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Nene did not simply pull them close. That was a muay thai plum and when he pulled Butlers head down and I thought he was going to do him like Silva did Franklin. Didn't help that he loaded up that right hand as they were getting separated either. Dude played right into what the bulls wanted and gave them a win, and reasons to feel good about getting another. If we lose this series I want Nene gone as fast as possible.

Yeah that's a great idea. Let's get rid of the best big man we've had since god knows when....

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Whoever wins game 4 wins the series imo. And that is why I am prepared to throw myself off a building if the Wizards lose. Die with honor and self respect rather than seeing the the Wiz lose after going up 2-0 on the road. 


Bushido Wizard Samurai signing off. 

Edited by Mocountyskins
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Yeah that's a great idea. Let's get rid of the best big man we've had since god knows when....


His production sucks, his contract is huge, he's always injured, and he's getting older.  Even ignoring his little bout with stupidity in game three, Nene is a contract that the Wizards need to get out of if they want to sign another major piece towards building something special. 

Edited by Destino
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Nene did not simply pull them close. That was a muay thai plum and when he pulled Butlers head down and I thought he was going to do him like Silva did Franklin. Didn't help that he loaded up that right hand as they were getting separated either. Dude played right into what the bulls wanted and gave them a win, and reasons to feel good about getting another. If we lose this series I want Nene gone as fast as possible.


That's knee jerk.  Nene didn't lose that game for us, and him getting suspended isn't going to lose the series.  Nene lost his cool but the suspension is absurd considering no blows were exchanged and no one was even remotely hurt by it.  It was a dumb interpretation of a dumb rule that needs to be changed.

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His production sucks, his contract is huge, he's always injured, and he's getting older.  Even ignoring his little bout with stupidity in game three, Nene is a contract that the Wizards need to get out of if they want to sign another major piece towards building something special.

What major piece? I mean seriously where is this major piece going to come from? Nene is one of the leagues best big men and he makes this team better. Let's not act like Grunfeld would even know how to being to replace him. This team shouldn't even consider dumping Nene and if they do they deserve to suck.

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I don't see any strike there, and even the entanglement that led to them going to the ground seemed unintentional. There was some grabbing onto each other on the ground, but that was it.

Nene forcefully moved his head through space into the head of Butler. That's a headbutt. Butler then remained contact and pushed back against Nene as Nene pushed forward, that's NOT head butting. A headbutt is a strike, even if it's not a strike with a hand. He may not have headbutted him hard. He may've not done it very forcefully. He may not have had much power behind it. But I can absolutely see why the NBA would classify it as such.

Combine the strike with the face he forcefully grabbed Butler in an offensive and purposeful manner, as opposed to what seemed like simple entanglement following a boxing out by the two in the video, which further exacerbated it.

Had he not done the headbutt, I think there would've been no suspension. If he had ONLY done the headbutt, I think it may've had a slightly better chance of not being a suspension. But when you do the headbutt, and follow it up with additional aggressive action, it's not surprising the suspension occurred.


You're trying too hard dude.  Calling what Nene did a headbutt is absurd.  There was no blow.  That's the reason Butler's head didn't move back.  And instead, Butler pushed back!


But calling that a headbutt and triggering an automatic one game suspension from it smacks of the kind of dumbass zero tolerance policy that only the stupid and/or gutless need to do their job.


Also, in that scuffle between Griffin and ZBo, Griffin clearly trips ZBo, his foot is locked between ZBo's, as he pulls him down.  Then elbows ZBo in the head.  You can't really see clearly what Zbo did in retaliation after that, but he was on top of Griffin on the ground wrestling him.


They didn't just go to the ground, Griffin took ZBo down and hit him.  Was anyone hurt?  Nope.  Should anyone have gotten suspended?  Not in my opinion.  Did anyone get suspended?  Nope.  And yet here's an instance of a player ACTUALLY taking another one down and striking him, provoking an actual wrestling match.  Not the bull**** they claimed Nene was trying to do.  So why were there no suspensions?  Or even ejections for that matter?  Because the league's enforcement of stuff like this lacks any sort of common sense and is totally capricious and because Blake Griffin is one of the league's biggest stars/draws/money-makers.

Honestly, of all people, you would think Wizards fans would be able to see what a crock of **** this situation is.  Do you all seriously not care that we're getting screwed over by the stupid enforcement of a stupid rule?

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