Sexual Harassment


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You're making random assumptions about a woman when she HAS EVIDENCE. This isn't he said she said. This he he didn't say ****, and she has evidence. Use your head and stop being such a judgmental clown.

She can make accusations all she wants. And I didn't deny that it happened. In fact, I said Brett looked guilty because he didn't deny it and didn't file a lawsuit. I have a problem if she's seeking a big payday two years after the incident when she didn't complain when the incident happened. It seems she saved all this just for this purpose. This is pretty much why the Jets were stupid to hire her. If she complained of sexual harassment (and face it, she wasn't dressed professionally), then the Jets would have punished the offending employee and she would have gotten nothing in compensation. But, if, at some point in the future, they got rid of her position, then she could have sued them for retaliation.

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Shouldn't automatically call any woman who files a sexual harrassment case, a whore.

Shouldn't even mention cases like this in the press, till after the fact. Or at least until it goes to court. Wish we could prevent ANY names being revealed until the case is settled.

Can't we just have a gag order in place for any sex-related case, punish the leakers heavily, and publicly bash only whoever is actually proved to be lying when it's over?

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Shouldn't automatically call any woman who files a sexual harrassment case, a whore.

Shouldn't even mention cases like this in the press, till after the fact. Or at least until it goes to court. Wish we could prevent ANY names being revealed until the case is settled.

Can't we just have a gag order in place for any sex-related case, punish the leakers heavily, and publicly bash only whoever is actually proved to be lying when it's over?

Again, the term "Attention Whore" does not mean someone is promiscuous or sleeping with everyone. It's slang term to mean:


attention whore


(context, internet, slang) Someone who craves attention and is not above soliciting it via deliberately meaningless or provocative tactics.



1. attention whore 12243 up, 616 down

Label given to any person who craves attention to such an extent that they will do anything to receive it. The type of attention (negative or positive) does not matter.

Nobody is calling her an actual "whore" or saying she did anything sexually with him. Alot of the arguing in here is a misinformation about the term.

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