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Good win. That game was always going to be hard.

Utah should be a playoff team in next two years, imo

Hypothetically speaking, what kind of player would ginobli be if he never played in San antonio?

probably the same player he is now except people would talk more about how careless with the ball he is.
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Funny how the world changes. When I was a kid I would grab the post at 6 am and look up scores in the Sports section with opinions by Wilbon and Kornheiser.

Now I simply read through the gamethread on a Wizards forum and get some opinion from familiar but anonymous posters and the NBA.com box scores.

I guess the sad thing is my son doesn't have a sports page to steal...

Casper Porter...

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Sorry guys, but I think the writing may be on the wall for Otto Porter.  Turning out to be a MAJOR bust.  I don't see him salvaging his career here in DC.  We're going to have a major hole at SF going into next season.  


Also...I'm happy as hell that we're finally putting together a string of wins after a very rough patch, but this may be saving Randy's (and Ernie's) job.  Ugh. 

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I'm pretty sure the biggest thing Otto needs is playing time and a regular role. 26-28 minutes every night. But I'm also becoming pretty sure he's never going to get those things with Randy Wittman. Randy is ruining the kid and holding back Beal from developing like he should.

We need a new coach to figure out how to use and develop Porter like Steve Kerr did with Harrison Barnes. Barnes was struggling and a victim of inconsistent opportunity because he was playing for a lightweight coach last season. What a difference going from awful coaching to great coaching makes.

Randy completely lost me. I have zero confidence in him and I think he's going to burn away the upside of Porter and stunt Beal and we'll be stuck fighting for four and five seeds and riding Wall into the ground every year. He needs to be fired at the end of the season. A great coach is our only chance at getting the most out of our few young guys and escaping the middle rungs of the conference.

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I don't understand how Randy and Ernie can be so depressingly stupid as to fail to realize how important it was for Porter to work out. Instead of doing everything they could to facilitate his development they've, done everything they could to block it. First off, Randy's track record with developing young players is/was abysmal. And the first thing Ernie did after picking him was give Martell Webster a four year deal? Then we tried to extend Ariza. When he cost too much, we sign Paul Pierce, who was just coming off a season where he was effective as a stretch four. And yet Randy plays him exclusively at SF. Not to mention plays a 75 year old Rasual Butler over him--the last guy to earn a roster spot. And even now they're chasing a dream of signing Durant, which would mean what for Porter?

They've never really cared about that pick or developing him. So why draft him?

Porter was a good prospect, everyone thought so at that draft. And even now he could become a good player if given any kind of opportunity. We screwed him. And I think his dad saw this coming early last season.

There is no way Randy is getting fired if we get a top 4 seed and somehow make it out of the first round.


A think a first round sweep is the only way he is fired.

I think you're probably right and it's incredibly frustrating. Nothing is going to change the fact he's an awful coach that's hindering the team. A good owner and GM would understand this and give his ass the boot this offseason. But a good owner and GM never would have hired his ass in the first place.

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Last night offers a nice little anecdote of terrible Wittman coaching:

Let's not recognize the fact that Utah is playing the best defense in the league since the AS break and that they've got a bunch of junk yard dogs on the perimeter. Let's either not pick that blatant fact up in advance scouting or let's ignore the advance scouting altogether. Let's not realize the team is sloppy and turnover prone tonight, and having trouble running basic sets. Let's not recognize the poor match ups Snyder is giving you on the court. Let's force feed the half court offense through Beal at PG. Let's play into our young player's weaknesses against bad match ups rather than his strengths!

Unbelievably stupid coaching.

Dead serious, if we didn't have Wall to bail us out, this would be a 28 win team.

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Sorry guys, but I think the writing may be on the wall for Otto Porter.  Turning out to be a MAJOR bust.  I don't see him salvaging his career here in DC.  We're going to have a major hole at SF going into next season.  


Also...I'm happy as hell that we're finally putting together a string of wins after a very rough patch, but this may be saving Randy's (and Ernie's) job.  Ugh. 


As long as Randy is here, Otto will be a bust. Randy won't allow him to play through his mistakes and as such he will only be a spot contributor on the nights his jumpshot happens to fall. I'm not ready to throw in the towel, but if Randy is going to be here, Otto is better used as a trade chip. I think Otto can play in the league, but he can't play in Wittman's "system".


It was mentioned earlier in this thread that Randy will do just well enough to save his job, allowing Ted to punt the decision one more year. Thats the way it always works out. I still remember that meaningless 6 game win streak to end the year a couple years ago that got Randy back. Still pissed about that one.

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As long as Randy is here, Otto will be a bust. Randy won't allow him to play through his mistakes and as such he will only be a spot contributor on the nights his jumpshot happens to fall. I'm not ready to throw in the towel, but if Randy is going to be here, Otto is better used as a trade chip. I think Otto can play in the league, but he can't play in Wittman's "system".


This is the sad but obvious truth. He wont work with rookies unless mandated from above ( see Beal, Bradley). Its obvious Otto has some game in him. Is he a star? No. But you need players like him on your team. Hes panning out to be exactly what we thought he would be when we drafted him; a blue chip glue guy. He can do just about everything well, and there is no reason he cant get better. Just needs the minutes. More importantly, he is the youngest on the team and is surprisingly more athletic than he looks, as he is probably the best running with Wall on the team. If EG/Randy are still here next year, he will probably be traded for a 30 year old role player like Matt Barnes in the offseason... :/


Our offense is:


1. Let Wall pass you open


2a. Late clock iso midrange

2b. Beal super high pick and roll. ( probably results in a turnover 50% of the time, and i really wish i had a stat on this).

2c. Transition Game


Durant might be the only SF in that type of offense that could have success. That is a failed system. I dont know why im arguing anymore honestly. We all already know they will both be back next year.

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This is the sad but obvious truth. He wont work with rookies unless mandated from above ( see Beal, Bradley). Its obvious Otto has some game in him. Is he a star? No. But you need players like him on your team. Hes panning out to be exactly what we thought he would be when we drafted him; a blue chip glue guy. He can do just about everything well, and there is no reason he cant get better. Just needs the minutes. More importantly, he is the youngest on the team and is surprisingly more athletic than he looks, as he is probably the best running with Wall on the team. If EG/Randy are still here next year, he will probably be traded for a 30 year old role player like Matt Barnes in the offseason... :/



I'm not sure he is panning out to be what we expected either. I wanted more than a "glue" guy with 3rd overall pick, and Otto hasn't lived up to his billing as one of the more "NBA ready" players. His 3pt jumpshot is worse than I anticipated and you really can't play the 3 in today's NBA without a 3pt shot. More troubling, and what I suspect keeps in him in Wittman's doghouse, is his lack of aggression. The guy doesn't appear to have a confrontational bone in his body, and I'm not sure thats a good thing. 3pt shooting should be the easiest fix through repetition over the summer, but the rest is a crap shoot. He can't fix aggressiveness from the bench.


He needs a new coach almost as badly as Beal.

Edited by StillUnknown
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We're so inconsistent about when/if players should get into it with trolls. lol

It's ok if it's Gortat. It wouldn't be if it were Wall or Beal. Zany eccentricity is an accepted, perhaps even expected part of being a 7 footer. What would be unforgivable is Gortat being boring. Or sucking on the court.

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Otto Porter is a bust, I am calling it. If he had. juice, he would produce. But - no juice. Just a role player, not a major contrbutor. NBA ready is a nice way of saying 7th man off the bench ready.


I'd be careful about saying this.  There are so many G-Town and Otto supporters who say how great he is going to be that it might hurt a lot of feelings in here.  Remember, he can't work his way into the line up because "we have too much talent on this team"

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