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Sounds weird to say it, but is beating the Rams, the proof we need to know the culture of this team has changed?


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Agree with this, heck I recall going on the Redskins lunch radio show at the time and asking Gibbs about this which was Gibbs liked to say that successful teams deal well with both prosperity and adversity -- I spit that line back at him and said the Redskins don't seem to deal well with prosperity and tend to get upset by weak teams after they get on a roll. The same seemed true for Zorn's run. They tend to struggle against bad teams especially at home. Maybe its good this one is on the road.

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Anyone who thinks Shanny will not prepare the team for the Rams, and that we run the risk of being overconfident, is underestimating his HC capabilities. We won't be "playing down" to them this coming Sunday.

Whether or not we have the team to rout them is another question. I'm in wait and see mode, with a side of very hopeful.

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I just want a solid win. This isn't the BCS where we need " style points". People around here act like we went 14-2 last year, and that teams like the Rams shouldn't be on the same field with us. Come off it. The W is all that matters, period. I will think things have changed if we have a winning record and make the playoffs, not whether or not we win every game by 3 TD's.

You are correct that "style points" count for nothing in the NFL, however, I think that crushing a (hopefully) inferior foe provides a major boost of confidence to the team and to the fan base. Confidence is incredibly important in a sport where the difference in talent from the best team to the worst one isn't vastly different. The teams that are in the hunt year in and year out are those teams who believe that they have a shot in every game no matter who they are playing.

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Agreed. It needs to be a complete gutting. One of those games where we don't ever take our foot off the accelerator.

That's something the 'Skins have lacked in recent years. They can't bring themselves to crush the opponent's neck while they're down. They always show mercy and let them go.


Man I hated Belichick for running the score up against us in 07 but I couldn't help but think how awesome that would be to do to another team.

We really need to show no mercy out there.

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Simple answer: Yes. In the past 19 years and especially in the past decade this game against the Rams is one which this team would go to and flatline. We would either barely beat a horrible team and play just as poorly and sloppy as they do, or we would play poorly, sloppy, and lose in the last seconds of the game. If the culture of this team has changed, we will come out and score on our first couple of possessions, get a good lead going, and sit back on defense and take it to them. We should pick off Bradford. We should rattle him and generate pressure. We should contain their running game. We should be able to pass on them with ease. We should be able to run on them. We'll see what this team is really made of...they have played well in two games that everyone felt they shouldn't easily win. Now they have a game that everyone feels they should easily win. They know what they gotta do.

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We shouldn't make beating the Rams with a rookie QB a "statement" game.

We went 4-12 last year for ***** sake. Let's just win first then worry about style points.

Personally, yeah we should win by two touchdowns but if you've been a fan long enough you KNOW next Sunday is going to be like passing a kidney stone no matter what the culture is.

If Sam Bradford isn't lining up under center down 3 with 2:00 minutes to go then I just don't know this team.

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We shouldn't make beating the Rams with a rookie QB a "statement" game.

We went 4-12 last year for ***** sake. Let's just win first then worry about style points.

Personally, yeah we should win by two touchdowns but if you've been a fan long enough you KNOW next Sunday is going to be like passing a kidney stone no matter what the culture is.

If Sam Bradford isn't lining up under center down 3 with 2:00 minutes to go then I just don't know this team.

While I agree that we can all predict what this team can do week to week, eventually we'll have to break this pattern. I'm hoping this is the week. Jeez, when we went up 27-10, the first thing out of my mouth was, "you watch, the Texans will come down the field easy as pie and score 7." I'm tired of being Nostradamus.

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For awhile there on Sunday, I thought the 'Skins were going to be a 2-0 and was worried the game at St. Louis might be a "trap" game for a 'Skins team riding high.

At 1-1, after a gut-punching loss, the Rams game should represent an opportunity for a superior football team to unleash all the anger & frustration from the previous week on a mediocre team.

In the past, under Zorn, and even under Gibbs v.2, this was not a characteristic of our team. We would play down to the competition. We would step up for bigger opponents, and decide to look hapless against the league's worse teams. Under Zorn if we are in this same spot. We either lose this game against the Rams, or we win 9-6, barely holding the Rams off on a final drive in the 4th quarter. Never scoring a TD ourselves.

To me this week in St. Louis should be the first big step in proving our team really has changed. That they really are ready to beat teams they should beat.

90% of the experts expected us to be 0-2 right now. However, I am sure most of them will be picking us this week in St. Louis. This is the exact spot where in the past, our team has faltered and not taken advantage of the situation.

I hope this week we see the Shanahan effect in action as he makes sure the team is up and ready to NOT play down to the competition, and continue to play "Redskins football"


I won't say it's the proof but it is a win on our record for this season. We need to treat it just like we do with every game we play. Go out there with a good scheme, score as many points as we can, however we can, and win the game. I want to be 2-1 on Sunday. Not 1-2. We should have taken the Texans game but I will admitt that mistakes happen. The team showed that they will make anyone earn their wins when they play us. St. Louis will probably be the same way. Good start, Rams come back and score, and it leaves everyone hanging on the edge of their seats during the 4th quarter. It will be a good game. I want to see what our defense is going to do to Sam Bradford.

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I know we think we should blow them out, but most of us had those same thoughts last year:


If we can actually dominate an opponent for an entire 60 minutes, I'll become very bullish on this team. Even if it was just the Rams.

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I know we think we should blow them out, but most of us had those same thoughts last year:


If we can actually dominate an opponent for an entire 60 minutes, I'll become very bullish on this team. Even if it was just the Rams.

I'm not looking for a blow out. I will take a win by a field goal if we have to. The goal is to get the lead and not let them catch up. Last week, we had good lead and then we let them score. We don't want that to happen this Sunday. I said in another thread, that our key is conserving clock time and staying away from the FS. We don't want to throw too many long ones up the middle find out their playing in a sneaky zone coverage. The FS is expected to play a major role in this game, we the goal is to keep him way in the back and work our way up the side line. Depending on how their defense is set up, we can work them on a strong pitch or some screens. Chad Simpson should play a good role in this game and I don't just mean special teams. If we can use him on a good post, then use him. If we can use him on a good screen then use him. Shanahan wanted to improve the run game, well now we got another weapon.

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The first reaction will be something like this.


Once the shock is over, the next stage will develop to this. Anger. The posters will hit up ES in a fit of rage.


Lastly, it will end up with either one of these two scenarios.

Attack any and all individuals who could have possibly contributed to the loss. Hell, they'll even make up a few along the way. Not even the towel boys are safe after a loss.


...or they'll simply stick with the norm which is to drive the Redskins fan car right off a cliff to its impending doom.


Yup, we're as rational as can be about losses around these parts.

Judging by these threads, I was dead on the money.

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