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When there are 3 seconds left, they have to put the best defenders on Westbrook and Durant regardless of the foul situation.


They didn't want to go into 2OT without Wall is probably the reason.  I doubt they thought Beal would eliminate himself from the play. 


Watch Beal on this play:



With 3.6 seconds they aren't going to pass it back court, you have to stay between your man and the basket.  Pierce was screwed because if he left Adams too early it's an easy dunk but when perimeter defenders **** the bed it's the closest guy to the rim that usually looks the worst. 

Edited by Destino
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Wow, just go back and read the last 10 pages of this thread and it's nothing but complaining about the officiating. In fact, most nights when we play, that's all I see.

Is it 100% warranted? You bet your ass it is. The NBA has been like this forever, but I get chastised all the time in here and the NBA thread for pointing out how corrupt the officiating has been.

I love my Wizards, but I just don't know how you guys can put up with watching the zebras determine the outcome every night. One of the biggest things that turned me off about the pro game.

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They didn't want to go into 2OT without Wall is probably the reason.  I doubt they thought Beal would eliminate himself from the play. 



Is Beal really the next best option? I'm asking cause I really don't watch them on TV enough.

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Burn the team down again... lets not bw happy they stuck it through and got to OT... still some learning to do.

Sorry... I still love these guys... tough night for our talented backcourt...

Burn the team down again... lets not bw happy they stuck it through and got to OT... still some learning to do.

Sorry... I still love these guys... tough night for our talented backcourt...

Burn the team down again... lets not bw happy they stuck it through and got to OT... still some learning to do.

Sorry... I still love these guys... tough night for our talented backcourt...

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Beal will get it going eventually. Remember he's still only 21. 21! He should be in his senior year in college right now.


Once Wall and Beal give us consistent star performances together we'll be lethal, kinda like what Golden State is right now with Curry/Thompson. I can't really recall the last time Wall and Beal both dominated at the same time. Seems like when one is on, the other is off.


Ultimately we lost tonight because late in the game Durant hit a crazy 3 and Westbrook made a dynamic play at the basket while our young backcourt airballed a buzzer beater and gambled and failed miserably on a steal.

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I think this team is going to have to explore some trades.  The lack of a ball handler other than Wall is a major issue and the lack of shot creation and slashing ability from the wings makes the wizards much easier to defend than they should be.  Ariza couldn't dribble left or right to save his life but he might have been better at making close out defenders pay than anyone currently on the team.... and that's sad because that dude missed layups like he was going for a record. 


Otto... don't know what to say about him.  He's a ghost and when he gets minutes he does nothing with them.  I think he might turn into something but his value as a trade piece might be bigger for us than waiting for him to develop into a solid role player.  We have a late first round pick, Otto, and maybe some bigs that we can move.  Jeff Green would have been a huge pick up for us but that ship has sailed and Memphis is much improved.

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Based on what I read in the thread...

Beal had a bad game, refs screwed us, and we only lost by 2, on a last shot... in OT. I'm not going to get mad, it's "just one lost", in January. So I'm going to try and remain calm; I have to save my anger for the playoffs. :D

Edited by MLSKINS
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Based on what I read in the thread...

Beal had a bad game, refs screwed us, and we only lost by 2, on a last shot... in OT. I'm not going to get mad, it's "just one lost", in January. So I'm going to try and remain calm; I have to save my anger for the playoffs. :D

Actually I'm not mad at all about the Wizards losing. OKC is 22-20, but this is a yearly 55+ win team. The way the game was called is the worst part. I really hope Adam Silver takes a good, long, hard look at the state of officiating in the league. It should have gotten an overhaul after the Doneghy affair, but it needs one now. It's not even a matter of missing calls or making mistakes which all officials in every sport do. It's about blatant disregard for the rules of basketball as they were written, the turning a blind eye when a guy takes 4 steps and the manipulation of the games.

These are some of the best athletes in the world. This game could be magnificent if they let the players actions and athleticism determine the outcome of the game and not a bogus Wall foul in the third quarter that gave Westbrook an "and one" when it was clear he lowered his shoulder into John's "stomach."

I laugh every time Jeff Van Gundy does a game. He just wants to literally explode on the officiating, but holds back because he doesn't want to lose his job, but he sees it. He knows. I wish Charles Barkley would come out and blast Silver and the NBA for this. They're ruining a game I once loved.

Edited by pjfootballer
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Based on what I read in the thread...

Beal had a bad game, refs screwed us, and we only lost by 2, on a last shot... in OT. I'm not going to get mad, it's "just one lost", in January. So I'm going to try and remain calm; I have to save my anger for the playoffs. :D


Not to mention, KD ascended into God Mode for a stretch in the 4th quarter

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Not to mention, KD ascended into God Mode for a stretch in the 4th quarter

He did the same thing the first game. I think he's trying to send us a message. I just don't know what it is. Hopefully it's, "You'll be getting this every night in 2016." lol

I just looked at the Box Score... He did do the exact same thing. Scored 34 both games lol

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Man, last night's loss sucked.  You all pretty much covered everything I was going to say.  Just gotta regroup and get after it.


One thing though...don't get me wrong.  I LOVE having Dre on this team.  He's been awesome from the moment he was traded here.  That being said, I feel like his age is definitely catching up with him. 


I know there is an open roster spot on this team...with the hopes that Ray Allen will sign here.  However, I think there needs to be an upgrade at the backup PG spot.  Especially if this team is serious about making a deep run in the playoffs this season.  Dre can serve as the 3rd PG, and I'm sure that his presence is invaluable to Wall, but how much better would this team be if we had a guy like Jarrett Jack backing up Wall?  I don't know if there is a package EG can put together that would entice Brooklyn, but Jack to DC makes a lot of sense. 

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The Wizards desperately need a better backup.

We also need another ball handler with athleticism on the wing.

If you look at this team, its just Wall who provides that.


Gonna be curious to see what moves EG makes at the deadline.


We have some assets (Blair/Porter/etc.)....


Don't know how it will get done, but if this team can get Jack/Gerald Green.....whoaaaaaaa boy. 

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So PJ you are souring on Basketball and Football now ?




Actually, after this Redskins season, I soured on football a lot.  Hiring Scot, firing Haz and bringing in Callahan has restored my faith a bit. I'm in a wait and see mode until we go through the combine, draft and free agency.  On a scale of 1-10 with my faith in the Redskins, I was at a 2. I'm about a 5 right now.  Halfway in between.  The team has done everything the fans have wanted this offseason with the exception of the Barry hire.  I don't care for the Barry hire, but I'm will to wait and see. I still have a disdain for the officiating in the NFL, but not nearly the level of the NBA.  The NFL needs to cut down their rule book.  I think it makes refs "too" hesitant to make the correct call.


I've been sour on the NBA for about 20 years now.  I've always followed the Bullets/Wizards during that time, but I knew we didn't have what it takes to win an NBA title.  I've been tired of the same 5-8 teams winning the championship every year and I've been tired of the officiating in the NBA for many years.  The NBA has by far been the worst of the big four sports at 2 things since 1980 (35 years): The number of teams that have appeared/won a championship and the officiating. I think both go hand in hand.

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Gonna be curious to see what moves EG makes at the deadline.


We have some assets (Blair/Porter/etc.)....


Don't know how it will get done, but if this team can get Jack/Gerald Green.....whoaaaaaaa boy.

I have a bad feeling he wont do anything.

This team NEEDs some athletes. We only have one guy that can create and get to the basket. Everything is predicated on Wall setting things up.

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