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The new "Angry Critical Fan" generation


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Clinton Portis is a terrible example. He hasn't had "one bad game" in fact this past weekend was his best game of the season. Clinton Portis quit on the team last year. He's been ****ing about practice and preseason since Gibbs II. Now he's sliding at the end of runs and pouting on the sidelines. The fact that Portis is still on the team is surprising because it's clear that he's got nothing left in the tank and doesn't have the mental toughness needed to extend the career of a running back.

I swear, he only made the team because we had so much invested in him, we couldn't overhaul every position, and they had to pay him anyway. I understand the rational of giving him one last shot under the circumstances, But so far the results don't look good.

Cutting him now does not help. We can only use him for the things he is good at, blocking and short yardage and hope one of the young guys with fresh legs can step up as a breakaway back.

One more reason we have no business going after VJ. We need those draft picks to fill multiple holes including running back.

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Put it this way: every Redskins fan not old enough to really remember that last Super Bowl has subsequently seen every team in the NFC, including expansion, contend for the NFC Championship, except for two teams: the Detroit Lions and the Washington Redskins.

Pretty much says it all about why we are the way we are in terms of attitudes.

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WTF has this Franchise done since Snyder bought it?? Yea that's right ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

The Barnum and Bailey show and I do agree with you. Previous generation of fans pass the torch to the next generation of fans and the fan bases' thereafter want the same success.

This neglect of quality players cannot be fixed in one season. Yesterday's game illustrated the Redskins mantra: let's get by with our star power and not team play. A team such as the Rams have been building a respectable team for several seasons since they hired their present coach. Can Snyder have enough patience to want to do the same here? A good coach will field players in game situations to see what he has in that player. Needless to say, some of our backups play as if they are still in the college ranks and don't expect average guys in the NFL to challenge them.

I expect the Skins to beat the Eagles and have another let down with a team we are suppose to dominate. Consistency is lacking and won't come about until we retool this team. Good coaches know this and try to get by with what they are dealt. Again, I hope Dan Snyder doesn't make the same mistakes he has made before with impatience.

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I agree with most of what the OP said. It's no an age issue though. After every loss, posters of all ages come on here and start a thread about how so and so player played terrible and should be cut, or how this coach hasn't been doing his job and why did we hire this guy? It's annoying as ****. Most of the people on here think that since they got a monitor in front of them they can call out fellow Skins fans and say "I've been through this and that so I'm a better, more loyal fan than you are." Who gives a **** whos a truer fan? We all love the Skins so what's the difference? I just wish people would stop thinking the sky is falling and the world is going to come to an end when we lose a game, even if it is to the Rams.

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Your post seems to imply that you, as a fan, are entitled to wins, titles and Super Bowl rings. None of that is guaranteed. It comes with hard work and effort. It may be frustrating at times, but I support my Burgundy and Gold when they are 4-12 and when they are 14-2. If routing for a team was just about wins and rings, we'd all be Steeler's fans.

That was not fair to thebluefood. He was expressing his anger in a positive way and I have to agree with him. It's easy to be critical just to be critical, but Snyder and Vinnie have ---- this franchise up. Sure, we have some star players but we have neglected the roots of any team: line play, offensively and defensively. To say you would support the B&G to the end is understood and should be applauded but we must hold the ownership to the flames in order to make this team respectable again. Overpaying for some free agents is just ridiculous and you know it. We have dispelled the draft by supplanting it with free agency. Well, it has caught up with us, not just this season but several seasons back. I believe in the youth movement as the roster should reflect. We must be patient with our newly acquired GM and HC. I believe they see our weaknesses and will address it.

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Your post seems to imply that you, as a fan, are entitled to wins, titles and Super Bowl rings. None of that is guaranteed. It comes with hard work and effort. It may be frustrating at times, but I support my Burgundy and Gold when they are 4-12 and when they are 14-2. If routing for a team was just about wins and rings, we'd all be Steeler's fans.

That was not fair to thebluefood. He was expressing his anger in a positive way and I have to agree with him. It's easy to be critical just to be critical, but Snyder and Vinnie have ---- this franchise up. Sure, we have some star players but we have neglected the roots of any team: line play, offensively and defensively. To say you would support the B&G to the end is understood and should be applauded but we must hold the ownership to the flames in order to make this team respectable again. Overpaying for some free agents is just ridiculous and you know it. We have dispelled the draft by supplanting it with free agency. Well, it has caught up with us, not just this season but several seasons back. I believe in the youth movement as the roster should reflect. We must be patient with our newly acquired GM and HC. I believe they see our weaknesses and will address it.

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this franchise is irrelevant and has been for almost 3 decades. i personally can remember when they were competitive year in and year out. most fans today (younger generation) don't remember anything about this team other than mediocrity (at best). they have the right to be critical, and be critical however they see fit. if they want to call out players, fine, everyone is entitled to their opinion. at this point i just hope they can become a competent organization at some point before i die or become disinterested...

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this franchise is irrelevant and has been for almost 3 decades. i personally can remember when they were competitive year in and year out. most fans today (younger generation) don't remember anything about this team other than mediocrity (at best). they have the right to be critical, and be critical however they see fit. if they want to call out players, fine, everyone is entitled to their opinion. at this point i just hope they can become a competent organization at some point before i die or become disinterested...

Since 1980?

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Others have already pointed out it's the internet. But it's MORE than the internet.

I'm 37. I'm not young, but I'm not exactly digging my way into the grave just yet.

When I first became a sports fan in the 80s, I only had access to locally televised games. In other sports the announcers are all homers, so you get their slanted opinion of the teams. If you wanted to know about other games/players/teams you had to watch the 3 minute segment of the nightly news, or read the boxscore in the morning newspaper and hope for the AP blurb. ESPN launched in 1979, but cable TV took quite a few years to really take hold of the general public.

And the games themselves? Were filmed with two or three cameras, and most of us watched on 19 inch TVs. Instant replay only started in the 1960s and was extremely limited compared to today.

Sports fans 25 years ago were STUPID. It wasn't our fault, but there was a total lack of information provided to us.

As ESPN and cable TV grew, more games became available to us. We could do our own comparisons of players, rather than take the word of an inebriated beat writer or color commentator. With the launch of Sunday Ticket in 1994 and the packages of other sports, we could actually watch ALL the games.

ESPN and the internet are available 24/7. If you want to argue Calvin Johnson's TD, you can do so all night long, getting multiple replays, angles, super slow-mo, viewpoints, rules quotes, etc. You can talk to Bears fans, Lions fans, sports reporters, former refs, people at the game, and anyone else who might have a different take than you on your couch.

In the 60s and 70s? You could talk to Larry from accounting at the water cooler, and your special uncle Billy who was drunk and beating his wife before the game even started. You might have been the smartest sports fan you knew, but compared to even the weakest sports fan of today, you were an ignorant savage.

Now that we have all this information, it's much easier to be critical. If you see Portis score two 1 yard TDs in a game, you might think he's good. If you see what Jahvid Best did in his first two games, you know Portis is past his prime. Acknowledging the weaknesses of your team is a sign of being a fan. Blinding yourself to the truth just because of the B&G is kinda ridiculous.

Living in denial isn't good for your regular life. Or your sports-fan life. You might be old, but you need to grow up.

Of course, all that said, the internet does allow ANYONE to speak, and having information doesn't always mean people will process it correctly. So there will be lots of stupidity floating around. But just think of it as everyone's Larry from accounting and special cousin Billy.

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No younger generation here.

You blame the scheme not the players?

Our defensive line is a stockpile of has beens, never have beens, retreads, and already got their last big contracts. Our linebacking core has some LAUGHABLE personnel on it. Not saying Haslett is a great coordinator, but seriously.

Everyone was praising our GM. Haha what a joke. Over the hill gang doesn't work anymore. We are the oldest team in the league.

You have to BUILD a 3-4 Defense from the ground up. You cannot just "convert" to it using your existing personnel.

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I truly wish they'd just walk away from this board and the Redskins. They're so predictable and suffer from a severe case of ADD. I would venture to say 95% have never played any organized sports in their lives. Do us all favor and go back to playing World of Warcraft!

Says the 48 year old man who probly hasnt moved off his couch in 30 years.. I would bet that most of the young people on this board are currently playing football

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For me I know that it's gunna take more then 1 offseason for the organization to get fixed. I've gotten over yesterday's loss, I'm focused on philthy. I'm behind the Redskins 100% and wont give up on them. My family are home grown Redskins fans, I've been a Redskins fan since I can remeber, truly bleed Burgundy and Gold!!!:eaglesuck

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What the hell do you know about it, man?

You got to see the Redskins when they were in their prime. 3 championships in a decade. Five NFC titles in 20 years. Do you know how rare that is for a team?

You know what we've had? Heath friggin' Shuler, the Squire passing away, Dan Snyder buying the team, a revolving door of washed up free agents, incompetent head coaches, and sub-par quarterbacks.

"Angry?" Damn straight I'm angry. This team is a laughing stock. I can't go anywhere with my Redskins gear without getting laughed at. To hell with that. You've got fond memories of shaking bleachers. We have the friggin' Swinging Gate.

Don't tell me how to feel. You were coming of age just when the Redskins became winners again. I'm coming of age when we lose to win less (and near win less) teams.

Exactly! The OP has his points messed up and is touching on topics too far out of football. This isn't just a new generation of "The Angry Critical" fan. This is a generation of human beings and internet and raw behavior in a world that's not exactly always sure what is the right way to act. People get upset, it happens. And when that happens nowadays and you're at home watching the game and the Redskins are sucking, who are you going to vent to? You're not going to run to grandma. You're running to this board, where there's 2,000 other people ****ing moaning at any given minute.

This team has falsely created hope through hype for years now and it's getting too much. We all had enough of it last year and some of you took it too far. Point being, it's early in the season and you all are already burning down the house. Shut the **** up and wait until we're eliminated from competition to complain this hard. We can go 1-2 throughout any point in the season without ANY of you noticing as long as we finish 10-6. But we're 2nd place in the division right now with a win over the Cowboys, and the 1st place team is an injury away from a complete and utter joke. Let's give it some time.

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I'm pushing 40 and I feel I'm a very critical fan...it's about seeing the team for what it is, not through burgundy and gold glasses. CP has been a very good player for the skins, and I had a very interesting email battle with Andy Pollin about his hate toward CP a couple of years ago, but I'll be first in line to criticize his running/falling style. Is he "a bum"? No, but I have no problems calling players I don't like bums, it's my opinion and I'll work my tail to explain why I think that way.

I commend any fan, young or old, who when they schedule comes out, doesn't start booking hotel rooms at the Super Bowl location. Some of these folks have invested a lot of time in this team, for them NOT to be critical would be lying to themselves

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Says the 48 year old man who probly hasnt moved off his couch in 30 years.. I would bet that most of the young people on this board are currently playing football

LOL You couldn't last for one work out with me. I'm still 6 foot 200 lbs; less than 5% body fat. I've been coaching for over 20 years. Coached both Adibi's, Tyrod Taylor and many others. Any day you think you can hang with this ole man just show up at the Fort Monroe Gym. I bet you tap out in less than an hour. I guarantee I bench more than you could squat :P

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Says the 48 year old man who probly hasnt moved off his couch in 30 years.. I would bet that most of the young people on this board are currently playing football
LOL You couldn't last for one work out with me. I'm still 6 foot 200 lbs; less than 5% body fat. I've been coaching for over 20 years. Coached both Adibi's, Tyrod Taylor and many others. Any day you think you can hang with this ole man just show up at the Fort Monroe Gym. I bet you tap out in less than an hour. I guarantee I bench more than you could squat :P

Now you guys are starting to sound childish. Has it come down to, "Oh yeah, well my dad can beat up your dad" posts? Come on guys.

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