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Sounds weird to say it, but is beating the Rams, the proof we need to know the culture of this team has changed?


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Wasn't the game against the Rams, our first loss in 2008. I think were were 5-0, going into that game, had the Rams at home with a showdown with the Steelers on the horizon, and it was like our team took a nap during that game. The Rams still sucked most of the game pretty much, but we let them hang around and weren't so good on offense ourself. Bulger hit a big prayer hail mary late, and the Rams kicked a FG as time expired.

This should clearly not happen to a team coached by Shanahan. If the 'Skins are the team most of us think they are, they will not go into St. Louis and lay an egg.

Pete Kendall :doh:

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Yes, making a statement by winning by 20+ would be nice. We have tended to play closer to the level of our opponents for most of the past 5+ years. However, it's still early in the season. Whether we win by 3 or 30 against the Rams, it's still only one game on the schedule. Fortunately, the NFC East does seem more up for grabs than many predicted at the beginning of the season. The team still has a long ways to go before it can be considered a legitimately good team. Just need to take advantage of opportunities and put teams away.

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This is not the biggest game so far, but this is a test for us. This will separate the men from the boys. Good football teams **** on teams like the Rams. When I see us beat the Rams 35-3, then I'll know we are for real. I will say this though, Donny5 has a history of destroying the Rams on a yearly basis.

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My expectations for this season isn't that high although the schedule does scream 11-5, I do feel that the Redskins will have a few mishaps that will cost them the game much like yesterday. McNabb alone can give this team a few blowouts. It would really help if the team can run the ball to take time off the clock so a offense doesn't have opportunities to score. We may be playing the Rams this Sunday but Bradford has made some good plays in the last 2 weeks.

The Redskins schedule always sucks. We get the teams that were bad LAST year..

But I expect something like Redskins 31-16

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Beating the Rams 35-10 will show that this is a totally different team

This. If they don't show up and put TD's on the board, get defensive stops, or just look completely sloppy I think it's safe to say this team could have some even bigger issues. They beat Dallas in the opener (a team no one thought they'd beat) and hung right with the Texans until the very end. It's time for them to put out a dominant performance for an entire game and looking at the schedule the Rams look to be our weakest opponents this year. This game will be telling.

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Well put it this way...if the team lost to the Rams and beat the Packers or the Colts...would that say more or less?

Quite frankly...I can't wait until Week 5. I wanna bring it to the Packers...that's our test

I don't agree with the others that the team has to beat them to a pulp to prove something. I hate underestimating teams...I watch other teams all the time and know that even bad teams can put up a fight against good teams. If people bash our team after next week it'll say more about the bashers than the team...

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The answer to the thread question IMHO is no. Donovan McNabb alone should beat the St.Louis Rams. We owe them for a key loss last season. They have a rookie QB and no big threat WRs. They don't have a threatening defense despite having a good defensive head coach.

This is not a statement game. It's a trap game. Don't sleep. Focus and roll.

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I completely agree. I was actually talking about the same thing with my roommate earlier. The Redskins must prove that they are a good football team and yesterday wasn't a fluke. They need the offense to show up again. McNabb needs to tear the Rams' secondary apart. I hope that happens. But I definitely agree, next Sunday will give us a real feeling for how this team will perform the rest of the season.

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I just want a solid win. This isn't the BCS where we need " style points". People around here act like we went 14-2 last year, and that teams like the Rams shouldn't be on the same field with us. Come off it. The W is all that matters, period. I will think things have changed if we have a winning record and make the playoffs, not whether or not we win every game by 3 TD's.

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I would answer "yes" to your title if we beat the Rams SOUNDLY. Last year we would have been favored, too, but would have lost (remember the Lions game?). If we play the way we played this past week we should destroy them. Good teams never lose to bad teams. We'll find out what we are this week.

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And what if we lose to the rams?


(I don't think we will though. I'm just wondering...lol)

The first reaction will be something like this.


Once the shock is over, the next stage will develop to this. Anger. The posters will hit up ES in a fit of rage.


Lastly, it will end up with either one of these two scenarios.

Attack any and all individuals who could have possibly contributed to the loss. Hell, they'll even make up a few along the way. Not even the towel boys are safe after a loss.


...or they'll simply stick with the norm which is to drive the Redskins fan car right off a cliff to its impending doom.


Yup, we're as rational as can be about losses around these parts.

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It is far too early to be looking at "statement games" and "culture changes." After three games.......really?

Can this team string together a couple of back-to-back winning SEASONS, which it hasn't done since Norv, before we claim that the culture has changed?

Hail!! A 1-1 start w/shakey personell on both sides of the ball and were looking at beating the Rams as a culture changing game?? :doh:

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OMG, just read the last page.. The "swinging cactus" has got to be a new inside joke for ES!!! Cant wait to use it next week during the game and see if anyone gets it! :ols: (Well, hopefully I wont have to, but Im sure at some point I'll be able to post "No FN way!! Im about to start swingin a cactus!!!" ) :doh1: :rotflmao:

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