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HP: Glenn Beck Rally Attendees Warned Of Dangers Of DC Metro


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Don't worry about Bang. I doubt seriously he has any mod actions. His first shouldn't hurt him too much. :ols:

:cheers: Bangster

:ols: Sorry for straying off topic.

I've taken a seven day vacation before.. i got mad and told someone to ... well,, work their orbicular muscles upon my sphincter, thereby creating mass vaccuous pressure.

In this case,, hey, hate is a strong word. It has definite meaning. And when you CAPITALIZE it and make sure it is known that hatred comes from every FIBER of your BEING, well, that only deserves one response as far as I'm concerned.

And I'm not even a liberal!


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:ols: Sorry for straying off topic.

I've taken a seven day vacation before.. i got mad and told someone to ... well,, work their orbicular muscles upon my sphincter, thereby creating mass vaccuous pressure.


In this case,, hey, hate is a strong word. It has definite meaning. And when you CAPITALIZE it and make sure it is known that hatred comes from every FIBER of your BEING, well, that only deserves one response as far as I'm concerned.

And I'm not even a liberal!


My mom still corrects me to this day, if I say the word "hate" in her presence. Even now, I can hear her sing-song "strongly dislike" echoing around in my hollow skull. :ols:

I'd say don't let it get to you, but that would be hypocritical. My sig bears the names of people who've gotten extended vacations after I've had knock-down, drag-outs with them. I just hope the mods don't get around to noticing the one consistent factor in those incidents. :pfft:

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Do you think the black people and the gays are going to come out of their enclaves?

I'd say that's a certainty with Sharpton planning a counter protest to Beck's.

I'm hoping the two sides meet in "sprited debate" right in the center of the reflecting pool.

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I got a flyer on my door as well as an email from the Green Party about a rally at the Anne Arundel Community College being put on by politician Carl Snowden as a counter to Beck's. Snowden basically calls Beck a bigot over and over again.

I find the whole thing rather hypocritical.

I'm no Beck fan but I know he struggled with alcoholism for many years. He admits to it quit often and always encourages people to get help. As of a few months ago, Snowden is on his THIRD DUI and he's so politically connected that he'll likely get it swept under the rug just like the other 2.

Snowden has even been on tape saying racist drivel yet he keeps getting to remain in politics. He was even saying racists **** in a documentary put out a few years ago.

So yeah, everyone freak out about a bunch of people rallying in DC to exercise their rights to assemble... while this crooked racist, politician continues to spew hatred. It's cool, really.

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Sounds like Snowden is a jerk, but what does an accusation of racism have to do with alcoholism?

Re-read it, and if Snowden is a racist and an idiot who keeps driving while drunk, he ought to be drummed out. Kettle shouldn't call the pot black. (Is the kettle and pot analogy considered racist these days?)

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So yeah, everyone freak out about a bunch of people rallying in DC to exercise their rights to assemble... while this crooked racist, politician continues to spew hatred. It's cool, really.

Observing that it appears that what we have, here, is a situation in which two crooked, racist, politicians are exercising their First Amendment rights to spew hatred.

I'm puzzled as to why you've chosen such vastly different ways to describe one of them, as opposed to the way you describe the other.

Couldn't possibly be the fact that they're from two different political parties, could it?

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Glenn Beck is a politician?

Not an elected one, but yes, I think you could identify him as a politician without too many ethical issues. He certainly stumps on issues, canvases with a party, has a legislative agenda, and plays politics all the time.

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Glenn Beck is a politician?

Glenn Beck does not have anything to do with politics?

No, Glenn Beck does not currently hold elective office.

Neither does the Chairman of the RNC. Is he a politician? Is Sarah Palin?

Is the subject of this thread, the fact that Glenn Beck is holding a political rally in Washington DC, for his political supporters?


Do you have any other response to my observation, other than to attempt to focus on one word in it, and attempt to argue about which definition of that word you'd prefer to use?

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