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Comparing Rondo to Wall is silly. Rondo gets to pass the ball to four future Hall of Famers. Surround Wall with that kind of talent and there is no way he doesn't win at least one ring. But as McD5 said if he's stuck on a bad franchise or has a string of bad luck he won't win. There have been a lot of GREAT NBA players, particularly PGs, that have never won a ring for a number of reasons. Stockton, Nash, Kidd, Payton(until he hopped on to the Heat bandwagon waaay late into his career)just to name a few. It's silly to say Wall will never win a ring when he's only 20 and just starting his career playing for a franchise that has always been fairly mediocre(although probably on the upswing now with new ownership).

The whole dad thing is just stupid. Men without father figures can't be great leaders? Tell that to Barack Obama.

Barkley too. Dr. J wouldn't have ever won one if it weren't for Moses Malone.

The dad thing was completely offensive and shows, once again, how little class the piece of **** has (TPOS is how I'll refer to him from now on). Why don't we take a look at this dramatization of his father figure during his birth:


He's contemptible. Let's treat him with contempt and ignore him.

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Yeah I just don't get the dad thing. I know a lot of kids who's dads are very successful and wealthy and they end up being spoiled pricks who **** their lives up. Actually I think if anything growing up without a father figure makes you more of a leader because you're forced into a "man of the house" position from a young age.

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Jason Kidd averages 4 rebounds a game!? Therefore you can't be a good PG if you don't average that many rebounds a game!??

Who ****ing cares? John Wall is going to be a goddamn star. If I'm a coach and my PG is doing that well at rebounding I'm not going to be happy with him I'm going to be pissed at my bigs.

Rebounding is the last goddamn thing I'm worried about with Wall. Next thing Cowherd is going to tell me is that he's not a good enough shot blocker...

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Wall just got a triple double with rebounds as one of the stats. His rebounding is fine. As for his shot blocking, Sam Cassell said Wall had a chance to lead the team in blocks this season because he's so good at it. Seeing as how Javale is a top 5 shot blocker in the league, I don't think that's likely. But the point is that Wall has the ability to become an ELITE defender and he's already leading the league in steals 6 games into his career.

Then you talk about assists and the ability to be pass first. He's fourth in the league in assists with his name inserted firmly in the middle of Jason Kidd, Chris Paul, and Deron Williams. Only his supporting cast isn't as good as any of those other guys and I'm not sure we've got a guy who can reliably nail open shots now that Arenas looks like a shell of his former self. And as someone else pointed out, Rondo gets so many assists largely because he gets to play alongside four other 20,000 point scorers who've got about 50 all star appearances between them. He's an experienced player who's playing on an experienced team filled with great players. Rondo the rookie didn't do **** though.

Finally you talk about leadership and the ability to be confrontational. How about in his FIRST summer league game when he got in McGee's face about rebounding? A fresh faced rookie in his first professional moment telling off a third year veteran is impressive. Nevermind he also led a young Kentucky team to the final four as a freshman, which is a hell of a lot more than say, Michael Jordan did his freshman year. Kevin Martin specifically said after the triple double game that (paraphrasing slightly), while you couldn't call Wall a great leader yet, the leadership ability is definitely there--implying that he'll be a great leader one day.

The only pronounced flaw in Wall's game right now is his tentative shot. His offensive repertoire shooting from the floor is still developing. That's it. But it will improve and the seeds of a good shooter are definitely there. Everything else will probably improve and be at a high level by the end of the season--his defensive awareness, his turnover rate, etc. I think the shot will be there by year two or three.

Edited by stevemcqueen1
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The only pronounced flaw in Wall's game right now is his tentative shot. His offensive repertoire shooting from the floor is still developing. That's it. But it will improve and the seeds of a good shooter are definitely there. Everything else will probably improve and be at a high level by the end of the season--his defensive awareness, his turnover rate, etc. I think the shot will be there by year two or three.

Agreed. The good thing is that there really isn't anything wrong with his form on his shot, he just tends to overthink it. You can see him hesitate at times before he pulls up, with more practice to breed confidence in the shot, it will be come more instinctual.

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Agreed. The good thing is that there really isn't anything wrong with his form on his shot, he just tends to overthink it. You can see him hesitate at times before he pulls up, with more practice to breed confidence in the shot, it will be come more instinctual.

Certainly. And he'll get more comfortable shooting off the dribble just by doing it in practice and games. All it takes is time and repetition. I think he's already an elite scorer when he attacks the rim and he's a much stronger finisher than I expected. I expected to see a skinny 20 year old kid who was more comfortable passing but he's pretty strong.

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does anyone want to organize a wizards ES trip? I got some connections inside the office for big group offerings

I'd be down for this. As long as the game isn't on a Wednesday night, I'll be able to go. We should set this up either the last week of November, the first week of December or the last week of December. Mid December kind of sucks because I'm sure a lot of us in here have final exams and other nonsense.

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I might hook someone up with a pair of Wizards tickets to the Orlando Magic game Saturday the 27th. VIP tickets behind the basket with food buffet, beer and wine all free.

You have access to the entire court including walking courtside while the play is going on :) Might be some local celebrities there that game.

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I might hook someone up with a pair of Wizards tickets to the Orlando Magic game Saturday the 27th. VIP tickets behind the basket with food buffet, beer and wine all free.

You have access to the entire court including walking courtside while the play is going on :) Might be some local celebrities there that game.

Um... I volunteer for this burden. :D

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