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Bret Favre is accused of Sexual Harassment


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Dressing and acting like a whore to get attention, money, and/or fame is not worthy of being respected and doesn't classify this individual as a "woman"! And if you consider Favre a famewhore than you obviously don't know what the term means. Favre is likely an egomaniac, but he just played football; the fame was a byproduct.

We really have people on here who feel what rights and laws apply towards a woman is dependent upon how she dresses?...Really?


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Actually if you want to be technical, it's still slanderous (A false and malicious statement or report about someone.). Libel simply means that since it is documented, you can be held accountable. Your clear from that since you indicated it was your opinion. An opinion, I might add that says more about you then her.

I'd love to hear hear your logic as to why a "fame whore" would wait two years before allegedly seeking this fame? Or why "Jenn is still reluctant to talk on the record about the matter." (http://deadspin.com/5658206/brett-favres-cellphone-seduction-of-jenn-sterger) But judging from your tone I can only imagine you are a Favre fanboy or just so ugly that you resent all hot women. Of course that's just my opinion. :D

Yep. Apparently, my moral compass is much, much higher than yours and you clearly are not insightful. :D

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Yep. Apparently, my moral compass is much, much higher than yours and you clearly are not insightful. :D

Some moral compass you have to suggest that a woman you don't know "probably" slept with someone to get a job. You're a real ******* saint. :rolleyes:

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Huh? And where did I mention rights or laws? Thanks for criticizing in the middle of something without knowing the whole conversation.

That's what this thread is about...and your response to her possibly being sexually harassed was to say she's nothing but a "whore" who probably had sex with someone to get whatever job she had, that her employers should be fined for hiring her and that she shouldn't be able to claim harassment because it's been too long. The idea of actually knowing and following the legal statute of limitations for sexual harassment be damned in your eyes, she's a whore who doesn't even deserve our respect, nonetheless deserve to be able to sue. And this is ALL based on how she dresses, nothing more.

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That's what this thread is about...and your response to her possibly being sexually harassed was to say she's nothing but a "whore" who probably had sex with someone to get whatever job she had, that her employers should be fined for hiring her and that she shouldn't be able to claim harassment because it's been too long. The idea of actually knowing and following the legal statute of limitations for sexual harassment be damned in your eyes, she's a whore who doesn't even deserve our respect, nonetheless deserve to be able to sue. And this is ALL based on how she dresses, nothing more.

Don't you wish you could text his comments to his wife, mother, and/or every girl he knows and sit back to watch the fireworks? :ols:

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Some moral compass you have to suggest that a woman you don't know "probably" slept with someone to get a job. You're a real ******* saint. :rolleyes:

If it walks and quacks like a duck, then it's probably a duck. From your conclusion, saints should just let disasters happen without making a reasonable attempt to stop the disaster, because, in your thinking, they should not make determinations without infallible proof that a disaster will happen. Go job. I hope you don't work for Homeland Security.

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That's what this thread is about...and your response to her possibly being sexually harassed was to say she's nothing but a "whore" who probably had sex with someone to get whatever job she had, that her employers should be fined for hiring her and that she shouldn't be able to claim harassment because it's been too long. The idea of actually knowing and following the legal statute of limitations for sexual harassment be damned in your eyes, she's a whore who doesn't even deserve our respect, nonetheless deserve to be able to sue. And this is ALL based on how she dresses, nothing more.

I said IF she WAITED 2 years to complain about it, then it should not be considered "HARASSMENT". And yes, the way she acts and dresses in public to gain employment is not in a professional manner. And no, I don't believe she is qualified for the job. And yes, NFL organizations should hold their employees to a high standard. And no, I do not consider her complaint to be a legitimate sexual harassment complaint because SHE DIDN'T REPORT IT IMMEDIATELY! DUH! Unlike repeated abuse (i.e. harassment), this appears to be a one-time incident and if she was going to complain of harassment then she should have done it immediately. And that isn't based solely on how she is dressed.

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From the WP:

NFL investigating allegations about Brett Favre

The NFL is reviewing a report that Minnesota Vikings quarterback Brett Favre sent suggestive photos and messages to a former sideline reporter while he played for the Jets.

"We are reviewing the matter," NFL spokesman Greg Aiello said Friday when asked about reports that Favre left voice mails and texted photos to Jenn Sterger, who now hosts "The Daily Line," a nightly sports roundup on the Versus network.

Favre was asked about the allegations Thursday during a press conference after the team traded for Randy Moss.

"I'm not getting into that," Favre said. "I've got my hands full with the Jets and trying to get some timing down with our guys. That's all I'm going to discuss."

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If it walks and quacks like a duck, then it's probably a duck. From your conclusion, saints should just let disasters happen without making a reasonable attempt to stop the disaster, because, in your thinking, they should not make determinations without infallible proof that a disaster will happen. Go job. I hope you don't work for Homeland Security.

Well to me, you sound like an ugly SOB with rejection issues. And "If it walks and quacks like a duck, then it's probably a duck." :ols:

And the irony of your homeland security analogy is priceless since Favre is the one accused of an illegal act, you don't think it merits investigation, and I do.

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Pretty sure this was already discussed during the off-season.


Yup, you're about 2 months slow:


I remember this, but I wonder why it took the other media so long to catch up to this story? Either way, you guys are months behind on the breaking news.

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I can certainly see why he chose her. Almost a spitting image of his wife.

Hate to say it, but TotalRecall sounds like a complete jackass/douche bag with his comments in this thread. One can conclude with statements like his, that he doesn't get laid much. I mean, after all, it was fine to call her a whore, etc.. not knowing anything about the situation. Guess we can all do that.

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Dressing and acting like a whore to get attention, money, and/or fame is not worthy of being respected and doesn't classify this individual as a "woman"! And if you consider Favre a famewhore than you obviously don't know what the term means. Favre is likely an egomaniac, but he just played football; the fame was a byproduct.

I guess his annual retirement drama is not attention whore worthy. ;)

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Supposedly two more women come forward about Favre sending them 'lewd texts' according to deadspin.


But, after reading the story in the New York Post this morning, they decided to come forward with their story

Where were they when the story was broken months ago?

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I'm guessing when it broke they didn't hear about it.

Originally no one really picked the story up because there was no proof with the original allegation(it was just her saying it happened and she had proof, but she wasn't going to share it), but after she handed over the voice-mails and pics to deadspin a few days ago the story came back to life and some national outlets covered it.

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Mandy and John say they approached attorneys about the situation but were told that because Mandy was a private contractor, there were no grounds for a harassment case. They didn't pursue anything.

But, after reading the story in the New York Post this morning, they decided to come forward with their story. Mandy's husband John reached out both to Deadspin and the Post. They don't want to reveal their names just yet, John says, and they "don't want photographers on their front lawn." But they said they're still considering going public with it. First, they want to talk to the NFL and the Jets. They gave me permission to pass along their info to the team, which I did. If someone from the NFL wants to reach out to them, they'll talk to someone there, too.

Also? Mandy says she and Lindsay still have some of the text messages. Hooray.

This could get ugly

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The funny thing, if you think about it....this all happened *after* Favre had cleaned up his act. He was a wild man back in the day in Green Bay, so just imagine the stories that could surface from there. I mean he was in rehab multiple times for pain killer addiction and even after he got off the pills he drank like there was no tomorrow.

If this all proves to be true and part of a pattern there could be some epic stories that come out (though, to be fair, this is true with quite a few NFL players I bet). The only thing that may save him is that cell phones weren't as prevalent when he was in his prime.

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If it walks and quacks like a duck, then it's probably a duck. From your conclusion, saints should just let disasters happen without making a reasonable attempt to stop the disaster, because, in your thinking, they should not make determinations without infallible proof that a disaster will happen. Go job. I hope you don't work for Homeland Security.

You're making random assumptions about a woman when she HAS EVIDENCE. This isn't he said she said. This he he didn't say ****, and she has evidence. Use your head and stop being such a judgmental clown.

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If she waited 2 years to tell anybody about it, then I don't think it should be sexual "harassment". The Jets should be fined for hiring that fame whore! I agree with the writer....she was only hired because she has big fake boobs (and probably screwed somebody to get the job).

Pretty low rent comments there bud and unless you have some info other than your own childish speculation, slander at least.

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I heard about this story months ago as well. I don't get the attention whore comments. The dude at Deadspin ran with it. Given all the Favre coverage, if she wanted attention from this she could have it. A lot of it. Especially since she apparently has evidence of what Favre has done. Given that she looks like his wife and that Favre has been a douchebag prima donna for at least the half decade, I wouldn't be surprised if these claims were true. The evidence is seemingly very damning.

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I heard about this story months ago as well. I don't get the attention whore comments. The dude at Deadspin ran with it. Given all the Favre coverage, if she wanted attention from this she could have it. A lot of it. Especially since she apparently has evidence of what Favre has done. Given that she looks like his wife and that Favre has been a douchebag prima donna for at least the half decade, I wouldn't be surprised if these claims were true. The evidence is seemingly very damning.

That's what I'm saying.

People like TotalRecall who are jumping on Sterger's back haven't even read this whole story. Sterger isn't the one who pushed for this to come out. It was a reporter she was friends with at Deadspin, a guy who sat on this for awhile before finally reporting on it. And now Sterger isn't talking about it.

And like I said in the original thread on this, I didn't think it was necessarily true (now that I've heard the voice mails, I'm definitely fairly convinced), but I agree that it's really easy to understand why Favre would be attracted to Sterger.

Sterger is a 28 year old version of his wife, with breast implants. And he was living in New York and on the road a lot, as most pro athletes are. It's not hard to put it together and see how easily this could have happened.

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Brett Favre, like most sports stars, is a serial cheater. It comes with the territory. He has probably scored ass 500 times without ever thinking there was a chance he'd get caught. I mean, he is Brett Favre. Girls like Sterger and the massage girls are prime candidates and most participate willingly. Why would you work as a massage therapist for a professional sports team unless canoodling with beefy football players didn't appeal to you?

Favre's mistake, if he made one, is not that he sent text messages to Sterger; I don't judge other's morals. This is for him and his wife to work out. However, it appears that he simply picked the wrong type of girl to try to get with. The word I'm hearing is that Sterger simply doesn't like guys like Favre. One might say that she likes Gatorade more than guys like Favre.


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