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The People Who Say "Give It Time" And "Be Patient" are just making excuses.

blue collar

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no offense, but damn you start a lot of dumb threads

Fixed that for ya. :D

Anyone who thinks that Shanahan is stupid enough to *not* work towards long term goals for the pipe dream of taking us to the superbowl this year is a fool. And anyone here who thinks they know better than Shanahan how to build a winning team is a bigger one.

The arrogance and stupidity of so many of these threads is embarrassing to the entire Redskind fanbase.

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McNabb has at least 4 years left in him. What RB's and WR's that were young, which has to be under 28 by your definition of old, that we could of gotten without mortgaging more future draft picks or trading away key players we already have? Larry Johnson was not the answer. Parker was not the answer. They were hoping to get some spark out of old players which they did not get and they dumped them at little cost to the team's coffers.

We tried young WR (Banks, Austin, Armstrong) and none of them have looked worth their salt.

This is not a win now mentality.

It is the win now mentality because you have taken up roster spots.

Right now, there is a player out there not on an NFL roster that in three years AT LEAST will be a contributing player in terms of special teams and as a 3rd or 4th reciever. That player has more value, even if it means a step down in terms of play on the field NOW as compared to Galloway and Williams, to this team than Galloway and Williams.

Same thing with OLB and Andre Carter and DE and Daniels and any other of number of positions.

I'll buy the argument that you need to have some veterans around that might not contribute to keep a reasonably good team together just to be teach the young guys, be somewhat respectable, and keep McNabb safe, but as a TOTAL ROSTER, it screams of the coaches/front offices believing this team would be competitive this year.

The fact of the matter is that fans expectations for the likes of the Lions and the Rams are different than those of the likes of the Bears, the Redskins, and the Brrowns because the coaching staff/front offices of those teams sent different messages in building their rosters.

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whether its a percentage of the coaches or players, if one person underestimates the opposition; the entire team may appear that way eventually throughout the game. this has been a pattern for years. Our team/fans should never look ahead and consider a game a guaranteed win. You are only settting yourself up for disappointment. Take it one week at a time..

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whether its a percentage of the coaches or players, if one person underestimates the opposition; the entire team may appear that way eventually throughout the game. this has been a pattern for years. Our team/fans should never look ahead and consider a game a guaranteed win. You are only settting yourself up for disappointment. Take it one week at a time..

The fans can think whatever they want to. We're not playing. It's the players and coaches that shouldn't overlook anyone.

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No doubt this team was suppose to be built to win now. I'm sorry anyone who thinks this team was directed at rebuilding has got to be dreaming.

Does anyone even truly rebuild anymore... ? When was the last time you really saw a team that rebuilt over the course of several years into something really good? Even the Patriots, which everyone likes to hold up as a golden example, were 5-11 the year before winning the Super Bowl. They hovered within a game or two of .500 for a few years before that, the one real exception being the season they lost in the Super Bowl to Green Bay. It wasn't as if they went through a 3-4 year rebuilding period.

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Very true Ryman, but making comparisons like that will disappoint you as well if things arent panning out in time compared to other teams. Btw, how many other teams have switched from a 4-3 to a 3-4 this year? How well are they faring?

No one expected anything but suck from Buffalo. They're dealing with tons of outside issues, the least of which being what will happen with the team once the owner dies. They have been trying to secure that for a few years now (Federal Government and that ****ing estate tax).

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They wanted a spark so they got McNabb who they believe can play for 4-5 years

Besides that...there weren't too many draft picks and signings

So that said..I do believe they will try to build a team around McNabb. In 2-3 years we can have a good team...then we can draft a rookie QB who can either learn under McNabb or inherit a good team

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The People Who Say "Give It Time" And "Be Patient" are just making excuses.

And the people that say seasons over are being a touch overdramatic. no drama queen may be more aporpos for that. were 1-2 we lost a early season road game.... Give it time and be Paitent and thats not an excuse there people out there not robots who can just be programmed with offensive and defensive schemes give this team time to gel and good things will happen. Or just get your prozac perscription filled immediately because were probably gonna be a little bipolar on both sides of the ball until the offense and defense get it down.

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Vinny left this team a mess, the Redskins didn't have a choice but to acquire players by other means. I still believe that they are rebuilding but with the limited draft picks, what do you expect?

The OL is a bigger priority than getting a QB. Other than Bradford and Clausen, I didn't see too many available QB in the draft. Coaches saw what everyone else seen last season and came to the conclusion that Campbell is an average QB but who else are the Redskins are going to get at QB, Byron Leftwich? Redskins are still recovering from Vinny Cerrato and it's going to take a while to bounce back.

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All fans want their teams to win now and that's ok. As a fan there is no tomorrow, but if you were a coach you look at today and tomorrow and the next day. Yeah, I wish we were winning but with this "vinny" team yet, we do need to be patient.

Here lies the problem. We've been patient. We were told "be patient with Campbell" "be batient with Saunders 700 page playbook" "be patient with Spurrier" Be patient with Gibbs" "be patient with Zorn" now it's "be patient with Shanahan." I'm tired of being patient.

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I would have been patient if they cleaned house and started over with some young talent. I would have been happy with that and given them a chance to develop together. Sadly, once again, a bunch of vets were brought in to try to create an instant winner by adding said vets to a core of players who are not winners. Don't tell me to be patient when the people running this team, whoever it may have been over the years, haven't been patient themselves.

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Here lies the problem. We've been patient. We were told "be patient with Campbell" "be batient with Saunders 700 page playbook" "be patient with Spurrier" Be patient with Gibbs" "be patient with Zorn" now it's "be patient with Shanahan." I'm tired of being patient.

Then go and be a fan of the Colts because whether you want it to or not, it's going to take time for us to build a contender.

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