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Why Was Danny Smith Allowed To Keep A Job? The all things Danny Smith Thread(Merged & M.E.T.)


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If you pick a guy that sucks, does that not reflect on you? I'm pretty sure the special teams coach had at least SOME input in the decision to sign Cundiff.

Well, that being said youre probably correct. I guess Im still in the Dan Snyder makes all the decisions mode.

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OK, so for all of you Danny Smith fans out there... i have some fun for you this week.

as you may know or may not know or may not care, i co-host the greatest and funniest NFL podcast on planet Earth, the Bang Cartoon Radio Hour.

Click my sig below and listen!

This Friday, we have an interview fom a Columbus radio station with former Redskins punter Andy Groom. Now bear in mind he's n the radio up in Columbus talking Ohio state football, but somehow danny Smith comes into the conversation.

He gives you the inside view we all know is true.. but finally you get to hear it from one of the horses mouths.

It is pretty funny. (and for those familiar with the show, this is real, not just me doing a character.)

Now, if you've never heard our show, bear in mind it's not like other NFL podcasts you might be used to.. we're not interested in stats or giving you our impressions of the game or the team. That's been done.

We release the show on fridays,. so typically you 've heard every angle of last week's games that there is to analyze. this is a comedy show.

So if you want to hear us call Jerry Jones while he's high on ecstasy to talk about Tony Romo sits to pee throwing interceptions, well, this be the place! (episode 206,, the current one. give it a listen, damn funny!)

We also make fun of Dan Dierdorf's thpeech impediment, listen to Stehpen A Smith go nuts over the Jets... we hail some new fans (the US Paralympic Sitting Volleyball team.. go team!) and a lot more.

This week we delve into DJ Williams supplying non-human urine for his last drug test. An Ohio State QB complaining he has to go to class, (that's not why I came to college!) Tennessee buttchugging, Rich eisen describing a play using the word "face-rape"..michael Irvin impregnating everyone with reality, and of course, the piece with Andy Groom.

Click below, give episode 206 a listen, and on Friday, grab 207. You'll have fun..


Hey bang i want you to know im a huge fan of your show its awsome and cant wait to hear the next show

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It's not in there... th Groom part is in the upcoming show, 208 ..due out Friday.

My favorite part of 206 was the Sam Huff and doc walker bits.. and it's 207 with the call to Jerry jones.

I got my numbering mixed up.

Hell Ghost,, if he becomes more of a national news story, we;'ll definitely "interview him'... the way we do it.

even if by using this Groom bit i can give him an identity to our listeners, i would DEFINITELY like to call him up on the phone.

What voice would i use for Danny Smith?

Something like Popeye, maybe...

I yam what I yam.. chompchomp


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as promised, here is Bang Cartoon radio Hour 208:


This week: Faceraping with Rich Eisen, Irvin isn't Impotent, Danny Smith is finally exposed, Studying School at Ohio State, Tennessee buttchuggers, and much more!

You can click "listen now" and a small flash window will open and play the show.. you can hit 'download' and play it through whatever you want.

In the show we hear Andy Groom on the radio in Ohio talking about what a joke Smith is.

People who leve here have nothing good to say about him, more than half of the time they land out of the league. (Meaning they shouldn't have been here in the first place.. thanks to Danny's eagle eye for talent.)

People who are here have nothing BAD to say about him...

SO... given that so many who leave end up working for UPS, can we assume those who ARE here are saying the nicetiers so they can keep their job?

is it even possble?

OK, so for all of you who never listened.. beware,, it is NOT SAFE FOR WORK. We don't worry about our language.

Have fun!.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I know this is not a new talking point around here, but how can Shanahan continue to accept poor special teams play? There has already been a blocked XP and a 12 yard punt. Game after game we continue to see miscues like this. They end up costing games even though they don't show up in the final score.

Danny Smith must go.

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Banks, Rocca, and our kicking game (jury is still out on Forbath, but trending down due to a very weak leg) are all sub-par. Not sure what more someone needs to do to get fired.

You don't win games in this league, especially with a bad defense, giving up yardage and points on special teams.

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In the injury thread, someone said that there had not been a fg miss against us this year- is that true? Cause that would be pretty damning

---------- Post added October-28th-2012 at 02:14 PM ----------

3rd drop of the game

---------- Post added October-28th-2012 at 02:15 PM ----------

4th drop of the game.

Steelers are gonna score again. Edit: wrong thread

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Special teams sucks, no doubt, but that is by far the least of the things killing us.

There isn't a single player on defense stepping up, not a one. Kerrigan and Fletch are playing hard but not making plays. They can't do it alone tho..

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