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I laugh at some of these mistakes. I am not sure I can blame Brooks for all of them.


No defensive intensity. If Howard can somehow be a rebounding/rim protecting beast then this team can maybe get a 6 seed. Maybe. They also will need Wall and Beal to ball out every night with random contributions from Oubre, Porter, Morris, etc.  I just don't see it though.


Times like these make me glad I live in California so I don't have to watch this travesty. The Bullets just can't win. Godspeed people, enjoy the season. I'll try to keep a little faith.

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Howard's not even on the ****ing team.  He's a ****ing clown mercenary who hasn't shown up for a single team event.  Not training camp.  Not the preseason.  Not even for the ****ing games.  The team is lying about his injury and his status with the team.  Plain and simple.  He's not there at all.  Our useless ****ing bootlicking local media doesn't even ask about him.  Doesn't ask about mistakes that Brooks makes.  Doesn't ask about mistakes that Ernie makes.  No accountability.

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7 hours ago, StillUnknown said:

dwight ain't fixing this **** people



Totes McGoats. If anything, Dwight is the type to adopt a crappy process. The hope I had for him was that this would be the situation where he would not be asked to be "the Man." Take some pressure off of him and allow him to just provide top notch support to another franchise player. However, if the team is in a tailspin, Dwight is not your get-right guy.


Next up: Marcin Gortat 

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8 hours ago, Llevron said:

I'm so disappointed in these dudes. They hurt me like the Redskins do. 

Naw, it's a different pain for me. When Snyder sees things going bad, he usually tries something. It might not work all the time, but he tries and right now the team actually looks like they are competive. Redskins have had a terrible season since 2014 and they've been (slowly (very slowly)) improving.


The Wizards... Hot ass. If it wasn't for the no-brainer drafting of the Wall and Beal, we'd be the Nets right now.


Trash Coach
Trash Bench (Not as trashy as usual though ??‍♂️
Trash GM


And all that equals a trash home crowd... Which means the Owner is trash too for not realizing any of this and letting it all continue.


I didn't even watch the game last night, I felt like this would be one of those games where either they blew them out, or the Kings would make it a long drawn out game that the Wizards find a way to lose at the end.


Losing, I can handle that. I can't handle disorganization and trash performances. 

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Just from a "team sport" perspective, you have to put this on the coach, no? I watch when they're on national tv (Im not local) so it's a pretty small view, but they just look like 5 guys going through the motions to me. No movement, no intensity/confidence? I mean, what do they practice doing all off season? Isn't it a veteran team?? I put that kinda junk on the coach.. I mean, players gotta play, but damn.. Where's the structure? Oh well, Ted gonna Ted.. Carry on. 

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1 minute ago, GoDeep81 said:

Just from a "team sport" perspective, you have to put this on the coach, no? I watch when they're on national tv (Im not local) so it's a pretty small view, but they just look like 5 guys going through the motions to me. No movement, no intensity/confidence? I mean, what do they practice doing all off season? Isn't it a veteran team?? I put that kinda junk on the coach.. I mean, players gotta play, but damn.. Where's the structure? Oh well, Ted gonna Ted.. Carry on. 



I agree that this is on the coach but I also see what you're describing on the court and I wonder if he's preaching movement but the guys aren't moving. I mean... even a mediocre coach preaches the fundamentals, right? Stay mobile, play defense, follow the setup of your drawn-up plays, etc.


He's not firing them up and he's getting out coached. They just look uninspired and suffer from a total loss of identity. Having said all that though, I also see players who talked a lot of smack in the preseason about how "everyone is sleeping on us" and now they won't wake themselves. Weird. 


It's almost as if Dwight Howard has ALREADY wrecked our chemistry. ?

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Ted is a LOSER when it comes to the Wizards. He said no excuses this year, yet he has a lame coach who doesn't take control of the team. Wall & Beal do whatever they want and Porter is just Porter. He has no real place on the team if they won't play to his strengths. We got a sorry ass GM who should have been fired after the Arenas BS. Ted doesn't care. He fakes it, but he really doesn't care. So glad I'm not a season ticket holder anymore. I'll cheer from afar, but never getting my hopes up again. Crazy that I thought this would be the only game we win on this road trip. 

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